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Another question for BTDT moms re:Potty Training!

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

2509 total posts


Another question for BTDT moms re:Potty Training!

I am wondering if I can train both my sons at once....

My younger is 18 months, and big bro is a month shy of 2 1/2 Is this possible???

Also- Is 18 months too young to start? Any tips? TIA!Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/07 9:27 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Another question for BTDT moms re:Potty Training!

Most reports/studies/experiences I've read about say that 18 months is the absolute earliest you can even think of trying, since they don't have the muscle control until around then, so 18 months is too early, IMO. However, if you work on your older DC, often the younger one will want to imitate the older, so you may get both trained without even trying....

Posted 7/20/07 8:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: Another question for BTDT moms re:Potty Training!

I don't think you will be as successful with your 18 month old. But I would definately include him in the process more for an introduction/learning experience, but focus on the 2 year old.

I tried with Jack around 20 months becasue he started to show signs of readiness, but obviously didn't work becasue we are trying it again at 2 1/2. They physically don't have the muscle control and recognition of having to go the the bathroom at that young age.

Posted 7/20/07 9:31 AM

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