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Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

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Family is Complete!

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Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

So I know it is only Day 5 but I am so bummed at how DD won't latch. She latched twice for about 15 minutes each, but the rest of the time she just plays with my nipples and sucks and gives up..

Can anyone share encouraging stories of learning how to latch after a delay?

Am I a lost cause since she hasn't latched yet?

I have always wanted to breastfeed since before I was even pregnant and now I am finding it SO difficult. I need to know that I am not totally screwed if she can't latch yet.

Posted 2/16/07 1:23 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

It IS difficult but hang in there it gets easier - you both still have some learning to'll come with time. Do nothing but focus on your DD for now and enjoy your time!

5 days was when I wanyed to throw in the towel. I found LLL forums for more support.

As long as her diaper output is ok you shouldn't worry. Worst case you pump and give it to her in a bottle...

Did you see a LC again at home?

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Posted 2/16/07 4:29 AM

The Boys!

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

I had difficulty too and ended up pumping everything, so I just wanted to send Chat Icon and encourage you to keep trying!!! This time around I plan to be more persistent.

Posted 2/16/07 7:36 AM

We made it to 8 years

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

I had a really hard time.. even went to see 2 LC and nothing working.. also DDwas 4 weeks early and it is very common for children born early to latch. I actually pumped for 4 months and then my milk supply fell off.. so she ended up on formula..

Just hang in there.. if not ask your ped about seeing a LC or see if there is a breastfeeding support group in you local hospital.. does not have to be the one you delivered at

Posted 2/16/07 7:40 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

Since it is still early I would call an LC. It's still I think you can do it. She will need to learn how suck since she is getting bottles and they suck different on a bottle than they do on a nipple.
In the hospital the nurses were very hands on with me (I really didnt care since I had just given birth) and they showed me how to hold my breast and they literally shoved my nipple in his mouth. Did you try another hold? She might be to comfortable they way you are holding her. Also when he would scream if he was on my breast that is when they told me to put the nipple in because his mouth needed to be open that wide ( i didnt really agree with that method but it did work). I also nursed every 90 minutes sometimes it was a longer strech but then I pumped. It is very frustrating but if you stay calm she will get it.

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Posted 2/16/07 7:46 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

As others have said, it is very, very hard in the beginning for most of us. Very few people just have the process come naturally, it takes serious work and discomfort for you both to figure it out -- so get help -- live help, in person...

Don't be shy about shoving yourself into your baby's mouth. It seemed rough to me, but the baby hasn't read the books and doesn't necessarily get it from the beginning. My LC would have me smoosh myself flat like a sandwich (make your thumb one side and other fingers the other, so your hand looks like a flattened c) and then tease until the baby opened wide -- then pull the baby to me really tight.

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Posted 2/16/07 7:53 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

Honestly, I take one feeding at a time, like one day at a time. I always want to throw the towel in. I am on this milkfree soyfree diet. DH won't touch them since they are always leaking. I looked for a ticket out at last dr appt. Baby was getting too much foremilk. I asked dr if its even worth it at this point. Dr said, well you are giving your baby the best, do you think its worth it?

So we continue on. He will be 9 weeks on Monday, I can't believe we made it so far.

At first, he had no intrest in eating. He was born 9.7 took him home at 8.10 lbs. I was demolished. All that work in the hospital and for what? He lost so much. I met with the lacation lady, and she made me feel great. She said my baby is full of good stuff. It wasn't a waste. I rented a pump and pumped every 2 hours. It helped because they felt that when I BF him, it was too warm and cozy, causing him to fall asleep even easier. I would sit with a 2 oz bottle for over an hour letting it drip in his mouth. He was also jaudiced, so I had the fear put in me that he may need formula. So that he would not be bottle nipple exclusive, every other feeding I would put him on me.

I think you are doing great. I would call a lactation consultant. They are really helpful and crazy positive. One night in the hospital, one came in my room and said me and Josh won the new baby contest for most improved. It sounds so silly now, but I could cry just thinking about how great that made me feel. They are trained to put you at ease.

At the end of the day, while nursing and our eyes now locking in on each other and I sing to him, I can say I never thought it would be like this. It was such a challenge, but there is those great moments ahead for you.

Also, let the house go to hell. Your DH will have to practically be ignored. Your hair will be clean, but not done. This week is all about your boobs. That is your goal. I stayed in my room for the first 5 days home, nursing, pumping and sleeping(I had unruley company, so it made it easy for me to stay cooped up.)

One night, she will get it. One night mine turned into this hungry little monster and I went into shock...who's baby was this? I also was shocked to find out how little they really do eat when I had started pumping. Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/07 8:10 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

I agree with everyone's suggestions of contacing a LC. My girlfriend's baby had trouble latching and the LC suggested breast sheilds which made it much easier for the baby. Now she's BF without them.

