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Love my Boys!
Member since 12/05 4648 total posts
any advice or experiences with having another child
my ds will be 23 months old when baby #2 comes. he is such a handful these days that i'm slowly getting more and more scared that it will be impossible to handle a very active toddler with special needs and a newborn.
anyone with 2 or more kids have any advice?
Posted 11/6/08 11:32 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: any advice or experiences with having another child
Honestly it's no different than with a "typical" child..
You will all adjust. It might be tough in the beginning but once you get into a routine things will get easier.
I would probably prepare myself for some regression issues. If you are in the boat like I was with a ton of doctors appointments maybe get all your ducks in a row before the baby arrives....or if you are due for any evals etc.
Maybe make sure you have a sling or a bjorn too....
Posted 11/7/08 8:10 AM |
Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05 1989 total posts
Name: Lea
Re: any advice or experiences with having another child
Cole and Brady are 2 1/2 years apart .... Honestly, having Brady was the absoulute best thing we could have ever done for Cole. We did experience a little bit of regression, but I can attribute a lot of that to a huge change in schedule and my not having full attention to give him. A newborn in hte house was actually very calming to Cole. He learned to be gentle and was just instinctively quiet with Brady. (That was then, now a year later they like to wrestle and there is NO calmness!)
Posted 11/8/08 4:36 PM |
My Girl

Member since 7/06 3395 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: any advice or experiences with having another child
I am knee-deep in this situation right now..
Ava was 4 years and 2 months when Brody was born 8 weeks ago.
She is sooooooo hard that it took us 3 years to decide to have another.
Things are really rough right now, but it was before the baby came, so I don't think it is any worse.
I will get through this and so will you.
Posted 11/8/08 8:48 PM |
Re: any advice or experiences with having another child
Ryan was 19 months when Erin was born, so he didn't have any issues at that time since he was so little, and just accepted her and didn't remember the time before she arrived.
I do feel that having Erin has helped in learning to be gentle (although lately, he is not doing so well with that) with a baby, and to share his things, etc. He had to learn that it's not all about him, which is was for so long.
Sometimes, he is rough with her, but not aggresively, it's because he is excited that she is there. We just keep telling him sternly he can't do that, and have to use time outs sometimes if he doesn't stop. This is the only issue that I have faced thus far, and it drives me mad sometimes. Trying to keep our patience can be the hardest thing.
Posted 11/8/08 9:18 PM |
Love my Boys!
Member since 12/05 4648 total posts
Re: any advice or experiences with having another child
thank you all so much for you insights and sharing your feelings! i am super nervous about how josh will take this. he is the center of our universe (my husband and i share a 2 family house with my parents so he is always the main focus.)
i'm also concerbed b/c he has been biting a lot. i don't know if it is a sensory thing, his teething (which is so bad now) a behavioral phase or just a combo of all three. but it is really bad and he's almost broken skin several times. i'd die if he bit the baby.
i guess we'll see.
Posted 11/8/08 11:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/07 982 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: any advice or experiences with having another child
Posted by LoveBeingMrsT
thank you all so much for you insights and sharing your feelings! i am super nervous about how josh will take this. he is the center of our universe (my husband and i share a 2 family house with my parents so he is always the main focus.)
i'm also concerbed b/c he has been biting a lot. i don't know if it is a sensory thing, his teething (which is so bad now) a behavioral phase or just a combo of all three. but it is really bad and he's almost broken skin several times. i'd die if he bit the baby.
i guess we'll see.
Can I make a suggestion, Let me start by saying i'm not a mother but I work with all types of special needs children on the spectrum. Considering the age, the biting can be any of those or just an negative attention (behavioral) which will pass. I know that we as humans when bit go to pull away but it's been recommended to push into the bite because it's more uncomfortable (sensory) and turns them off from doing it. Not saying it's a gurantee but as a behavioral therapist I know that it helps. Sensory is a big issue but even kids w/ "special needs" know what they are doing alot of the time. Also just saying in a firm tone NO and engaging him in something else immediately. Sometimes to focus on the negative behaviors when there happening make them worse. I hope I was somewhat helpful to you.
Posted 11/9/08 11:48 PM |