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Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

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Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

Alex has not slept through the night in at least 2 months.
She wakes usually twice- 3x a night, it's usually just "Mama hold", I go in, give a 10 second cuddle, give the binky, and she goes back down, but it's still a PITAChat Icon .
I'm thinking of CIO, but since she goes back so easy, if I let her CIO, maybe she'll freak, cry out of control, & won't go back down.
Any other Moms going through this?
What are you doing?

Posted 12/20/07 8:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

You mean to tell me it doesn't get any better by 2 yrs old? Chat Icon Chat Icon You just killed me for the day! Chat Icon

I only have a 6 month old - but I think that when they are that easy to put back down I personally wouldn't do CIO. All she wants is to be comforted quickly by you. I know it must really SUCK but I think that she will probably outgrow this also.

But, ask me again in 18 months and I may have a completely different answer.

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Posted 12/20/07 9:05 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

Well...we had a 3 month period of Noah waking up in the night, it was horrible. But in the end we linked it back to his asthma medicine. He was having a blue and a brown inhaler before bedtime and that was causing him to wake in the night. Once we nipped that in the bud, ie stopped giving him the medicine, he has been a sleeping machine.

I have no real advice, other than to look at what she is eating before bedtime, or what is different that it was before.

Good Luck!

Posted 12/20/07 9:09 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

Sydney has her good weeks and bad weeks. She never really had separation anxiety until now. She cried so bad when I tried to leave her at the gym daycare and yesterday at my grandmas. She also wants to bed held so much now. This week I noticed that her 2 year molars are coming in. She is sucking on her fingers like crazy and crying in her sleep - I think it must be so painful. Last night I sent DH in and he could not find the oral gel, I was so zonked that I could not get up to help him, thankfully she slept okay.Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/07 9:30 AM


Member since 9/05

8660 total posts


Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

DS is 19 months and still doesn't sleep through the night and I have a 4 month old that does, go figure!

Posted 12/20/07 9:33 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

Andrea - you know I sympathize and send you huge hugs!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I find the ONLY thing that works with Talia is CIO. I am in a similar situation that she will freak out MORE if I don't go in to her...but I find that if I spend 2 or 3 days letting her CIO then once she is sleeping better I either don't have to go in at all...or if I do - I go in without speaking lay her down, cover her and walk right out. She eventually catches on that it;s not worth looking for me.

Even now we are on a good sleeping trend and I am still in there once to twice a night. I just think that it is - it is the way it is and she isn't going to sleep straight through the night until she is 16.

Posted 12/20/07 9:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

My 22mth old is not sleeping through the night and we are co sleeping! She also nurses once or twice a night or ten times if she is teething!! so I totally sympathise with you. My 2mth old nephew sleeps for longer stretches at night than she does.

I have no advice as I cannot do CIO but if it helps to know there is another mom out there with this happening then here i amChat Icon

Posted 12/20/07 1:53 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

Jacob has nights where he wakes up and cries "mommy, mommy" and although it breaks my heart, I just ignore him. Chat Icon

A few nights I went to him, thinking maybe he was scared, but it always leads into a 2-3 hr. ordeal where I'm stuck in there and then I always have to make him CIO anyway. So for me, I just have to ignore from the start, and he will fall back asleep within 15-30 min.

He realizes I am not coming and gives up. It sux, but otherwise it becomes a whole night ordeal. Hugs to you!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/07 3:53 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

Dd is 2 and has never slept though the night.Chat Icon
She sleeps in bed with usChat Icon and usually goes right back to sleep.

Posted 12/20/07 5:08 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

Posted by sunny

Dd is 2 and has never slept though the night.Chat Icon
She sleeps in bed with usChat Icon and usually goes right back to sleep.

same here Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/21/07 10:02 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: Anyone else's 2 year old NOT sleeping through the night?

Posted by antoinette

Posted by sunny

Dd is 2 and has never slept though the night.Chat Icon
She sleeps in bed with usChat Icon and usually goes right back to sleep.

same here Chat Icon Chat Icon

mine started sleeping through the night at 2 years 2 months...when we cut out the bottle. He was waking up to drink milk. Now we just give him a sippy with water to take with him to bed.

Posted 12/21/07 12:10 PM

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