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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 2697 total posts
Name: Christina
Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
Where did the summer go? It flew by. I am so not looking forward to going back to school. I loved all the quality time I got to spend with Emma over the summer, and she is such a little person now. Doing new things and making me laugh everyday. However, I am working so she can have the best of everything. I am lucky that I have a job where I know I'll get holidays and summers off. Plus my mom is a godsend because she watches Emma everyday so I know she is in good hands. It'll just be an adjustment once again. I just wanted to say I'll be thinking about all other moms that are in the same boat as me.
Posted 8/29/08 10:14 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 8/07 120 total posts
Name: R
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
I'm going back after being home with DD since she was born in April. I have had such a great summer with her and DH, who is also a teacher.
I know it will be hard, but I have also known from the start that I would have to go back, so I have been preparing myself. She is going to a home in the town I teach with a wonderful mom who watched my friends DD for 5 years.
Still, next week is not going to be easy
Posted 8/29/08 10:21 PM |
I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05 6905 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
Devastated does not even begin to describe how I feel leaving my son and my daughter.
Posted 8/29/08 10:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
I've been home since Jan 07. I was very fortunate to have that much time off but I swear, it seems like it was a couple of weeks.
They've been at daycare for a while now and love it and I love their teacher.
It's just the over 50 mile commute each day, a DH who travels for business for many days at a time and my responsibilities to my dad (who is disabled, I'm his power of attorney), plus a FT job and two DC's under two...
That's what's making me say... Pfffffffft to it all
I am prepped out completely in one of my courses ... every test, every ditto, every power point presentation until Jan
I'm prepping my College Eco right now and realizing the brain cells I've lost
All I know is after 13 years of teaching and killing myself, prepping and grading several hours every night, my FAMILY now comes first above EVERYTHING else!!! I'm out that door at 2:20.
Posted 8/29/08 10:28 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/06 635 total posts
Name: Jaclyn
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
The summer did fly by. Today was hard for me b/c it was our last mommy and daughter day spent completely together until I have a day off. I love my job but hate it at the same time. I'm bringing DD to a woman's house in town. This will be the first time dropping her off somewhere that is not family. I think the anticipation of going back is the worst. for next week!
Posted 8/29/08 10:52 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 135 total posts
Name: Elisa
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
I am getting myself sick at the thought of leaving my boys........Y can't I win the lottery!!
Posted 8/29/08 11:21 PM |
I love this boy!

Member since 4/07 3372 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
as bittersweet as it is to finally have a job in nyc, i am sad that i have to leave my baby. he's grown so much since we moved here - the spurts from 6 - 9 months are amazing. thankfully my parents are watching him, so hopefully he'll pick up italian and keep them on their toes - they love having him, though it's sad to know they get him all day and i don't
Posted 8/29/08 11:38 PM |

Member since 8/05 12296 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
I am getting depressed about it. I feel like we are in such a good routine & he is starting to do so many things now (5 months) and I don't want to miss any of it. I am extremely lucky becuase my mom, MIL & DH will be watching him, so I know he'll be well cared for, but I'll especially miss our mornings together. He's so sweet & happy in the morning We are lucky though because teaching does have a great vacation time & hours overall.
Posted 8/30/08 9:31 AM |
I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06 2100 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
I have been home since put on bedrest Dec 3rd. DS has gotten so attached to me being home for so many months and now with DD who was born in April - I definitely enjoy my life at home!!!!
Posted 8/30/08 4:27 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
I started last week(I am a high school counselor) and the adjustment did NOT go well. She is having a really hard time leaving me each day and it doesn't get better really at day care. I am hoping this week is better. She is 19 months so I guess she knows what's up at this point.
I loved my summer off with her- I just wish the adjustment back wasn't so hard on her.
Posted 8/30/08 4:34 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
dont get me started....I cant even fathom next week. I am leaving Christopher and Matthew. Christopher is going to be going on abus, and I wont be able to see it, and Matthew ill be starting daycare, and I am teacher 2 subjects I have NEVER taught.
Posted 8/30/08 7:23 PM |
Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07 5191 total posts
Name: mich
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I dont want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 8/30/08 7:28 PM |
Should be working

Member since 5/05 2824 total posts
Name: G
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
I work in higher ed and only teach a 1 credit course, but this summer has sure been nice. I had off on Fridays and in general was way more relaxed than I am from September - May. I am dreading the students return.
Posted 8/30/08 7:44 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
Posted by Diane
dont get me started....I cant even fathom next week. I am leaving Christopher and Matthew. Christopher is going to be going on abus, and I wont be able to see it, and Matthew ill be starting daycare, and I am teacher 2 subjects I have NEVER taught.
Oh Diane I'll be thinking of you and the boys ... separated for the first time
Posted 8/30/08 8:32 PM |
This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05 1980 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
oh, I'm sorry everybody's sad. I'm excited to go back! I love September. Fresh start, new kids. Balancing the working mom schedule again is a tough transition at first though.
Posted 8/30/08 8:59 PM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
Bummed about going back! It was a great summer but just too darn quick. Being pregnant with #2 now, I will be even more tired. Of course, I'll miss DD to pieces but I'll also miss "our" daily nap.
Posted 8/30/08 9:11 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/06 1277 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
I hate the thought of it! I also hate that while I want my DC to stay young and small, I wish the days away at school, UGH, I HATE going back!!!
Posted 8/30/08 9:21 PM |
Member since 10/06 4563 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
ME ME ME! i'm frankly scared about going back. i feel like DD's whole world is going to change as is mine. i've been home almost 15 months with her so this is tough. i know i was lucky to have that time with her, just kills to let it go.
Posted 8/30/08 9:48 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
i am even though its part time and DS will only be in daycare 2 days (and 1.5 days with my SIL-whom he adores) it has been wonderful having the whole summer with him. Plus he's super attached to me and i know being in daycare, away from me, will be so hard on him. I am so dreading it.
Posted 8/30/08 9:55 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week???
Posted by Lucky
Bummed about going back! It was a great summer but just too darn quick. Being pregnant with #2 now, I will be even more tired. Of course, I'll miss DD to pieces but I'll also miss "our" daily nap.
I totally hear you on that daily nap for both of us!
Posted 8/31/08 1:46 AM |