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Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr's old room?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes 12 27.27%
No 32 72.73%

Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

628 total posts


Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

One of the grandparents wanted to buy one for Christmas, but I did not think it was necessary.

Posted 11/7/08 9:45 AM

I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

We have a TV but we do not have cable hooked up. We just use it play DVD'd when he is playing in his room, which is not that often.

Posted 11/7/08 9:53 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

That would be a no for me. No TV in the bedroom.

Posted 11/7/08 10:25 AM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

DD is 2.5 and no TV - i dont think Ill let her have one in her room for quite a few yrs. I think 3 is too young to have a tv in the room. JMO

Posted 11/7/08 1:42 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

Julia does but she only uses it at night and it can only play dvd's for now.

Posted 11/7/08 1:46 PM

lifes many lil twisted curves

Member since 10/07

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

we hav tv dvd in there room... NO CABLE. they can watch there sesame st dvd's and thats it.

Posted 11/7/08 1:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

No and I dont plan on her having one in her room until she is a teenager- she can watch anything she needs to watch in the family room.

Posted 11/7/08 1:53 PM

I'm finally able to write here

Member since 1/06

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

No and she never parents had one for me when I was a kid, and I never spent time with the family...

They immediately took it out.

Posted 11/7/08 1:56 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

We have a tv, but it has no cable.

He only uses it to watch DVD's, and its usually when daddy is using the big screen

Posted 11/7/08 1:59 PM

Our life is complete

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

Posted by MelToddJulia

Julia does but she only uses it at night and it can only play dvd's for now.

same here, but when he turns 4 we will hook-up the direct tv for him with parental control on all but the kids channels

Posted 11/7/08 2:01 PM

I love these boys

Member since 7/07

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

I have one in my 3yr olds rm. I don't have it on all day but sometimes I'll put a movie on and he also uses his smart cylce with it. I personally don't see a problem with having a tv.

Posted 11/7/08 2:07 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

Posted by beachgirl

No and I dont plan on her having one in her room until she is a teenager- she can watch anything she needs to watch in the family room.

Agree, but I doubt they'll even have a TV in their rooms when they're teenagers--but I'll cross that bridge...

Posted 11/7/08 3:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

DS does - honestly it only goes on in the am for the 1/2 hour that I am in the shower - Its the only way I can get ready.

Posted 11/7/08 3:19 PM

My boys!

Member since 1/06

5292 total posts


Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

I am the minority. DS has had a tv in his room since birth. I don't see a problem with it.

Posted 11/7/08 3:52 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

684 total posts


Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

both my kids (age 3 and 1) have tvs...but my 1 year old never watches his, it was in there from when it was my DD old 3 year old does watch it when she has "rest" time in the afternoons, she doesnt really nap but she has a little rest/down time and relaxes in her bed and watched usually a DVD for about an hour. That is the only time she uses it. Its not necessary but i guess its good to have.

Posted 11/7/08 3:53 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

Nope, he's addicted to TV enough as it is!! I think I'll hold off until HS.

Posted 11/7/08 4:04 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/07

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Re: Anyone have a TV in their 3 yr. old's room?

I plan on putting a tv in DD bedroom for christmas (she's 2 1/2) but only because I wanted something in her room for when we have company. I have a ton of nieces and nephews and it seems that every weekend my living room tv is just for the kids. This way the tv in her bedroom can be for the kids and the adults can finally have a tv too.
I'm lucky though because dd is not a tv kid. she would much rather play with anything than watch tv.

Posted 11/7/08 4:04 PM

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