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Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

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Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Are you wearing your black today? I am.

I did a search and didn't see that this is/has been discussed. This is very important.


On September 20, 2007 more than 1 million people will wear BLACK as we
unite in one voice with one message
to declare that UN-EQUAL JUSTICE is just not acceptable. The world
will be watching when not just
Black Americans but people of all races take a stand for something
that we all believe in. Mychal Bell and
the Jena Six should be free. If you are not familiar with their case
and why these average teenagers, good
students, great athletes and are now fighting for their lives (one
student Mychal Bell has been in jail
since Dec. 2006) please visit to view
this video for the shock of your life and on any of the links below
for more information. This is clearly
a case of racism, the protest in Jena, LA, the US and around the world is
not an attack on white people but against a system that has failed us all.
This is not about black and white but about what is wrong and what is right!

Enough is Enough...Un-Equal Justice is just not
acceptable! .

Posted 9/20/07 12:34 PM
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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

I didnt even know...Im wearing a black shirt, shoes, bra and underwearChat Icon

Message edited 9/20/2007 12:35:19 PM.

Posted 9/20/07 12:35 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

I never heard of this either and i have on black pants and tshirt. and shoes.

Posted 9/20/07 12:37 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

It's important to watch the link, if you can.

Nobody heard about it because it wasn't on the news. Chat Icon that is the sad part Chat Icon

Posted 9/20/07 12:38 PM

My two miracles!

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

I didn't even know...I have black capris, cami, bra & sandals on!!!

Posted 9/20/07 12:41 PM

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

They were talking about it on the View yesterday, but I didn't know there was a wear black day.

Posted 9/20/07 12:42 PM

my Becks

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

I never even heard of it until my dad asked me about it yesterday. He's big on protests (he's done many civil rights and anti war marches) so he wanted to know if it was something worth observing. So I had to google it for him and sent him the link. It's sad it hasn't gotten more exposure.

And it sickening that there is still such blatant racism going on today. I mean a "white tree"??? Thats just disgusting.

I do have a grey shirt and black pants and shoes on though (oh, but thats just a coincedence).

Message edited 9/20/2007 2:00:14 PM.

Posted 9/20/07 12:47 PM

Grammie's Little Man

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

I wear black every day.

Posted 9/20/07 12:53 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

There is much more to this story than this You tube video. The black kids left the white kid unconscious.

I'm not saying that they deserve life in jail, but I do not think they should go free either.

Al Sharpton is all over this case. It has been on the news.

Posted 9/20/07 12:58 PM

My bunny

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Posted by Kate

There is much more to this story than this You tube video. The black kids left the white kid unconscious.

I'm not saying that they deserve life in jail, but I do not think they should go free either.

Al Sharpton is all over this case. It has been on the news.

There was pleanty of news coverage today. I agree with the above, they really beat the hell out of that kid.

Posted 9/20/07 1:00 PM


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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Associated Press story on Yahoo

Posted 9/20/07 1:01 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

This happened a long time ago and is only getting coverage now.

Even though they did beat up the kid, it was not handled properly. How about the kids with the noose. THey got expelled, then allowed back in school. And, what happend to the kids who beat up the black kid?

Whether people want to admit it or not, racism still exists. And it is very sad. As it said in the above email that I posted. This is not just about black or white. This is about right or wrong. I don't think anyone is saying that the kids should not be reprimanded at all.

Posted 9/20/07 1:10 PM

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Posted by pmpkn087
average teenagers, good
students, great athletes

I don't think kids who fit this description beat another kid until he is bloody and unconscious.

I find the hanging of the nooses disgusting and racist, but if they can't find a way to charge those kids under the law, they can't charge them. I also don't equate making a racist statement like that with a gang of kids beating someone like that.

It's probably getting exposure now because Sharpton got involved.

Posted 9/20/07 1:17 PM


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Message edited 7/14/2009 9:39:37 AM.

Posted 9/20/07 1:18 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

he and 5 guys beat the living cra@p out of someone. that is a crime.

but he should NOT be tried for MURDER!!!

Posted 9/20/07 1:24 PM


Member since 5/06

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Message edited 7/14/2009 9:39:57 AM.

Posted 9/20/07 1:27 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Posted by cpanyc

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

he and 5 guys beat the living cra@p out of someone. that is a crime.

but he should NOT be tried for MURDER!!!

the charges were reduced in June to aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy to commit aggravated second-degree battery

yes but Bell could be given 15 years in jail. that is a tad excessive IMO!!

Posted 9/20/07 1:28 PM


Member since 5/06

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Message edited 7/14/2009 9:40:15 AM.

