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My loves

Member since 5/06 19150 total posts
Name: Kelly
Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
As most of you know: I had an unusual amount of amniotic fluid and a big baby. There was so much fluid that he was still swimming around in my belly the morning I delivered. I was freakin' large!! Getting pregnant was no picnic either. Doctors didn't think I'd ever get pregnant. My complications in pregnancy, and after, were part of my pre-pregnancy problems combined with reactions to medication. I urge you to read my entire story when you have the time because it's so important to speak up when things don't seem right. It nearly cost me my life by staying silent. On Thursday (8/16) we moved into our new home. The next morning I went to my normal doctor appt. At this appt we were prepared to be told my scheduled c-section date. Although I had just seen the high-risk specialist 2 days before and had a sono, they wanted to do another sono. This sono still showed a dang large baby and my blood pressure started to go up as well. (which was always 120/80 throughout the pregnancy) They were afraid I was beginning to get pre-eclampsia, so the doctor said he was sending me to the hospital. I said 'Oh, so you want to monitor me.' He said 'No, we are going to deliver you today.' UM, WHAT?!?! I was numb. I even asked the dr when I should call DH. He looked at me like I was nuts. He said 'I think you need to call him now. You're having a baby.' I just wasn't grasping the concept. We just moved the night before!! Nothing was unpacked.
The Labor and Delivery nurses at St. Charles were amazing!!!!!!!!!! So nice!!!!! (And, I had been there 2 times before for contractions earlier in the pregnancy. Each time they were nice!) I was scheduled to deliver at 4:00pm and I was told to make sure DH got there by 3:00. He walked in looking like a deer in headlights. I knew I had the same look. We weren't ready. As I was waiting, I began to have full contractions. (God Bless those of you that actually go through full labor. I was in so much pain.) I was actually walking down the hall to the operating room, about to start my c-section when I was sent back to my room. They had an emergency c-section. Then another emergency c-section pushed me back again. My contractions were getting worse and I was so afraid the baby would start to drop into the birth canal and I would suddenly be stuck pushing a toddler out. (That's why I'm not a doctor, they know what they are doing.) At 7pm I was brought to the operating room and they began to give me my spinal. They were prepping me and brought DH in once the sheet was up. Suddenly I smelt burning. I asked what the burning was and they said they were cauterizing me so I didn't bleed out. Funny thing was, I didn't even know they started cutting me. I thought I was still being prepped. Then DH said 'Oh, it's like the light sabers in Star Wars.' One of the doctors said 'What?!' So, DH begins to explain that light sabers cauterize wounds when they cut. That's why you never see blood. He gets into a conversation with the doctors about Star Wars. HELLO!!!! CONCENTRATE ON GETTING THE BABY OUT OF ME!!!!!!!!!! But then DH accidentally saw around the sheet and saw my insides all hanging out. He turned white and the conversation stopped. Suddenly, I felt a great mass being removed from me. I knew it was the baby. The pressure relief was great!!!! Then we heard him cry. We cried. I will never forget that moment. They brought him around and he was beautiful!!!! Then they weighed him, 11lbs 8oz!! The doctors were actually a bit disappointed, hoping for bigger. I think they were hoping to be part of a non-diabetic hospital record.
The doctors were great throughout the process. Before delivery, they told me all the options for all the complications that could occur. So, we were prepared for the baby to possibly enter NICU. That was the hardest part. It sucked watching all the moms with the babies in their rooms. They looked so comfy with them in the room with their husbands. Their family time had begun. Although DH was there often, he was also trying to unpack boxes in our new home. He also was busy building the baby's things. We didn't want to build anything until we moved. Idiots. So my time in the hospital was spent trying to nurse a brontosaurus every hour, which is tough when you need to go from your room to NICU each time.
Most of the nurses were very nice in maternity, but some were not. One time I went to NICU to feed the baby at 7pm and I was yelled at for being in there during the shift change. Obviously, I was supposed to know hospital protocol, even though the day before I nursed him at 7pm. It was also very confusing which doctors I was seeing because I didn't know all the doctors in my OBGYN practice, or the doctors in the pediatrician practice. They also had hospital doctors working on me due to my complications. I did not feel right the day they released me. My blood pressure was increasing and I was having an allergic reaction to something they couldn't figure out. I don't think all the doctors were talking to each other. Anyway, I was released and I began to not feel well.
The next day I had to go to the hospital for a test for the baby. While I was there I was callled up to maternity because I had left something there. While I was up there a few nurses said I didn't look well and began to help me. Another nurse yelled at them that I was no longer a patient and to leave me alone. The next day I had an extreme headache (which I never get) and I had stabbing pains along my spine. I was rushed to the hospital and my blood pressure had skyrocketed. They immediately started treating me to stop a stroke and readmitted me. Unfortunately, you can't be readmitted to maternity. So, the baby could not be with me. I was on a floor with people that had infectious diseases. DH had to take the baby home and be single dad. He admitted later that his biggest fear was losing me during childbirth and he thought it was happening. So he tried to remain calm while being the sole caregiver of a 6 day old newborn. My 2nd stay in the hospital was horrible, but I will not go into the details on here, since it wasn't maternity.
Once I was home I was fighting an infection in my blood, but I was glad to be home with my baby. There is my story. Not so funny, like my typical Kelly stories. But I wrote it all out to let you know to speak up about how you're feeling. Never let any little thing go unsaid. I didn't speak up and it nearly killed me. When I look at my son, nothing else matters. Soon, I will have forgotten about all of this. I wish you all the best of luck because the babies are worth it all!!!!!!!!!
Message edited 9/18/2007 11:41:39 PM.
Posted 9/18/07 11:35 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 4/07 1223 total posts
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Wow!!! Im glad you are feeling better and that you are able to be with your adorable son....
Posted 9/18/07 11:44 PM |

