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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3944 total posts
Name: ME
BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps! UPDATE 4-25-08
Every yr we get a few bees and then they are gone. NOT this year. All week, it seems like we are getting more and more, they are dodge bombing us! We are having an exterminator tomorrow afternoon. Do I have to let him in if the bees are outside. I do not want a exterminator in my house you never know what he is going to be bringing from other houses on his clothes. What can I expect , will he be here for hours, or he will inspect the area and treat it? YIKES! The bees are so big, they look like tennis balls. I think I am going to be sick.
****************************** UPDATE! The exterminator came 1/2 hour early. We had 26 nests in the fence. He was wonderful. He said to give it a week and if it flares up again he will come back. They were dropping out of my fence and just dying. There are still a few stray ones around. I hope this is the end of it. While he was here he sprayed the perimeter of my house. If anyone needs a good exterminator who is reasonable, feel free to FM mail me. I cannot believe how some places take full advantage of a situation- especially the big name companies. I highly recommend the exterminator we used. I told DH I think I love the extermintor almost as much as I love him.LOL
Message edited 4/25/2008 3:56:34 PM.
Posted 4/24/08 9:37 PM |
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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Member since 7/07 7639 total posts
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
Message edited 11/18/2011 5:03:27 PM.
Posted 4/24/08 10:19 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
So far, I haven't seen any this year, but I have had several bee/yellow jacket nests in the recent past. The exterminator came, took care of the nests, got paid, and left. Never came into the house. There's no need to (unless you have a wasp nest inside your house, of course... ).
I think that any service person that is working exclusively outside, doesn't need to come into the house just to get paid/sign receipts, etc. Especially when there are poisons involved.....
Posted 4/25/08 7:21 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/06 754 total posts
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
Make sure you google carpenter bees/wood bees. You have to kill them in cycles. The male bees are the ones that hover around(the males don't have stingers) sort of to stand guard for the female who can drill a 90 degree hole & sometimes travels 4 ft into the wood. Lays eggs and seals the egg hole & starts over. So you need to do special spraying in Spring, summer & fall. UGGGHHHHHH we have the same problem!!!!!!
Posted 4/25/08 8:00 AM |
Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
We had major bee problems last spring/summer. One side of the house had wasps. The other side had yellow jackets. Yellow jackets are the most difficult to get rid of as their nests are hidden, and they are a swarm colony. We found the nest btw our BR wall and the roof, so they had to come inside and spray poison through a tiny hole (smaller than a nail) to kill the nest.
We used Arrow Exterminating and although $$, they did a thorough job and we had no issues for the remainder of the season.
If you have any questions, feel free to FM me.
Posted 4/25/08 9:26 AM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 4852 total posts
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
I just found 2 bees nests in my kitchen window . I am running out to Home Depot and getting spray and will hit them tonight.
Posted 4/25/08 9:41 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3944 total posts
Name: ME
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
Posted by dee7772
I just found 2 bees nests in my kitchen window . I am running out to Home Depot and getting spray and will hit them tonight.
Be very careful. We bought a bee spray with a 27 ft. spray and sprayed from DH car and closed the window really fast, they stayed away for about 1/2 hour and back they went. Then my sprinkler man came and when we turned on the sprinklers, about 40 of them came out and went back into the nest. My lawn people who were 5 men were scared- pretty funny to see 5 man scared of bugs..... If you want the name and number of the exterminator that is coming today, feel free to FM mail me. It is the first time I am using one, I am in Nassau County. My sister has one in Suffolk county if you need that number. Good luck ! PS Apparently they are everywhere because it has been warm and no humidity or rain.
Posted 4/25/08 10:04 AM |
life is a carousel

Member since 7/07 14956 total posts
Name: M
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
The best way to kill them (especially if you don't want to pay to get it done by a professional) is to wait until nighttime and take a bottle of kersosene and pour it down the hole of the nest. or completely drown the nest in kerosene. My dad does this. He's used brake fluid as well. Be careful!
Posted 4/25/08 10:08 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
OMG> We have these wood bees everyone I never noticed them before.
Posted 4/25/08 1:12 PM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
Posted by bicosi
The best way to kill them (especially if you don't want to pay to get it done by a professional) is to wait until nighttime and take a bottle of kersosene and pour it down the hole of the nest. or completely drown the nest in kerosene. My dad does this. He's used brake fluid as well. Be careful!
Or if the hole is going up, put steel wool inside it. My Dad does this so they can't either get back in or out
Posted 4/25/08 1:13 PM |
life is a carousel

Member since 7/07 14956 total posts
Name: M
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps!
Posted by 5ofClubs
Posted by bicosi
The best way to kill them (especially if you don't want to pay to get it done by a professional) is to wait until nighttime and take a bottle of kersosene and pour it down the hole of the nest. or completely drown the nest in kerosene. My dad does this. He's used brake fluid as well. Be careful!
Or if the hole is going up, put steel wool inside it. My Dad does this so they can't either get back in or out
Yup! Your dad must be crazy like mine! LOL
Posted 4/25/08 1:22 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3944 total posts
Name: ME
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps! UPDATE 4-25-08
Bump for update
Posted 4/25/08 4:05 PM |
life is a carousel

Member since 7/07 14956 total posts
Name: M
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps! UPDATE 4-25-08
"We had 26 nests in the fence"
WOW! I'm so glad that you were able to get it taken care of!
Posted 4/25/08 4:09 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/07 55 total posts
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps! UPDATE 4-25-08
We have carpenter bees too!!! They are such a pain!! we just moved into the house last month and prior to us moving in nobody has lived here in a couple of years!! we saw so many carpenter bees i figured it was best to get an exterminator. They came tuesday and dusted, but said they may have to come back a couple of times before they're all gone
Posted 4/25/08 7:52 PM |

Member since 4/07 7631 total posts
Name: PrayingWishingHopingALOT
Re: BEES! Carpenter ones and wasps! UPDATE 4-25-08
I think that bees are swarming much more this year. I noticed this at my parents house in Queens...there were so many yesterday.
Posted 4/25/08 10:28 PM |