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Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

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LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

927 total posts


Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Let me just begin by saying that I absolutely love to look at the pictures everyone post of their DC, if their is a post with baby pics I am sure to open it up. So I am not sure why I feel this way but I feel weird or apprehensive about putting DS pic on the internet. I think its because I feel like once I put it on the internet there is no taking it off, its "floating" around it the internet forever KNWIM. I ask DH how he feels and he is really not for it either.

But the thing is I woudl love, love to share DS pics with all the ladies on here. Am I weird or what, anyone else have reservations about postign Pics??

Is it possible ot post some pics on a post and then take them down???

Posted 10/26/07 10:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

well based on all the pics I post, I can answer that NO, I do not feel wierd about posting them. I cannot explain why, I just don't Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/07 10:20 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by Sunrise813

Is it possible ot post some pics on a post and then take them down???

yes, you can post pics and leave them up for a bit and then edit your post and remove them Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/07 10:20 AM


Member since 8/07

1962 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

no i dont feel strange posting pics i feel its no different than if my child was modelling and had all his pics posted through out stores all through America.

it is a personal choice though and if you dont feel comfortable doing it then i wouldnt.

one thing i do though is after a while i go back and delete all the pics ive posted just so they arent there for long.

Posted 10/26/07 10:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

927 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by babybugsmum

it is a personal choice though and if you dont feel comfortable doing it then i wouldnt.

That's the thing, I really want to share pics with everyone on here, just not the whole internet world.

Posted 10/26/07 10:25 AM

Beyond Compare

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Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

No - but I do not post any pics of him naked where you can see his little boy parts. I have always felt weird about I make sure that it is not visible at all.

I don't post pics of my neices and nephew since they aren't my children and I want to respect their privacy. I never asked my SIL about it...just decided against it from the start.

Posted 10/26/07 10:25 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

927 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by Ang-Rich

No - but I do not post any pics of him naked where you can see his little boy parts. I have always felt weird about I make sure that it is not visible at all.

Oh totally agree.

Posted 10/26/07 10:29 AM

Growing up fast!

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Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by Sunrise813

Let me just begin by saying that I absolutely love to look at the pictures everyone post of their DC, if their is a post with baby pics I am sure to open it up. So I am not sure why I feel this way but I feel weird or apprehensive about putting DS pic on the internet. I think its because I feel like once I put it on the internet there is no taking it off, its "floating" around it the internet forever KNWIM. I ask DH how he feels and he is really not for it either.

But the thing is I woudl love, love to share DS pics with all the ladies on here. Am I weird or what, anyone else have reservations about postign Pics??

Is it possible ot post some pics on a post and then take them down???

I agree. I just recently posted one pic of DD after being on this site for 6 months. I will probably go back and edit her picture out. It's tough though b/c as you see all these adorable pics and want to share also. I LOVE looking at everyone's cuties!!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/07 10:49 AM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

i have never posted pics of my ds and dd. and i would love too. it just makes me too nervous. but i have fmd them to my firends on this site.

Posted 10/26/07 10:51 AM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

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Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

I feel the same as you.. When i was in the pregnancy chats i was all excitted to be able to post pics.. now that i can i dont lol.. Plus my DH asked me that I do not post any pics of DD on computer. He is afraid someone will do something to pic that isnt nice and afraid of people knowing too much info about her.

Posted 10/26/07 10:54 AM

Mom to two boys :)

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(pronounced Yola)

Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by Sunrise813

I feel like once I put it on the internet there is no taking it off, its "floating" around it the internet forever

This is how I feel... I know we have lurkers... Also just scared someone will save one of my pictures and do who knows what with them..

I have posted a few pics of my DS on here but then taken them down couple hours later.

I guess Im not that scared since I do post pics of him in my avatar.

Posted 10/26/07 11:00 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

I have been doing it since day one and have no worriesChat Icon

But you can put them up for a little while and then take them down. Just edit your original post.

Posted 10/26/07 11:04 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Obviously from the amount of photos I have on the site, I don't have a problem with it.

Every so often I do go back & delete photos but in the end, you are right. Once they're posted, they are out there for anyone to claim that he's their baby on another website, etc.

I supposed you could use a small photo in your avatar if you really felt the need to share.

Posted 10/26/07 11:05 AM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Maybe this is something that Ron could do about the pictures that we post. Some websites don't allow you to right click and save a picture. This could be something he could do on this website. At least, if someone is lurking, they can't save the pics on their computer.

Posted 10/26/07 11:05 AM


Member since 10/06

4891 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

I was just going to say, can't they take the option to right click off the site?

I know that alot of sites have that option.... I think its important..

I also think its everyones own personal opinion what to do, but its a sharing website.. I think it shouldn't be PUBLIC..
like the relationship board. the parenting board should be blocked..

