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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 2697 total posts
Name: Christina
Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week?
Where did the summer go? It flew by. I am so not looking forward to going back to school. I loved all the quality time I got to spend with Emma over the summer, and she is such a little person now. Doing new things and making me laugh everyday. However, I am working so she can have the best of everything. I am lucky that I have a job where I know I'll get holidays and summers off. Plus my mom is a godsend because she watches Emma everyday so I know she is in good hands. It'll just be an adjustment once again. I just wanted to say I'll be thinking about all other moms that are in the same boat as me.
Posted 8/29/08 10:15 PM |
My girls!!

Member since 8/06 5843 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week?
me!!!!!!!!!!!! and i am going back to school full time next week as well.. man o man is it going to hit hard!
Posted 8/29/08 10:26 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 135 total posts
Name: Elisa
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week?
I hate having to leave my boys especially with my older one starting K. I hate that I can't be home when he gets home.
Posted 8/29/08 11:25 PM |
Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06 3627 total posts
Name: Meaghan
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week?
I thought I would be feeling this way, but my son (7) is really looking forward to going back to school, and my daughter (2 1/2) has done nothing but ask for Cindy, her babysitter, since the last day of school. It sounds terrible to say, but I think we all need some time away from each other!!
Posted 8/30/08 11:14 AM |
Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07 8494 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week?
I have been on maternity leave since June 2007 and have loved my time with my son. However, I missed work and am getting so excited to be back in the classroom doing something I love.
I'm sure I will miss my son, but know we will still have time to spend. He's also in good hands.
I have that jittery back to school feeling right now! Nervous and excited all at once.
Posted 8/30/08 1:48 PM |
My BIG man and my little man!

Member since 4/08 1684 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week?
I'm right with you. This summer went by too fast. I spent a lot of quality time with my son, and going back to work is going to be a big adjustment, more so than other years. He turned 2 in July, so he is a little man now, with a big personality, so I'm really going to miss him while I'm at work.
Posted 8/30/08 10:08 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/08 304 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week?
Yes and No. No because i'm going to miss Maddy like crazy! But, I know she is in loving hands.
Yes, because I do love my job, I still get that nervous feeling on the first day of school.
Posted 8/31/08 9:31 PM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week?
I'm really dreading it. I LOVED being home w/ Gracie all summer. She's so fun now & we truly bonded & had a lot of fun throughout the summer. She has a fit if mommy is even out of her sight lately.
I know she'll be in good hands w/ my MIL/mom though so not worried about that, I'll just miss her like crazy
Posted 9/1/08 10:59 AM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Any Teacher/Mommies not looking forward to next week?
I *thought* I was okay with it. But now that it is a reality, I am really sad about leaving my little girl everyday. I feel like I took for granted some of the time we had together, and now it's back to the daily grind. I also feel like I should have not planned SO many things this weekend and just enjoyed time with DD.
Posted 9/1/08 7:28 PM |