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Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

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I'm two!

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Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

When DH and I were looking for somewhere new to live, DH said that Atlanta was his top choice because he lived there for a few years as a teenager and loved it. It's also fairly close to Alabama, where's he's from and where his whole family is.
I had said "NO WAY am I moving to HOTlanta!!!", but then last night I was watching HGTV's "My House is Worth What?" and they showed a couple with a GORGEOUS 7,000 sq/ft home in a gated community and I was like, hmmmm.....

Right now we're absolutely loving Colorado, love our house, love the absence of humidity Chat Icon .....but I'm totally missing my family, the east coast, being near a big city....
Denver is the closest "big" city to us, and it's an hour north, which is too far for me!

We're not thinking of moving anytime soon, but I was just curious about Atlanta, for future reference.

Good neighborhoods? Prices? Positives? Negatives? Is the city fun? Or just a city?

Posted 3/28/07 12:13 PM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

I don't know much about Atlanta, but I've been there on business and it is extremely hot. Nice city though

Posted 3/28/07 12:24 PM


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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

EvaLuna (Sasha) is the girl to talk too.
She's SUPER busy this week with LOTS of family in town, but if anyone is 110% pro Atlanta, GA's her!
You might be able to do a search with the words Georgia by poster EvaLuna and get more info than you could imagine.Chat Icon
I keep telling her she should become the mayor!Chat Icon

Posted 3/28/07 12:33 PM

Two in Blue

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Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

My Mom lives in Douglasville about 25 mins outside Atlanta. The nieghborhood is very nice. My Mom bought a 2 family house with my Grandma for $175,000. It is a great house with a 3 BD ranch upstairs and a ground level apartment downstairs that has 2 BD. She likes it. There is TONS of shopping there and it is a nice city.

Posted 3/28/07 12:38 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Thanks! I'll have to do some searching for EvaLuna's posts and see what comes up.

I'll also do some searching on Douglasville (I'd ask DH but I don't want him to know that I'd even consider moving to Atlanta, otherwise the jig is up! Chat Icon )

Posted 3/28/07 12:44 PM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

i've been here 7 years and LOVE it. it's not super hot, something you get used to. Like now I think when I go to NY and it's 50 or 60 I'm freezingChat Icon so it's what you are used to. We have 9 months of incredible weather. the rest are either hot or cold.

i live 30 minutes East from ATL. Perfect area. 10 minutes from Eva LunaChat Icon

Posted 3/28/07 12:44 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by LisaI

i've been here 7 years and LOVE it. it's not super hot, something you get used to. Like now I think when I go to NY and it's 50 or 60 I'm freezingChat Icon so it's what you are used to. We have 9 months of incredible weather. the rest are either hot or cold.

i live 30 minutes East from ATL. Perfect area. 10 minutes from Eva LunaChat Icon

What's the housing like there?
And for me, it's the humidity that I hate, not so much the heat. Humidity totally drains me and gives me massive headaches Chat Icon

Posted 3/28/07 12:49 PM


Member since 11/05

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Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by Anniegrl

but then last night I was watching HGTV's "My House is Worth What?" and they showed a couple with a GORGEOUS 7,000 sq/ft home in a gated community and I was like, hmmmm.....

I saw that too--what a beautiful house and they wanted to move--their master suite was bigger then my house and so was their kitchen.

Posted 3/28/07 1:15 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

I just started looking there- Eva Luna has been a big help

I am looking in the $350K-$375K range and can not believe what I am finding

huge houses on lakes, gated communities- every upgrade- built in the last 5 years- I have a good real estate website saved on my home computer- I will FM you with it-

we are looking to move there in Oct 2008

Posted 3/28/07 1:23 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by Beth1210

I just started looking there- Eva Luna has been a big help

I am looking in the $350K-$375K range and can not believe what I am finding

huge houses on lakes, gated communities- every upgrade- built in the last 5 years- I have a good real estate website saved on my home computer- I will FM you with it-

we are looking to move there in Oct 2008

Thanks Beth! I told DH that in about 4 years (when Jackson would be starting kindergarten) I'd like to think about moving. But it doesn't hurt to start doing some research now since we have no idea where we'll wind up Chat Icon

Posted 3/28/07 1:26 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by csorisi

Posted by Anniegrl

but then last night I was watching HGTV's "My House is Worth What?" and they showed a couple with a GORGEOUS 7,000 sq/ft home in a gated community and I was like, hmmmm.....