Posted 9/20/07 1:30 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Posted by cpanyc

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

Posted by cpanyc

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

he and 5 guys beat the living cra@p out of someone. that is a crime.

but he should NOT be tried for MURDER!!!

the charges were reduced in June to aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy to commit aggravated second-degree battery

yes but Bell could be given 15 years in jail. that is a tad excessive IMO!!

it's actually a max of 22 years with the 2 charges combined

really? last I heard it was 15. w t f??!

Posted 9/20/07 1:31 PM

The cutest!

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

That is how much time someone in NY could get if they were convicted of Assault 1 or attempted Assault 1. Actually, in ny if someone was convicted of assault 1 in NY they could get up to 25 years jail even if it was their first conviction. I don't really know the facts of this case, but I can't really support releasing this young man if his actions caused another young man to lose consciousness.

Posted 9/20/07 1:37 PM

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Posted by Kate

There is much more to this story than this You tube video. The black kids left the white kid unconscious.

I'm not saying that they deserve life in jail, but I do not think they should go free either.

Al Sharpton is all over this case. It has been on the news.

I heard that the white kid that was "hurt" was out of the hospital and at a party the same night

I think it is disgusting what is happening....the white kids hung nooses from the so called "white tree" and only got in school suspension? So unfair Chat Icon

I am by no means justifying them beating up the white kid but give me an ***** break, 2nd degree attempted murder? That charge does not fit the crime

Posted 9/20/07 1:46 PM

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

There is so much wrong on so many levels on all sides of this story. Chat Icon It's sad to see things like this in 2007. It's hard to even know where to start when things get this out of control.

Others are admitted much better versed in this particular case (or rather string of cases) than I am, but I did want to add a couple of thoughts...

1. I'm not at all shocked, appalled, etc. that the initial charge was attempted murder. Prosecutors often (I'd venture to guess almost always) trump up charges when a person is first arrested. It happens all the time to people of every color. The theory is normally that if you trump up the charges then something will stick. The charges were decreased. This is all somewhat normal. (Anyone stating otherwise isn't entirely familiar with how prosecutors work) I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it just is.

2. The way to get justice back into the justice system is not to free those who committed crimes and were punished for it. It's to find and punish fairly ALL those who *actually* commit crime, regardless of their race, creed, class, or anything else.

3. I'm also not shocked that the MAXIMUM sentence is 15 years. They haven't been convicted, let alone sentenced yet. Let's at least give the courts the opportunity to choose the punishment before we start freaking out over what the maximum sentence could be. In Nassau Co., the max sentence for an expired car registration is 2 weeks in jail and a $500 fine. Who gets that?

4. The noose situation was inexcusable and appalling. Period. I do remember reading somewhere that they were unable to find any crime under which to prosecute those people -- but I tend to think that maybe they just didn't think hard enough. (It screams hate crime to me, as does the beating, but I don't know this state's laws, so I'm not equipped to comment) Regardless of whether it was a crime or not, I think they should have been punished far more harshly by the school! At the same time, it's also inexcusable and an obvious crime to beat anyone until they are unconscious. That, too, should be punished. There's wrong on every side here!

5. While we're all out to fix the justice system (and I have done TONS of work for prisoners rights, the death penalty, etc. personally and professionally), we need to acknowledge more than just the race issues. The bigger issue is actually class and how poverty (1) leads to increased crime and (2) affects convictions. You're more likely to be acquitted of a violent crime if you have money, regardless of your race. I am not trying to downplay any racial inconsistencies that clearly exist in our criminal justice system. Rather, I am pointing out an even larger problem with it.

6. Finally, when people hate, no one wins. I hope people just make extra sure to be careful what they teach their children by words and actions. Racism (and most other -isms) are learned. Look at a young child - They don't have the capacity to hate anyone based on their appearance, race, religion, weight, etc. They love everyone. It's sad when someone takes innocence like that and teaches it to hate.

I don't have any answers for healling race relations or for fixing the criminal justice system... If I did, I'd have fixed it already.

Posted 9/20/07 1:48 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Quick question, why do we have to wear black if this isn't a "black or white thing"? Chat Icon

Posted 9/20/07 1:50 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Posted by pmpkn087

And, what happend to the kids who beat up the black kid?

What case are you referring to?

Posted 9/20/07 1:51 PM

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They call me "Tater Salad"

Re: Are you wearing your black today?...Jena 6

Posted by Chatham-Chick

Quick question, why do we have to wear black if this isn't a "black or white thing"? Chat Icon

I know nothing of the wear black thing and tend not to participate in those sorts of things anyway.

My answer, given that, is that you don't have to wear anything you don't want to wear!

Posted 9/20/07 1:52 PM
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