Posted 2/16/07 8:32 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

I suggest going to a lacation consultant as well. My baby had a hard time latching, I used breast shields for a long time. I also found out (thanks to the lc)that my baby was tongue tied - the piece of skin under his tongue was too tight, and that is why he couldn't latch on properly. We had to have it snipped, and it made all the difference. Eventually I weaned off of the shields. 7 months later, I'm still nursing!

Posted 2/16/07 8:39 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

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I am sorry to hear it has been tough. I am not there yet (due may 1st) but I can sympathize since I want to BF so bad!

Hopefully some of the experienced mommies can help!!

Posted 2/16/07 11:27 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

I had a lot of problems with BF'ing and some baby blues in the beg.

Hang in there. Things will get better even if at times it feels like it never will.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/07 11:32 AM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

Are you giving her a bottle as well? That maybe be causing nipple confusing and that's why she's not latching on. If you have to supplement with something what about trying a dropper first?

Posted 2/16/07 11:32 AM

my little man

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

Chat Icon Chat Icon It will get better, the first couple of weeks are so hard and Sabrina has to get used to it. I would call the LC.

Posted 2/16/07 11:51 AM

Mommy to 2 boys!

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

I know first hand how hard it is Juliet. But I promise it WILL get better. We are here for you and will support whatever you decide to do. My son used to do the same thing and my ped told me to only leave him on for 15 mins on each breast and that's it. He said he will just use you as a human paci if you keep letting him stay longer and longer.

Posted 2/16/07 12:10 PM

me and baby #3!

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon you're doing better than I did....I gave in to pumping and only for 6 weeks. DD was just lazy...took to the bottle perfectly....Chat Icon

hopefully this time around will be different

Posted 2/16/07 12:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

You are so NOT a lost cause I actually wish I had the opportunity to spaek to more people about BF before I got involved because I was so traumatized by the whole thing. People don't realize how difficult it is until you start talking to other moms about their problems to start out as well! I actually was supposed to deliver naturally and the baby got stuck then I had a C-section but the epidural moved and stopped working so they had to give me meds to help me be semi -unconscious anyway needless to say I delivered at 1:30 pm and did not even see my son until 6:30pm so by then he had eaten... and was on a bottle... then I was in so much pain and groggy that he was actually on a bottle for quite some time so I thought I was a total lost cause because now he found the easy way to feed! But let me tell you I met with a lactation consultant and she got that boy to latch on with some special equipment... and he was just fine so don't give up and seek help if you are getting yourself upset like I did. It is supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable time for you and your baby. Don't worry it will happen!Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/07 12:20 PM

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

First of all Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
As you can see, you are not alone! I don't know why people say it is the most natural thing when so many women have such a hard time! It isn't even you, it is the baby. I know MANY women that have BF a few babies then are having ahard time with the 3rd (or 4th! Chat Icon ). Just keep at it and definitely see a LC. She will help you to make this a positive experience for you and your baby. It is the best thing for the baby so good for you for sticking it out Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/07 12:26 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

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It does get a LOT easier. Just keep trying to get her to latch. Tickle her cheek with her nipple, and she will turn and open her mouth, then just really stuff your boob in. It will come, its so awkward at first, but then it becomes so easy. Definitely call a lactation consultant to come sit with you if you can. That would be a tremendous help. Good luck!!!

Posted 2/16/07 1:28 PM

My Everything

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

First off Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Second, don't give up!! Please, please, please find a good Lactation Consultant or call the La Leche League and see if they can have someone come out to help you. Once you get her to latch it will be so much easier.
I wish I lived in NY. I would help you. While I'm not expert I had so many LC visits I could offer some help.

Posted 2/16/07 2:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It is never easy to adjust in the beginning. But there is some great advice in this thread. If it doesn't improve definitely call a LC.

It will get better!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/07 3:11 PM

just the girls

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

I didnt have any luck. So I know how you are feeling. I wanted to send you lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I had a lactation nurse come to my house, I pumped, I took fenugreek, I had to use nipple shields, it was just an on going battle with DD to latch on and then my supply diminished- my fault for not pumping regularly and on schedule.

Hang in there, I know for my next one I am going to try again and take what I learned from this pg to the next. Chat Icon

edited to say, Congrats and welcome!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 2/16/2007 3:56:58 PM.

Posted 2/16/07 3:20 PM

Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05

5913 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

Thanks for all of the love and support. We saw an LC today and I am pumping for 10 minutes every hour until my milk sprays freely (hope that is soon)

The LC was SO nice and positive and I am using shields for a while so DD can learn to latch onto me. When I wondered if DD would ever latch on, the LC said "not if, when. She will get this and then LOVE it"

Now can I get through the next 24 hrs of pumping every hour?

Posted 2/16/07 8:35 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Breastfeeding and baby blues-need hugs and support please

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon You can do it, I know it! You are such a good momma to be making all this effort!

Posted 2/16/07 8:41 PM

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