Member since 9/06 5307 total posts
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
thank you for sharing!!!! very proud of you and glad it all worked out. He is beautiful God bless
Posted 9/19/07 7:43 AM |
soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05 4369 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
wow Kelly, what an experience. I am so happy that you are now home with your adorable baby and new home. Congratulations
Posted 9/19/07 8:08 AM |
I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05 6707 total posts
Name: Noel
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
congrats.Glad you are ok now.. i thought my 10lber was a big baby!
Posted 9/19/07 8:36 AM |
Always in my heart.....
Member since 11/06 6686 total posts
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Aww Kelly you went through so much But he sure was worth it
Posted 9/19/07 9:16 AM |

Member since 10/06 3013 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Wow, that is quite an experience you went through. Thank you for sharing. I am sure you will make one fantastic mama! Congrats on your son and stay healthy!!
Posted 9/19/07 9:37 AM |
I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
What a story!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Posted 9/19/07 9:43 AM |
Merry Christmas!

Member since 6/07 2153 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
I'm so glad you are okay!! Congratulation on you DS! He's adorable!
Posted 9/19/07 10:19 AM |
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Thanks for sharing your story Kelly! I had no idea about the stroke Thankfully you and baby are okay!!! I'm so happy for you!
Posted 9/19/07 11:39 AM |
My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06 6551 total posts
Name: L
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Kelly, I am so so glad you are okay now. And your son is just adorable, I wanna hug him, looks sooo cuddly! Sorry you had so much craziness around your pregnancy and afterwards.
Posted 9/19/07 11:51 AM |
Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
WOW, Kelly!!!!!!! So glad that you're home, safe and sound and healthy again with your precious little boy!!!!!!!! Congrats again!!!!!!
Posted 9/19/07 12:00 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06 711 total posts
Name: Who's asking?
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
What a story! I truly am happy you are okay.
Congratulations again. Your son is so adorable!!
Posted 9/19/07 12:15 PM |

Member since 10/06 2938 total posts
Name: me
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
I am so glad to hear you are doing so much better. I have been following your story since I came to the pregnancy board. COngrats on your beautiful baby boy and I hope you have continued good health along with your little one.
Posted 9/19/07 12:21 PM |
Then there was 2

Member since 3/06 5696 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Kelly, i am sooooooooooooooo glad you are ok!! you are a strong woman!!!!
your son is a cutie!!! Cant wait to meet him!
Posted 9/19/07 2:11 PM |
Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
What a story! Glad you and the baby are are one strong mommy!!!
Posted 9/19/07 2:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/05 1652 total posts
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Im so sorry you had to go through all that!!!
Enjoy your beautiful baby!
Posted 9/19/07 3:36 PM |
So blessed!

Member since 11/06 10348 total posts
Name: Ivelysse
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Wow Kelly! Thanks you sharing your story! Glad you and the baby are doing well. Stay healthy!!
Posted 9/19/07 6:27 PM |
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Thank you for sharing. No, it was not the usual funny Kelly story but you pulled through so that there can be a lot more Kelly stories!!!!!!!!!
Congrats again on your beautiful brontosaurus!!!!!!!!
Posted 9/19/07 6:31 PM |
I love this boy!

Member since 4/07 3372 total posts
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
thanks for sharing ur story..he's an adorable, congrats u went through a lot and it was all worth it!
Posted 9/19/07 6:35 PM |
Living the DREAM!!!

Member since 7/06 2646 total posts
Name: Kimmer
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
WOW! That is some story! Im glad it all worked out and now you are home with your adorable boy!
Posted 9/19/07 8:59 PM |
I love my little munchkins!

Member since 10/05 3939 total posts
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Thanks for sharing such an incredible story. I am so happy that you are home feeling better with your precious son.
Posted 9/19/07 9:28 PM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
Wow, what a story. Way to go, strongest mom ever. He is beautiful- and my sister had that EXACT raspberry mark when she was born- I've never seen that on anyone else!
So glad that mommy, daddy, and baby are home, happy, and healthy!
Posted 9/20/07 9:56 AM |
My loves

Member since 5/06 19150 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
I think I scared many of you.
Remember, I had complications before pregnancy. This is not normal. We're fine now!!!
Posted 9/20/07 11:43 AM |
Back on Board.

Member since 10/06 1838 total posts
Name: Ally
Re: Baby Brontosaurus birth story (Freakin' Long)
thank you for sharing your story. you and your husband are very brave!
Posted 9/20/07 6:22 PM |
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