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Anyone here good with blood levels???

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My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Anyone here good with blood levels???

If you have seen my other post, I'm on day 6 of Follistim and am having some spotting...They did blood work today (assumably estrogen) and said they would call if anything was going on- They never did, so I assume it was good...Anyhow, I go in tomorrow morning and I plan on asking for my estrogen level because I am really confused as to how this is happening and how everything can be ok w/ the blood work...It just doesnt seem right to have a AF while stimming (and I never got one after stopping BCP)..So for those of you that are good w/ this stuff....What should I be looking for as far as estrogen and when does my lining matter in an IVF cycle..My est. retrieval date is 2/16-2/18..Also is there any other info I should ask for ?..I'm usually just listening when I go and I would like to ask more questions...Thanks !

Posted 2/10/08 7:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 2/08

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Re: Anyone here good with blood levels???

The only blood levels I asked for this month on Follistim was my estrogen levels. From what I understand, estrogen levels are 200 per mature follicle. So, if your estrogen level is 1000, you would have approximately 5 mature follicles. My estrogen levels were low and then shot up within 2 days right before I triggered. GL!

Posted 2/10/08 8:17 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Anyone here good with blood levels???

I believe you are supposed to get AF after stopping OCP.

Posted 2/10/08 8:39 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: Anyone here good with blood levels???

Posted by rose825

I believe you are supposed to get AF after stopping OCP.

Dont mind my ignorance (not good w/ the abbreviations yet LOL) but what does OCP stand for ?..Unless maybe its BCP (birth control) - I never got a AF after stopping that and my doc said that was fine.....Thanks!!!

Message edited 2/10/2008 8:42:26 PM.

Posted 2/10/08 8:41 PM

Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05

9923 total posts


Re: Anyone here good with blood levels???

Day three of stopping BCP and I didnt get AF either although RE said i would. Going this morning for sono/bloodwork. I'll ask

Posted 2/11/08 6:19 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Anyone here good with blood levels???

Actually mature follies can be indicated by levels of 200-600...I have read it can be higher if you are overweight-which mine never were..

Posted 2/11/08 10:45 AM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: Anyone here good with blood levels???

Thanks for all your responses !!!...Went today and another Dr. in the practice said the same thing- Not concerned about the spotting esp. since its not red...Had a bunch more large follies (it was exciting to see them all !) and they called and had me lower my Follistim from 100 to 25 IU and I will begin adding Ganorelix and Menopur tonight as well...My lining was still the same so I guess the spotting didnt affect it any (it actually thickened by .5)...I didnt ask my specific estrogen level (got caught up in the whole follie thing) but both the Dr. and the nurse said its right on track so Im keeping my fingers crossed !!!!Chat Icon

Posted 2/11/08 1:48 PM

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