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Please help I need advice about my high maintenance child!

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God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Please help I need advice about my high maintenance child!

I don't know if this is normal or if I have failed miserably as a mother so far or if my son is just supremely spoiled, but my precious one month old son demands to be held all day. And all night.

He can't fall asleep without falling asleep in your arms, then when you move him to the bassinet or swing or bouncy or crib, he hates it and just grunts or cries. I know he's too little to let him "cry it out" but we can no longer live our lives carrying around an infant 24/7, it's really taking its toll.

Any advice PLEASE??????????

Posted 12/17/06 12:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Please help I need advice about my high maintenance child!

My son was like that until he learned to crawl. It has nothing to do with you, or what you have done right or wrong...this is just who he is. For me, my boy was a very intense baby who wanted to be held almost every minute he was awake. My advice is to hold him. Get yourself a good sling, not a bjorn, but a proper babywearing sling, and maybe a good playmat. I had a fisher price one with a mirror underneath, that kept him busy for a while. Once he hits around 4 months, you could put him in an exersaucer...that was a good thing for us.

He will grow out of this, but he will only be a tiny baby for a really short period of time, so just hold him and enjoy it!

Posted 12/17/06 1:18 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: Please help I need advice about my high maintenance child!

I co-sleepChat Icon

Posted 12/17/06 1:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

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Re: Please help I need advice about my high maintenance child!

Posted by racheeeee

My son was like that until he learned to crawl. It has nothing to do with you, or what you have done right or wrong...this is just who he is. For me, my boy was a very intense baby who wanted to be held almost every minute he was awake. My advice is to hold him. Get yourself a good sling, not a bjorn, but a proper babywearing sling, and maybe a good playmat. I had a fisher price one with a mirror underneath, that kept him busy for a while. Once he hits around 4 months, you could put him in an exersaucer...that was a good thing for us.

He will grow out of this, but he will only be a tiny baby for a really short period of time, so just hold him and enjoy it!

I agree. My son was the same way and would nap on me for hours on end but really only wanted to be held and would not sleep anywhere else. A lot of babies are like this. It will get much better once he gets older!!! Now at 8 1/2 months old my son will never let me hold him for long and wants to crawling and playing for a long time. As hard as it was holding him all the time, I miss it now. Enjoy it while you can!

Posted 12/17/06 1:53 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Please help I need advice about my high maintenance child!

samantha was the same way - only slept during the day in mommy's arms (not even daddy'S! Chat Icon ) but the last week or so she finally does take mini naps in her bouncy seat, swing or (rarely but did for 5 mins the other day and it was a record for daytime!) in the basinet! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/17/06 2:06 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Please help I need advice about my high maintenance child!

Posted by ChilisWife

I know he's too little to let him "cry it out" but we can no longer live our lives carrying around an infant 24/7, it's really taking its toll.

Any advice PLEASE??????????

My only advice is to remember that this is your life for now, and it won't be forever. Its just a stage that you have to get through. If you need a break, recruit family or hire help, you won't change the baby except by letting time pass.

Posted 12/17/06 3:03 PM

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