I saw that too--what a beautiful house and they wanted to move--their master suite was bigger then my house and so was their kitchen.

I can't remember how much they paid (I think it was around $600k) but it wasn't that much for what they had! That house was ginormous!!! Beautiful decor too.....

Posted 3/28/07 1:27 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by Anniegrl

Posted by csorisi

Posted by Anniegrl

but then last night I was watching HGTV's "My House is Worth What?" and they showed a couple with a GORGEOUS 7,000 sq/ft home in a gated community and I was like, hmmmm.....

I saw that too--what a beautiful house and they wanted to move--their master suite was bigger then my house and so was their kitchen.

I can't remember how much they paid (I think it was around $600k) but it wasn't that much for what they had! That house was ginormous!!! Beautiful decor too.....

I think it was around $600K- it was so nice

anything over $500K down there is a mansion - (or so it seems when I look)

I love all the houses- it's hard to pick one

Posted 3/28/07 1:35 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

this is my favorite house so far - it's about 25 miles south west of Atlanta
$375K, almost 2 acres on a lake- new everything- white and granite kitchen- my dream
media room, in-lawsuite

External Image

Message edited 3/28/2007 1:37:24 PM.

Posted 3/28/07 1:36 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by Anniegrl

I told DH that in about 4 years (when Jackson would be starting kindergarten) I'd like to think about moving.

Chat Icon I'd thought you'd never move again! Chat Icon

My uncle lives in Marietta (15 miles, NW of Atlanta) & has been in the area for over 10 years. He & his wife love it there
( they just miss NY diners Chat Icon )

I don't think he was too crazy about being right in the city ( they have 3 kids) but they love the suburbs.

Message edited 3/28/2007 1:46:54 PM.

Posted 3/28/07 1:38 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by Beth1210

this is my favorite house so far - it's about 25 miles south west of Atlanta
$375K, almost 2 acres on a lake- new everything- white and granite kitchen- my dream
media room, in-lawsuite


That's a sweet house! I love the architecture.
The one thing that I don't like about it here (in Colorado) is that the lot sizes aren't very big. We have 1/3 acre. That's not bad, but most of the backyards here are not level; our backyard has 2 levels. The one level is mostly unusable....such a pain! And the dryness here forces most people to have "hardscapes" - landscaping with rocks and things like that, since watering a lawn can be very pricey......
Oh, and we have teeny trees Chat Icon

Posted 3/28/07 1:39 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

I noticed in my search the lot sizes range alot - from 1/3 to 2 plus

I would be fine with 1 acre- and my husband has to have a lake- he wants to be able to go fishing alot

I am working on my list of musts vs things I would comprimise on

we also need to narrow down to a few towns- I want to be in the suburbs- but still close to the city

Posted 3/28/07 2:09 PM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

3923 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by Anniegrl

Posted by LisaI

i've been here 7 years and LOVE it. it's not super hot, something you get used to. Like now I think when I go to NY and it's 50 or 60 I'm freezingChat Icon so it's what you are used to. We have 9 months of incredible weather. the rest are either hot or cold.

i live 30 minutes East from ATL. Perfect area. 10 minutes from Eva LunaChat Icon

What's the housing like there?
And for me, it's the humidity that I hate, not so much the heat. Humidity totally drains me and gives me massive headaches Chat Icon

It's obviously much cheaper than LI and the taxes are a 1/3 of LI a well. An average home price for a 4 bedroom 3 bath on an acre is $300K in a nice community.

For $500K you can live well. I love East and North of Atl. North of Atl. Roswell, Alpheretta, Duluth and Dunwoody is really nice. you really just need to come here and do your research. Pick a handful of places/town to visit within an easy commute of where you would work and then visit them with a realtor. The thing is you really don't need a realtor down here, it's very different house hunting than NY.

Good luck and we hope to see you one day here.

Message edited 3/28/2007 3:55:26 PM.

Posted 3/28/07 3:54 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by LisaI

It's obviously much cheaper than LI and the taxes are a 1/3 of LI a well. An average home price for a 4 bedroom 3 bath on an acre is $300K in a nice community.

For $500K you can live well. I love East and North of Atl. North of Atl. Roswell, Alpheretta, Duluth and Dunwoody is really nice. you really just need to come here and do your research. Pick a handful of places/town to visit within an easy commute of where you would work and then visit them with a realtor. The thing is you really don't need a realtor down here, it's very different house hunting than NY.

Good luck and we hope to see you one day here.

