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Member since 11/06 1623 total posts
Name: Michelle
Baby makes 3!!!! My very LONG Birth story....
We came home from the hospital today! I'm so in love it's ridiculous!
I'll post the story, the whole story in a few... just uploading the pics to go with it. The short version is:
Danielle Nicole Born: June 28th @ 10:14pm Weighing in at a Whopping 5lbs 4oz Length: 19 inches long
I first just want to say Thanks to everyone!! Pregnancy was a great learning expierence and I'm glad I had you guys to ask questions to, vent to and turn to for support!
All through my pregnancy, I had been monitored since the Dr.’s suspected I had a heart shaped uterus. At my 32 wk growth sono, the Dr.’s were slightly concerned about her weight & stomach percentage as it related to her body percentage. Not concerned enough, but wanted to monitor me even closer. She weighed 3lbs 10oz. at this point. A month later, at 36 wks, she was up to 5lbs 4oz, her stomach was 10% and her body was 21%. Most babies will be in a much higher % ratio bracket. The Dr. had instructed me to stop working and rest. We needed to wait 2 weeks to see how much she was growing and more importantly, to see if her stomach % was growing.
38wk sono, she only grew to 5lbs 11oz and her entire body % was 10% now. We had to do an amnio to test the lungs and if they were developed, we were going to induce.
Amnio results were fine, lungs developed, so, we now had to decide what we’d been discussing for weeks, to induce or go straight for an elective c-section. I had thought all along I would need a c-section b/c baby was breech and backwards up until the 35th week. I also didn’t anticipate her moving due to the heart shaped uterus issue. I really REALLY did not want to be induced! I do not like what I’ve read and heard about pitocin and it freaks me out. I by no means am a Dr. myself, and have found no “medical” reasoning behind this, but there were 3 reasons. 1. I heard pitocin was related to autism. (Again, no medical indication- I’m just freaked out over the thought). 2. Some girls I know were not monitored close enough and ended up with a full hysterectomy. (Probably a very rare case, but I know 3 of them) and my 3rd reasoning, and the only one that has any real foundation to it….. why go through the induction and the pain to have it fail? I also learned that not every induction is a success, some end in a c-section anyway. Well, after weeks of back and forth and discussing with anyone who would listen talk and offer their advice/experience we decided to go for the inducing.
Wed. we went for the amnio. While we waited for the results, my DH and I went to go see Die Hard, as it was better than sitting at home starring at the walls! When we got the call, we went out to dinner first, and then headed into the hospital Wed. night to have the cervidil inserted.
Inserting the cervidil was fine and not that painful. Felt like an internal exam, which was not comfortable, but I kept thinking, “Well, labor is going to be much worse”. Well, what little did I know.
I’ll first tell you, I do not have a high threshold to pain. 11am the next morning, they came to take out the cervidil and they couldn’t find it!!!!!! The RN Dr. kept asking me if I think it came out when I went to the bathroom? Umm…. NO. turns out, I was 100% effaced, but only 2cms dialated on the “other side” and 1cm dialated on this side and it had gone to the other side. Yeah, I kind of felt violated!!!! So, that was done- waiting for 1pm to start my most anticipated…. Pitocin. At this point, I just wanted to do it and get it over with. Turns out, babies heart rate was off a bit by dropping a bit. We had to wait for my Dr. to come on duty at 5pm.
At 5, my Dr. arrived and we started. I’m not lying when I say, the contractions, although mild, started by 5:20. They had told me try to hold out as long as possible and it was going to be a long night. I’m not sure why I assumed that pitocin was going to speed this all up and I’d have the baby within hours from when they started the drip. NOPE- Dr. and nurse were guessing 2-3am!!!! WT.. ?? 2am? I wanted to faint. Well, I held out for an ENTIRE 2 hours (LOL) and asked for drugs. The contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and strong. I thought it was suppose to start out ½ hr. apart and then, get closer. I was also, only 2 cm dialated on both sides now. This part is actually really funny! I had to go to the bathroom and the Dr. was willing to give me a shot. I don’t know the name and you’ll know why in a minute. I wanted the shot, and then, I’d get up to go the bathroom. Dr. said no, go now b/c after the shot, I won’t be able to walk/talk or anything, I’ll be sleeping for about 2 hours. Since unplugging everything and the pains were a little intense for me (when asked on a scale of 1-10 I told the Dr. I was a 7. They both thought I was crazy). Low and behold, I get back in bed, hooked up to the monitors and they insert the shot into the IV. My reaction when it hit my veins… “ OUCh….
