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LIF Infant
Member since 2/11 355 total posts
Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I am freaking out slightly. My due date is Friday and I went to the dr today and not dilated at all. I still have time but my dr said that since I am making a big baby he doesn't want me to go longer then a week late. With that being said, in order to fit into the schedule they would do cerdavil on Monday. I don't even fully understand what that is. Then on Tuesday they will induce. Then hopefully Wednesday baby would come.
Has anyone had experience with cerdavil? I don't know anyone who has had this procedure done. I don't know if I think it is necessary.
I also don't want to be in the hospital that long. I have a two and a half year old and I don't want to be away from Him for some many days.
Posted 8/12/14 7:43 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/13 384 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I had this- it is actually called cervidil. My water broke in the early morning hours and I was not really contracting by the time I got to the hospital and was not dilated at all. I was admitted to the hospital, ate a nice giant meal and then was started on cervidil. It is a vaginal insert that the nurse places right outside your cervix and is on a gauze-like tab that hangs out your vagina like a tampon string. The gauge is a bit scratchy and takes some time to get used to but you really don't feel too much else. Since I was not dilated the original plan was to leave the cervidil up there for 12 hours, get re-checked and if needed to get another dose. Once I was dilated (not sure how much they were looking for), the dr would start the Pitocin.
After about 7 hours of having the first dose of cervidil in, I went to the bathroom and had my bloody mess which caused the cervidil to fall out. It was inserted back for another hour when it fell out again into the toilet- at this point I was feeling the contractions regularly so they did not place another dose. I actually went straight into labor without the need for Pitocin and had a pretty quick delivery. From the time my water broke to the time that I delivered, it was 23 hours but I was contacting for about 8 hours total.
Posted 8/12/14 8:11 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I used it and it caused me to progress my labor pretty quick, enough that I did not use petocin. They just place it up by the cervix and leave it in there. Very easy! Good luck!
Posted 8/12/14 8:12 PM |
Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06 5804 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
My water broke but my cervix had to be thinned out. I think it was about 3 hours til they removed it. They told me to go to the bathroom before hand because I could not walk around and had to stay lying down.
Posted 8/12/14 9:27 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/09 572 total posts
Name: Denise
Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I am having the same thing done saturday and am nervous as well. My dr suggested dh and i have sex because semen has prostaglandins in it, and that is what is in the cervidil. It is worth a try to get things moving along!!
Posted 8/12/14 10:31 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I had 2 rounds of cervidil. Just some discomfort when it's inserted and removed. You can't get up for the first 2 hours. They removed it after 12 hours.
I had what I'm guessing was an unusual experience b/c everyone seems to have quick inductions. I went in Monday evening for the cervidil, Tuesday pitocin - no progress, Tuesday evening cervidil again, Wednesday pitocin - no progress. DD was born 5 hours after my epi on Thursday afternoon. If I didn't need a medically necessary induction, I would have much preferred to go late and naturally. JMO.
Best wishes for a quick and easy induction!
Posted 8/12/14 11:01 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I went into labor from it. They put it in around 11pm and I had dd by 12pm the next day. I never heard of u being in the hospital for 2 nights to be induced unless u don't progress.. I thought it was just the night before. I had a wonderful experience from it, and I'd do it again if need be!
Message edited 8/12/2014 11:04:21 PM.
Posted 8/12/14 11:03 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/11 355 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
Thanks everyone!! I think I am over reacting.... I am just nervous and I feel really bad leaving my two year old for an extra night. I am not sure why I thought it was two extra nights. It seems that it would only be one extra night. Thanks again for all the advice!!
Posted 8/13/14 5:57 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/11 2140 total posts
Name: Kristy
Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I was induced twice using cervidil and had two successful vaginal births. It wasn't bad at all
Posted 8/13/14 8:40 AM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
my water broke but I was not dilated so they put the cervadil in me... that jump started my contractions, i did not need pitocin.. DS was born about 12 hours after they inserted the cervadil. Best of luck!