Posted 10/26/07 11:07 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

927 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by Stefanie

Maybe this is something that Ron could do about the pictures that we post. Some websites don't allow you to right click and save a picture. This could be something he could do on this website. At least, if someone is lurking, they can't save the pics on their computer.

This sounds like a great idea!!

Posted 10/26/07 11:09 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

I think we should write to Ron and let him know about the right click option!!!

Posted 10/26/07 11:11 AM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by Theresa05

I was just going to say, can't they take the option to right click off the site?

I know that alot of sites have that option.... I think its important..

I also think its everyones own personal opinion what to do, but its a sharing website.. I think it shouldn't be PUBLIC..
like the relationship board. the parenting board should be blocked..

what good ideas. Are these things that can be done? I posted pics of DD when she was a month and 2 mths old and then stopped, I got nervous with all of the lurkers and such....

Posted 10/26/07 11:11 AM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by Stefanie

Maybe this is something that Ron could do about the pictures that we post. Some websites don't allow you to right click and save a picture. This could be something he could do on this website. At least, if someone is lurking, they can't save the pics on their computer.

There are ways around that like the "print screen" button on the keyboard.

I have no issues with posting pics. I take them off the site after a while, but I really see posting a pic as no different then someone seeing my children and myself in the grocery store or at the mall.

Posted 10/26/07 11:12 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

I don't have a problem with it. The way I figure it, I don't post our last name or address, so I'm really not able to be identified. If somebody copies a pic of my DD, what is going to happen? I don't see that anything can. If I'm wrong, somebody please tell me so I know to be more careful. I just never really thought twice about it.

Posted 10/26/07 11:13 AM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

I posted a new topic so Ron could see it and get all the other moms involved who didn't see this post.Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/07 11:16 AM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

I've experienced cyber-stalking first hand while pg with my DC's.

I have proof as my DH's company has software that allows you to trace hits from the company's website back to the original computer (cookies, etc) that searched. They use it for marketing to potential customers.

W/o going into too much detail he has proof that several people were looking for info on me a few months before I gave birth. In their search they clicked on one of his company's sites. If they do it again, I will persue it.

For that reason, and a few others, I have only posted pics of my DC's a couple of times and NEVER, EVER their names due to the possibility of identity theft. It has happened to people out there. One of the reasons why my IRL friends were shocked when I posted pics of them a few weeks ago.

I will never post their daycare center or where we will be at a certain place or time (unless DH is with me and it's a very large GTG)... there are way too many sickos out there and you never know who is lurking.

You can call me paranoid but after what happened several months ago you might feel the same way.Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/07 11:16 AM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Maybe this is something that Ron could do about the pictures that we post. Some websites don't allow you to right click and save a picture. This could be something he could do on this website. At least, if someone is lurking, they can't save the pics on their computer.

This is a great idea!!!

I post pictures of DS and I don't really have a problem doing it. I feel like we can't "hide" our children. I take him out in me there is no difference. I dont post my address on here or his full name so I don't see there being a problem. To be honest, I am more worried about taking my baby out shopping with me these days with all these crazy people trying to steal kids out of a supermarket.

Posted 10/26/07 11:19 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

I've experienced cyber-stalking first hand while pg with my DC's.

I have proof as my DH's company has software that allows you to trace hits from the company's website back to the original computer (cookies, etc) that searched. They use it for marketing to potential customers.

W/o going into too much detail he has proof that several people were looking for info on me a few months before I gave birth. In their search they clicked on one of his company's sites. If they do it again, I will persue it.

For that reason, and a few others, I have only posted pics of my DC's a couple of times and NEVER, EVER their names due to the possibility of identity theft. It has happened to people out there. One of the reasons why my IRL friends were shocked when I posted pics of them a few weeks ago.

I will never post their daycare center or where we will be at a certain place or time (unless DH is with me and it's a very large GTG)... there are way too many sickos out there and you never know who is lurking.

You can call me paranoid but after what happened several months ago you might feel the same way.Chat Icon

Wow how horrible Chat Icon I do not post pics here but I do FM them to my friends and have a private myspace page that I talk to alot of the girls from here on.

Posted 10/26/07 11:19 AM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Any one feel "weird" about postign pics of DC??

Posted by BabySammie

I feel the same as you.. When i was in the pregnancy chats i was all excitted to be able to post pics.. now that i can i dont lol.. Plus my DH asked me that I do not post any pics of DD on computer. He is afraid someone will do something to pic that isnt nice and afraid of people knowing too much info about her.

I felt the same way too, I couldn't wait. And now I don't either. I just don't like the idea of people - who I do not know - looking at my children. Creeps me out.

Posted 10/26/07 11:20 AM
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