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I'm 2!

Member since 9/05 6616 total posts
Name: Live*Love*Laugh
baby blues
since i came home on sat. i hvae been crying all day... i feel so different...i feel so sad . meanwhile Ashlee has been so good and i cant complain.. i guess alot of it is fear.. i feel better today then i did yesteday which is good... please tell me what u felt too.. i need some support TIA
Posted 2/19/07 7:06 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: baby blues
I had that too. My DH wouldnt let me look at the pictures of from the day he was born because I would sob like someone passed away. It stopped after 2 weeks and it's natural to feel that way. Your hormones are going to be all out of wack until they balance out. Hang in their it will be better
Posted 2/19/07 7:08 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: baby blues
Nancy I had the baby blues pretty bad. It was really bad for about 3 weeks and then from weeks 3 - 6 it started to fade. Now I only have moments where I get emotional.
I remember feeling completely exhausted and overwhelmed. I didn't want to get out of bed and I would stand in the shower and cry and cry and cry. If anyone talked to me I'd cry. I loved my DD and I loved caring for her, but I was just soooo sad.
Just know that it is totally normal. Your hormones are completely out of whack and your body is exhausted and needs time to heal.
I didn't believe it when everyone told me, but it does get better!! We are here if you ever need to talk! Feel free to FM anytime!!!
Feel better and enjoy that beautiful baby
Posted 2/19/07 7:13 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: baby blues
I felt the same way after Julia was born, I didn't want to be around her for the first couple of days, I just wanted to be alone and to get use to the fact I had a daughter I'm responsible for. I cried and felt sad for like 2 weeks, then I just started to feel better, and things got a lot easier, she was a great baby and slept a lot!
You will start to feel better soon!
Posted 2/19/07 7:15 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: baby blues
Once your body starts regulating the hormone levels, you should feel much better. If not, don't be shy about mentioning into your doctor.
Everyone's body - no matter how they give birth - is still in tramau. Those first few days were definitely difficult.
Posted 2/19/07 7:18 PM |
Little Angel

Member since 10/05 1745 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: baby blues
hang in there! It will get better!! I promise!
Posted 2/19/07 7:27 PM |
Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05 1536 total posts
Re: baby blues
Posted by Charly
Nancy I had the baby blues pretty bad. It was really bad for about 3 weeks and then from weeks 3 - 6 it started to fade. Now I only have moments where I get emotional.
I remember feeling completely exhausted and overwhelmed. I didn't want to get out of bed and I would stand in the shower and cry and cry and cry. If anyone talked to me I'd cry. I loved my DD and I loved caring for her, but I was just soooo sad.
Just know that it is totally normal. Your hormones are completely out of whack and your body is exhausted and needs time to heal.
I didn't believe it when everyone told me, but it does get better!! We are here if you ever need to talk! Feel free to FM anytime!!!
Feel better and enjoy that beautiful baby
THis was me too! I PROMISE it gets better.
Posted 2/19/07 7:46 PM |
Member since 5/05 4457 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: baby blues
It will get better, but if the intensity gets worse over the next week call your doc also, try to get out of th ehouse this week, it will be almost 50 degrees
Posted 2/19/07 7:49 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: baby blues
Hang in there, Nancy- it gets better.
I didn't have the blues but I had anxiety so bad I couldn't even eat. I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. It faded a couple of weeks after she was born.
The hormones really wack you out.
Posted 2/19/07 7:50 PM |
I'm 2!

Member since 9/05 6616 total posts
Name: Live*Love*Laugh
Re: baby blues
Posted 2/20/07 10:48 AM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: baby blues
it does get better
Posted 2/20/07 10:50 AM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: baby blues
I wept constantly for the first, oh maybe 12 days. and I mean CONSTANTLY. WEPT. BLUBBERED LIKE A BIG GIRLS BLOUSE.
But it don't worry! Its totally normal!!!
Posted 2/20/07 10:50 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: baby blues
I had it with both kids. I can clearly remember calling DH at work when Sarah was like 2 weeks old and telling him that she hated me and we were going to have to find another home for her.
And with Andy one morning I completely broke down and was cyring hysterically while DH was getting ready for work. It was getting to the point where I was considering counseling, but then I started to feel a little better each day so I didn't.
Hang in there, it will get better. There are plenty of people on here and in real life who you can talk to if you need.
Posted 2/20/07 10:53 AM |
my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Re: baby blues
so normal I was a crying mess!
Posted 2/20/07 10:53 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: baby blues
I thought I would avoid baby blues based on how excited I was for my son.
I was WRONG! Everyone gets some form of it, and as happy as you are it is so overwhelming...I actually cried in the hospital a few hours after I had full out sobbing....not knowing why I was crying.
The good news is that it disappears and then you wonder why you were so sad :) I promise you'll be better. Get through these first few days/weeks with the help of family and friends and then you'll be back to yourself after no time. Enjoy your baby!!
Posted 2/20/07 10:53 AM |
I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: baby blues
I was this way too. Iwasn't allowed to hold Emily after she was born because I had a c-section and she had breathing problems so she went right into the NICU. That next 24 hours was pure hell for me and even after we got home it was bad and I'd just think about it and it would make me cry. I didn't tell anyone about it --- I tried to just hold it in and not let anyone see it -- but I wish I had at least talked to my sister or my DH about it. Please, don't hesitate to talk to people about it if you need to, even if it's us on here. We go through so much when we give birth to a baby and it helps to get it out.
Hang in there!
Posted 2/20/07 10:54 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: baby blues
I had a mini breakdown while still in the hospital and it was sooo hard the first few weeks. I cried as we pulled away from the hospital, I cried when my colicky baby cried, I cried when I couldn't sleep from being so anxious and yet exhausted at the same time, I cried because of the new responsibilities and I had never felt so alone in my life...BUT it was temporary. Just know that it will get so much better and that what you are feeling is normal!!! It is so overwhelming/exhausting we have to let it out somehow!!!
Posted 2/20/07 11:01 AM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: baby blues
like everyone else said, it is completely normal- I was weepy for about 3-4 weeks- with each day getting better & better.....
Posted 2/20/07 11:45 AM |