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My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Babysitter question (with poll)
I am wondering what is the youngest age you would feel comfy with a babysitter being?
Posted 3/3/09 7:57 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
without asthma, I would say 15 if she was a good girl.
with the asthma...much older.
i say 15 since I was much younger when I started babysitting.
Posted 3/3/09 8:00 PM |
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
I would love to hire someone who is 16 but that seems hard to find. We might try a 14 year old.
Posted 3/3/09 8:01 PM |
Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07 10116 total posts
Name: Gabi
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
It would depend on how old the child (ren) is/are.
Posted 3/3/09 8:02 PM |
Mommy of 3
Member since 8/08 2872 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
It depends. I started babysitting at 12 but it was also across the street from my home and my mom was home and the parents knew that.
Posted 3/3/09 8:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
With two little kids - she/he would have to be at least 16
Posted 3/3/09 8:04 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07 788 total posts
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
I think it depends on the maturity of the baysitter and the length and extent of care that the babysitter will be providing. If it is an all day job, the age goes up but if it is just to go out to dinner and the majority of the time the babysitter will be there more to make sure the house doesn't go on fire and if the DC wakes up I think 14 is okay.
Posted 3/3/09 8:05 PM |
Love these kids!

Member since 10/05 4708 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
I put 16 but IDK. I started at 12 but that just seems SO young to me now. I am nuts about it. 14 - maybe if they were mature. 16 - sometimes at the really boy crazy age. Thats why I thank my lucky stars I have a wonderful mother and mother in law.
Posted 3/3/09 8:07 PM |
Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06 7390 total posts
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
id say 16 minimum(even though i was 13 when i started, and 14 when i was watching an infant) kids are just different nowadays
Message edited 3/3/2009 8:10:56 PM.
Posted 3/3/09 8:10 PM |
just the girls

Member since 5/05 9461 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
it depends on the length of time, for a date night 16, for all day while at work def 18+, personally I wouldnt hire anyone younger than 21 to watch while at work.
Posted 3/3/09 8:19 PM |

Member since 5/05 7550 total posts
Name: M
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
Posted by twinkletoes807
It would depend on how old the child (ren) is/are.
I agree it depends on what age kids are being babysat. Also it depends on the teenager. My niece is almost 12 and though I started babysitting at 12...she is no where mature enough for that responsibility. I would say in general 15/16.
Posted 3/3/09 8:19 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
Posted by Melissa77
It depends. I started babysitting at 12 but it was also across the street from my home and my mom was home and the parents knew that.
Me too
I'd let my 15 year old SIL babysit DS, but I would NOT have let her 18 year old sister babysit when SHE was 15, their maturity levels are totally different.
Posted 3/3/09 8:25 PM |
Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08 5916 total posts
Name: Hill
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
If it was my niece I would say 15 or 16.. I dont know if it was someone else that I didnt know as well.
Posted 3/3/09 8:27 PM |
Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06 14917 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
I chose 16, but I think it depends. I started at 14...but my mom lived right around the blockand was there if I needher her help or whatever. Guess it depends on how long youd be gone for, how mature the babysitter is, etc.
Posted 3/3/09 8:29 PM |
Love him!
Member since 10/07 3189 total posts
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
Posted by wjb5707
I think it depends on the maturity of the baysitter and the length and extent of care that the babysitter will be providing. If it is an all day job, the age goes up but if it is just to go out to dinner and the majority of the time the babysitter will be there more to make sure the house doesn't go on fire and if the DC wakes up I think 14 is okay.
My thoughts exactly!
Posted 3/3/09 8:50 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 684 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Babysitter question (with poll)
i started babysitting for other kids at age 13 but i was definitely very mature then most 13 year olds ive come across id say the youngest id hire a babysitter for my kids (DD is 3, DS is 15 months) would be 17. I think at that age a person would know what to do in an emergency. I feel that she needs to have a drivers license as well.... In the event of an emergency, if she ever had to bring the kids to the dr or something at least she was of age to drive. I just fired my babysitter (for many many reasons) one of them being she didnt drive and was always at least 20 min late because she relied on other people to take her to my house,and she could never make up the lost time because after watching my kids she went straight to college. I feel that she did not take babysitting serious and for me, being on time is important. id hire a babysitter from age 17-24 when i think they are most energetic, mature, responsible and reliable (of course depending on the personality) I just hired a new sitter, she is turning 20. She is also a good friend of the family's daughter so i feel comfortable knowing her mom and her background.
Posted 3/3/09 8:53 PM |