I was thinking as I was passing out, WOW, now this is a drug! My DH laughs at this story!!!
The next thing I remember hearing (which I thought was 20 minutes later) was at 9pm- 2 hours later, “We think the consensus is c-section b/c the babies heart rate is dropping”. Everytime I was having a stronger contraction, her heartrate was dropping and how, it had dropped to 60. I remember my DH telling my Dr. “Oh, she’s going to be P*ssed”. Refer back to reason #3 why I didn’t want to be induced. Ok, anyway, at any point, I always wanted what was best for the baby.
We were in the OR within a ½ hour and I had the spinal. Spinal wasn’t bad, but the needle to numb the area hurt more than a pinch. Also, the nurse I was leaning on while waiting got into a conversation with the other nurse and she was basically leaning on ME! I finally said, “Hey, I’m holding you up”! C-Section was fine and she was out in a matter of minutes. Good thing, the cord was around her neck, she would've never came out vaginally. She went on to prove how much her lungs were developed by screaming like crazy! It was the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard in my life. They cleaned her and gave her to DH and we got to see her for a bit before they stitched me up. I was brought to recovery where we would spend the night because the hospital had no rooms!!!!!! At 6am, I had to request to see my baby, as I still hadn’t held or really seen my little angel. She was the most incredible site I’d ever laid eyes on. She was just perfect and TINY.
Most of the birth stories I read usually end here and have been very helpful to me. I have the need to share what I’ll define as, for lack of a better term, horrible experience in post partum. Had I known anything, I certainly would’ve asked more questions or attempted to make other arrangements should this scenario occur. SO… DH and I are stuck in recovery for 14 hours b/c there were so many births that week the hospital didn’t have a room for us. My Dr. had mentioned that there weren’t rooms and thought they’d put us back into the labor/delivery room where we were. That was fine w/ us. NOPE, the new PP staff was less than helpful and said it was against policy. I was sweating my face off and in immense pain and told them that if a woman came in who was in labor, I’d be happy to get out. 14 hours later, we were still in recovery where I had to request a Tylenol 3x’s and got it 2 hours later. This was only the beginning!!! I’m so disgusted and mortified of my PP experience, I’m not even sure what to do. Write a letter to the hospital?? Tell my Dr. so at least she knows? I’ll give you the cliff noted version…. They basically forgot my medicine almost every time I asked for it. It did take me a day to realize it doesn’t come right away b/c they need to check my chart and see what time I took it last and what other medication I might be on. However, 2 hours is not what I would call acceptable. If the medicine situation wasn’t enough, the woman I shared a room with should’ve been transferred to a special care unit, or I should’ve been transferred to a different room when we asked 6x’s!!! She had a c/s on Wed. and had other issues. In the middle of the night she couldn’t make it to the bathroom and had diarrhea all over the floor. She called the nurses who left her standing in her poop for 45 mins before they came in to help her. My heart bled for her, but, on the same token, I was in the bed right next to this. The nurse comes in and they help her to the bathroom, but tell us that housekeeping has to come and clean this up! 4 hours later at 8am the next morning, housekeeping came in to clean and mop. This was only the 1st night….. I was there 3 more nights. The next night, she was on a bedpan and had a few accidents, but not as bad. We requested a new room and they wouldn’t move us. Finally on Sunday, my DH had enough when we had family there and all we heard on her speaker was, “I missed my bedpan and I’ve had a stool over the bed”. I don’t know what happened, I just know he came back moving bags! I had a private room for the last night, and so did she. The nurse who was now on duty must have felt really bad for us, b/c she came in and gave us one on one lessons and answered any questions we had. She brought my drugs within 5 minutes of me asking and was very helpful. To bad this wasn’t my experience for the entire time! None of this really matters when I look at this blessing I have, but I wish I would’ve been able to ask what happens if the hospital is so packed they don’t have a bed? I asked for a different floor- anything?????
Anyway, thought I’d share. If you’re still reading…. Thanks for listening and reading my story.
Here’s my little girl that I’ve dreamed of since the day I knew I could have babies. Danielle Nicole… as the nurses said, “The tiny one”
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Message edited 7/3/2007 12:56:25 PM.