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LIF Toddler
Member since 2/14 454 total posts
Anyone have a child experience this?
DD keeps complaining about the bottom of her feet being very itchy. We wen to ped and they said her feet looked dry so we have been putting vaseline and socks on but she is still itchy. Wondering if anyone has experienced this? If doesn't go away soon will reach out to a dermatologist. It is not athletes foot and we have not changed detergent nor has she walked barefoot in a new place and been in contact with chemicals.
Posted 2/24/20 6:45 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Anyone have a child experience this?
Havent experienced it. How are her shoes? Maybe buy some new ones. And maybe try lotion instead of vaseline -- something with anti itch in it like cortisone.
Posted 2/25/20 10:11 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/11 991 total posts
Re: Anyone have a child experience this?
Has she been sick recently? My DS got a rash on the bottoms of his feet with strep last year.
Posted 2/25/20 1:15 PM |
Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07 4521 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Anyone have a child experience this?
I would maybe try powder in her shoes and socks as well.
Posted 2/25/20 3:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/15 3049 total posts
Anyone have a child experience this?
You should definitely see a dermatologist.
Not sure if this would help, but my bf's son has sensitive skin and refuses to wear socks b/c they bother him. My bf gave him seamless socks and his son loves them. I wonder if it's not necessarily itchy as much as a sensory issue.
Posted 2/25/20 4:08 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Anyone have a child experience this?
Did you buy new sneakers lately? Does your child have a latex sensitivity?
Posted 2/26/20 8:20 AM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Anyone have a child experience this?
Is there reason you ruled out athletes foot? I remember my foot being slightly itchy and dry but it didn’t go away. When I went to the doctor he said it was athletes foot and gave cream that cleared it up right away. I would say go to podiatrist if you want to see a doctor about it.
Try putting Vaseline and then putting on a sock. That helps clear up dry skin.
Posted 2/26/20 9:56 AM |
I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11 10413 total posts
Re: Anyone have a child experience this?
I agree, too, that it sounds like Athlete's Foot. You don't always see a rash.
Posted 2/27/20 9:25 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Anyone have a child experience this?
My daughter has that issue but only when she gets out of the shower. She rubs them on the carpet to itch them! She has always been that way. No foot diseases. So, maybe the soap in the shower, who knows. It doesn't impact her life, so we let it be.
Posted 2/28/20 8:56 AM |
Re: Anyone have a child experience this?
I get this every once in awhile. a little benadryl anti-itch or lidocaine numbing spray (all sold at cvs/walgreens/target) helps. it is very strange when it happens and very uncomfortable. looks fine to everyone else. but the anti-itch or numbing creams really help me. I only need it once or twice and it goes away.
edited to add: vaseline is good for dry skin but would do nothing for that foot condition...
Message edited 2/28/2020 4:29:28 PM.
Posted 2/28/20 4:28 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/10 6826 total posts
Anyone have a child experience this?
Yes and we never got to the bottom of it. DD would freak out saying her feet were itchy, often after a bath but also just randomly. She'd sometimes rip her shoes off frantically to scratch her feet. Ped didn't have any suggestions, thought maybe it was attention seeking (it definitely wasn't). This went on for maybe a year or so then just slowly stopped. There was never a rash or any outward sign of a cause.
I'll add DD also has very sensitive eyes. When she has a fever she complains they're burning, which is now often one of the first signs that she has a fever. If it's cold outside she'll say her eyes are freezing. Her eyes get insanely itchy during spring allergy season and no drops or antihistamine do anything to relieve it.
Posted 3/1/20 8:14 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
Anyone have a child experience this?
my 9 year old had this for awhile. i never took him to the doctor, but just assumed it was athletes foot, and used the over the counter cream for a few days on him and it cleared up. he wears socks all the time, so i don't think his feet every get to "air out" LOL so I have to make sure he dries his feet off well after he gets out of the shower at night, too...
Message edited 3/2/2020 7:45:48 AM.
Posted 3/2/20 7:11 AM |