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Member since 5/05 6856 total posts
Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
Alex has not slept through the night in at least 2 months. She wakes usually twice- 3x a night, it's usually just "Mama hold", I go in, give a 10 second cuddle, give the binky, and she goes back down, but it's still a PITA . I'm thinking of CIO, but since she goes back so easy, if I let her CIO, maybe she'll freak, cry out of control, & won't go back down. Any other Moms going through this? What are you doing? Ugh.
Posted 12/20/07 8:59 AM |
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Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
You mean to tell me it doesn't get any better by 2 yrs old? You just killed me for the day!
I only have a 6 month old - but I think that when they are that easy to put back down I personally wouldn't do CIO. All she wants is to be comforted quickly by you. I know it must really SUCK but I think that she will probably outgrow this also.
But, ask me again in 18 months and I may have a completely different answer.
Posted 12/20/07 9:05 AM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
Well...we had a 3 month period of Noah waking up in the night, it was horrible. But in the end we linked it back to his asthma medicine. He was having a blue and a brown inhaler before bedtime and that was causing him to wake in the night. Once we nipped that in the bud, ie stopped giving him the medicine, he has been a sleeping machine.
I have no real advice, other than to look at what she is eating before bedtime, or what is different that it was before.
Good Luck!
Posted 12/20/07 9:09 AM |
April already?

Member since 3/06 5297 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
Sydney has her good weeks and bad weeks. She never really had separation anxiety until now. She cried so bad when I tried to leave her at the gym daycare and yesterday at my grandmas. She also wants to bed held so much now. This week I noticed that her 2 year molars are coming in. She is sucking on her fingers like crazy and crying in her sleep - I think it must be so painful. Last night I sent DH in and he could not find the oral gel, I was so zonked that I could not get up to help him, thankfully she slept okay.
Posted 12/20/07 9:30 AM |

Member since 9/05 8660 total posts
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
DS is 19 months and still doesn't sleep through the night and I have a 4 month old that does, go figure!
Posted 12/20/07 9:33 AM |
My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
Andrea - you know I sympathize and send you huge hugs!!
I find the ONLY thing that works with Talia is CIO. I am in a similar situation that she will freak out MORE if I don't go in to her...but I find that if I spend 2 or 3 days letting her CIO then once she is sleeping better I either don't have to go in at all...or if I do - I go in without speaking lay her down, cover her and walk right out. She eventually catches on that it;s not worth looking for me.
Even now we are on a good sleeping trend and I am still in there once to twice a night. I just think that it is - it is the way it is and she isn't going to sleep straight through the night until she is 16.
Posted 12/20/07 9:48 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
My 22mth old is not sleeping through the night and we are co sleeping! She also nurses once or twice a night or ten times if she is teething!! so I totally sympathise with you. My 2mth old nephew sleeps for longer stretches at night than she does.
I have no advice as I cannot do CIO but if it helps to know there is another mom out there with this happening then here i am
Posted 12/20/07 1:53 PM |

Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
Jacob has nights where he wakes up and cries "mommy, mommy" and although it breaks my heart, I just ignore him.
A few nights I went to him, thinking maybe he was scared, but it always leads into a 2-3 hr. ordeal where I'm stuck in there and then I always have to make him CIO anyway. So for me, I just have to ignore from the start, and he will fall back asleep within 15-30 min.
He realizes I am not coming and gives up. It sux, but otherwise it becomes a whole night ordeal. Hugs to you!!!
Posted 12/20/07 3:53 PM |
Life is good!

Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
Dd is 2 and has never slept though the night. She sleeps in bed with us and usually goes right back to sleep.
Posted 12/20/07 5:08 PM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
Posted by sunny
Dd is 2 and has never slept though the night. She sleeps in bed with us and usually goes right back to sleep.
same here
Posted 12/21/07 10:02 AM |
my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?
Posted by antoinette
Posted by sunny
Dd is 2 and has never slept though the night. She sleeps in bed with us and usually goes right back to sleep.
same here
mine started sleeping through the night at 2 years 2 months...when we cut out the bottle. He was waking up to drink milk. Now we just give him a sippy with water to take with him to bed.
Posted 12/21/07 12:10 PM |