Thanks! I've been to Dunwoody with DH and it was really nice.

Posted 3/28/07 4:16 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

3966 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

I haven't been here too long, but Dh and I had to temporarily move to the Atlanta area for his job.

Our address says Atlanta, however we are about 15 minutes outside of the city- we border Marietta and Vinings...

It is a BEAUTIFUL place to live..the homes are amazing for so much less...

So far, I love the weather- but I love warm weather. It is hot, but it simply beautiful- so sunny! I love it!

I have told Dh several times, that if we could move our family and friends to this area- I would move here for good-the only difficult part has been missing family and friends-otherwise there is so much to do and see here!

Posted 3/28/07 6:40 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

I've lived in the ATL area for 6 years now. We live in Alpharetta which is north of the city. It is a great place to live, and there are SO many different areas that you really need to come down and decide what you want and where you want to live. you definitely want to live close to where you work, otherwise traffic is horrible.

to make it helpful - the major road that circles the city is 285 - anything inside the circle is inside the perimiter, anything outside - is well, outside the perimiter. The areas inside the perimeter that are nice are buckhead, virginia highlands, and decauter. There are some other up and coming areas. Outside the perimiter, you are going to mostly want to stay from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock - the top portion, if you will. You will want to check out school districts for your ds, if that is the case, although there are a good amount of private schools. outside the permiter, areas that I know and like, are east cobb (Marietta), Roswell, Dunwoody (dunwoody is "on" the perimeter), Alpharetta, Duluth, vinings.

One thing to note here, different from LI, is you can be driving for 20 minutes and still be in the same town, where on LI you could drive through 5 towns in that time.

I hope that helps.....let me know if you need/want more information.

Posted 3/29/07 11:15 AM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

even though I am not the OP- I am finding this info very helpful

so that house I posted above- it's in Tyrone- I picked it b/c I liked the look- I have heard mixed things about the area- what is your local opinion- you can FM me if you want

thank you

Posted 3/29/07 11:21 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

BIL & SIL live in Duluth. It is beautiful!! We love it there and would move there in a heartbeat if DH could get a job there. They used to live in Suwanee, which was also very nice.

Posted 3/29/07 11:21 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by DML

I've lived in the ATL area for 6 years now. We live in Alpharetta which is north of the city. It is a great place to live, and there are SO many different areas that you really need to come down and decide what you want and where you want to live. you definitely want to live close to where you work, otherwise traffic is horrible.

to make it helpful - the major road that circles the city is 285 - anything inside the circle is inside the perimiter, anything outside - is well, outside the perimiter. The areas inside the perimeter that are nice are buckhead, virginia highlands, and decauter. There are some other up and coming areas. Outside the perimiter, you are going to mostly want to stay from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock - the top portion, if you will. You will want to check out school districts for your ds, if that is the case, although there are a good amount of private schools. outside the permiter, areas that I know and like, are east cobb (Marietta), Roswell, Dunwoody (dunwoody is "on" the perimeter), Alpharetta, Duluth, vinings.

One thing to note here, different from LI, is you can be driving for 20 minutes and still be in the same town, where on LI you could drive through 5 towns in that time.

I hope that helps.....let me know if you need/want more information.

Thanks! That's awesome info!

Posted 3/29/07 11:26 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

Posted by SuzyQ

BIL & SIL live in Duluth. It is beautiful!! We love it there and would move there in a heartbeat if DH could get a job there. They used to live in Suwanee, which was also very nice.

Thanks for that too - I'll add those areas to my list Chat Icon

Posted 3/29/07 11:26 AM

Enjoying wedded bliss.....

Member since 4/06

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Re: Anybody know anything about Atlanta?

My uncle and his family live in Norcross. It's like 20 minutes from downtown Atlanta (or maybe I speed) Chat Icon I considered living there when I looked at Emory for grad school.

I have mixed emotions about Atlanta now though since my 17 year old cousin (uncle's son) was murdered there. I did think it was a great area until then. ETA - the murdered (a former "friend" to my cousin) fled GA and was captured in NYC.

My uncle still loves it and he has since married and has a second baby on the way with no plans to move. He has lived there for at least 10 years and he has a huge house with an enormous yard. He just added on a mother-in-law suite on the lower leval last year when his first baby was on the way. My grandma is down there (has been for months) and she loves it too.

Message edited 3/29/2007 12:56:33 PM.

Posted 3/29/07 12:30 PM
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