ETA I feel like doctors are always over-estimating weight. they told me DS was going to be close to 9 lbs and he was born at 7lb15oz.
Message edited 8/13/2014 9:52:04 AM.
Posted 8/13/14 9:51 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1350 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I do!
I was induced at 40w1d. It looks like a shoelace and it is inserted vaginally to "ripen" your cervix. It is typically inserted and left in for 12 hours, after which you would start Pitocin. Sometimes, you will need another Cervidil before the Pitocin, and sometimes you don't even need the Pitocin.
--I arrived to hospital at 7pm, by appointment. --Cervidil was placed at 10pm. I was 1 cm and ~50% effaced. --Started having contractions almost immediately. --Was checked again at 3am and was 2 cm and 100% effaced. --Had very intense contractions. A little after 6am, I got up to pee and that was that. I knew I had to push. --DD was born at 6:37am, 8.5 hours after I got the Cervidil. --Never needed Pitocin.
I was super nervous but it worked great for me. Good luck!
Message edited 8/13/2014 10:22:37 AM.
Posted 8/13/14 10:18 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/12 2637 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I this thread, and all the positive experiences with being induced. Brings me some calmness for tomorrow :)
Posted 8/13/14 10:24 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/10 4399 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
Posted by runnergirl77
Thanks everyone!! I think I am over reacting.... I am just nervous and I feel really bad leaving my two year old for an extra night. I am not sure why I thought it was two extra nights. It seems that it would only be one extra night. Thanks again for all the advice!!
Crashing here, but it all depends on how your body reacts to it. I went in for my induction with DD1 at 10pm on Wed and she was born at 10pm on Fri. I had two rounds of cervidil, one round of cytotec and then pitocin.
I suggest , going for walks and going for a foot massage! I was able to deliver DD1 vag, but the induction was long, emotional and tiring. Do everything you can to get that baby out. And I also wouldn't let them induce me unless medically necessary - I wouldn't care about their schedule! Good luck.
Posted 8/13/14 10:42 AM |
Baby Girl #2 is Here!

Member since 7/11 1652 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
had cervidil inserted at 7pm, its a small flat piece that goes under your cervix with a string attached...was a bit uncomfy putting it in but it was really just like have an internal exam. I laid down for 2 hours...then was able to walk the hallways.... by 11pm I was having contractions and by midnight my water broke. I was slow with dilating though and didn't give birth til 5:15pm the next almost 24 hours laters my dd was born. no Pitocin needed. good luck!
Posted 8/13/14 11:49 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10 885 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I was induced with cervadil but it didn't help me progress at all. My OB took it out 9 hrs after it was inserted and started me on pitocin and that's what got the ball rolling. I was able to still have a vaginal delivery after 6 hrs on pitocin.
Posted 8/13/14 2:55 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/09 1007 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I was induced at 41 weeks 3 days. I went in around 7pm. When I went in I was not dilated at all and I think like 50% effaced. I was given the cervidil at around 10pm. A couple of hours later I started to have contractions. The next morning they started pitocin. I only got to 5cm and I ended up with a csection that afternoon. I never broke my water on my own either. They broke it for me. I don't think my DD ever wanted to come out!
Posted 8/13/14 5:59 PM |
Gonna be a big sister

Member since 12/10 1749 total posts
Name: Heather
Anyone have experience with cerdavil?
I was Induced at 37 weeks and a few days ( have a blood clotting issue and was supposed to be induced at 38 weeks but due to hurricane sandy and dropping in weight percentile they indiced). Out cervadril in at 2 pm. I was 2cm and slightly effaced....took it out 12 hrs later ar 2 am. I was not allowed to get up during except to goto bathroom.) ( Said i was still 2 cm but more dilated 2:15 went to bathroom and my water broke over the toilet Was going to start pitocin at 7 am....I never had to At 3:55 I finally said I wanted shot of Demerol as she was giving me the shot I said I had strong urge to push...she checked and ran to get dr...daughter was born at 4:23 am
Posted 8/13/14 6:51 PM |