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Anyone with school aged kids...computers

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Anyone with school aged kids...computers

Do you have parental controls on your kids computers? Do you have time restrictions set up?

I have a 12 year old step-daughter, and apparently, she is the only one out of all her friends who have restrictions on her computer and we treat her "like a baby". Basically...I only limit the time (she can only be logged on between 6 pm-9 pm on school nights) so that she is not sitting on it for hours. The rule was when she got it, was that homework comes first and after dinner she can go on her computer. If she needs the computer for a homework assignment, I can override the time and log her in myself. And I also have her IM logging turned on, and I review her IM chats about 2x a month.

Basically...I'm the evil step-mother because I have imposed these restrictions and all her friends can use their computers whenever they want and their parents don't care. I being the good guy or the bad guy?

Posted 3/5/09 1:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/06

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Re: Anyone with school aged kids...computers

In her eyes you are of course the bad guy. In my eyes, you are the good guy Chat Icon I would be doing the same exact thing!

Posted 3/5/09 1:28 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: Anyone with school aged kids...computers

Posted by EmmaNick

In her eyes you are of course the bad guy. In my eyes, you are the good guy Chat Icon I would be doing the same exact thing!

I totally agree:)

Posted 3/5/09 1:31 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Anyone with school aged kids...computers

I plan on doing the same thing for DC when they get older. Right now, DS (5.5) is only on when we're with him, but once I get him a newer machine (his is getting too old to really use any more), and he starts using it on his own, I plan on having restrictions and/or monitoring software running.

Posted 3/5/09 1:33 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Anyone with school aged kids...computers

Posted by EmmaNick

In her eyes you are of course the bad guy. In my eyes, you are the good guy Chat Icon I would be doing the same exact thing!


Posted 3/5/09 1:53 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08

725 total posts


Re: Anyone with school aged kids...computers

My DD is 12 years old and she also has restrictions in the computer. She can use it for school, but to play only on weekends (weekdays we have allowed her occasionally depending on her homework load, but it does not happen very often because she does gets a lot of homework) We have The AOL Kids, and Teens with restrictions but she has to log in my name or Internet explorer when she is doing research, and I always know what homework she is doing research for (usually Science related or newspaper articles). I am sure that there are parents somewhere that do not impose restrictions on their kids but you are doing the right thing, specially with computers which can get out of hand. Your stepdaughter says that “all” her friends use the computer al the time and their parents don’t care, I’m sure its’ not all her friends and you have to tell her that the difference is that that you care about her. Luckily DD’s closest friend has even more strict restrictions when it comes to computer usage, so my daughter does not have an argument there. Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/09 1:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: Anyone with school aged kids...computers

You are a great parent and doing exactly what you should be-protecting her. Stick to your guns, because down the road your step-daughter will thank you for having her safety and best interests in mind.

Posted 3/5/09 2:04 PM

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