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Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Anybody stumped on a name
We don't know of its a or yet but we have not even talked names and I have nothing in mind.
With our first dd we picked a name and agreed on it right away. I just can't think of anything I like either girl or boy lol
Posted 9/5/14 3:44 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12 1952 total posts
Anybody stumped on a name
We will start thinking of a name when we find out the gender at the anatomy scan.
It was impossible for us to decide on DS's name so I'm expecting it to be just as much "fun" this time around.
Posted 9/5/14 3:49 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Anybody stumped on a name
Yes! If it's a girl my DH would like to use an "S" in memory of someone which I'm fine with but there are no S names I care for..I feel like I would just be settling. We both liked Max for a boy which happens to be his grandfather's name but his grandfather is adamant about us not using it. So basically this baby is nameless. The problem is I don't really LOVE anything.
Posted 9/5/14 3:56 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/12 1789 total posts
Re: Anybody stumped on a name
We are. DH has his mind set on one name, and one name only! I don't dislike his choice, but I like a few better. Hoping he'll at least come up with some alternatives to discuss!
Posted 9/5/14 4:00 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/10 304 total posts
Re: Anybody stumped on a name
We already have two girls so I spent a lot of time thinking about girl's names in the past. We just found out this one is going to be a boy and it is definitely stumping me. We also knew middle names for our last two based on relatives that had passed, but we used those so now we need a new middle name too!
Posted 9/5/14 4:00 PM |
mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12 1952 total posts
Anybody stumped on a name
I always wonder how the "19 kids and counting" family does it ... I'd kill myself if I had to choose that many names 
Posted 9/5/14 5:01 PM |
Anybody stumped on a name
I just know its gonna be another boy especially since my hubby wants to name it after him and I wouldn't let him with the first but apparently I told him he can with the 2nd - (I don't remember that at all, lol)..But to be honest I dont have any boy names picked out anyways! So now I'm hoping it's a girl since we have a name picked out since my 1st time I was preggers and I was dying to use that so still would if its a girl.
Posted 9/5/14 5:16 PM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
Anybody stumped on a name
We went through SO many names before we decided on Henry. With DS1, it was easy because I loved the name Reid since I was 15. DH & I discussed names while we were trying to get pregnant and decided on Reid and Lucy, so we knew at early gender scan what baby's name would be. This time it was so hard, but I gave him a deadline of 1 week after we found out gender! We talked about names so much!!!
Posted 9/5/14 5:30 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/13 683 total posts
Name: Jessica
Anybody stumped on a name
We had names picked out before we were even pregnant! lol. Once we saw the first sonogram, we had one boy name and one girl name. We are having a boy and I couldn't be happier with the name we have for him!
Posted 9/5/14 6:08 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/10 751 total posts
Re: Anybody stumped on a name
We are team and we are not 100% decided on either a or a name. Oh and I'm due in 3 days Hopefully we will be inspired when we meet him or her
Posted 9/5/14 6:36 PM |
california dreamin'

Member since 2/13 1443 total posts
Name: love my family!
Anybody stumped on a name
im due very soon and we still can't come to an agreement. the problem is we like a few names but don't LOVE just one!
Posted 9/5/14 8:06 PM |
Member since 1/12 6105 total posts
Re: Anybody stumped on a name
We were We had a boys name but no idea for a girl. Couldn't agree on anything really. I went into labor and thankfully we had a boy!
Posted 9/5/14 9:09 PM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Anybody stumped on a name
First time around we were set on a girls name and had no boys name. Lucky for us we had a girl.
This time we are set on a boys name and stuck on a girls name. We shall see what happens!
Posted 9/6/14 3:00 PM |
Love my girls
Member since 7/10 3580 total posts
Re: Anybody stumped on a name
Me! I have a feeling it's a boy this time and we cannot think of a name to save our life! We are set on a girls name though, but I don't think we will get to use it this time!
Posted 9/7/14 9:09 AM |
Re: Anybody stumped on a name
We are team and are stuck on a boys name. We can't agree on anything. For a girl the names already picked out!!! Boys are much harder!
Message edited 9/8/2014 11:24:22 AM.
Posted 9/8/14 11:24 AM |