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Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

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Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

SO HARD Chat Icon

Before I ruffle any feathers, I know that being a SAHM is hard and demanding as well Chat Icon but....

I get up every morning at 6:15-6:30 ( and I love my sleep Chat Icon ), feed the baby, get ready for work, drop DD off at IL's and head to work (usually get to work at 8:00 - 8:15)

I work until 5-5:30, go to the grocery store if I need to, go home, play with dd, cook and eat dinner, give dd a bath, feed her and then put her to bed between 8:30-9pm...I watch some tv after she goes to bed (usually the first time I get to sit and relax since getting home from work), go to sleep around 10:30-11am only to wake up and do it all over again

I am so tired all the time, I hope it gets easier (I have only been back at work for 2 weeks)

Posted 6/28/07 9:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

That routine is a joy after they are sick and getting up all night for weeks on end Chat Icon I hear ya though we are battling a stomach virus now and here I am at work...

Posted 6/28/07 9:45 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Posted by LInative

That routine is a joy after they are sick and getting up all night for weeks on end Chat Icon I hear ya though we are battling a stomach virus now and here I am at work...

Chat Icon sick? for weeks on end? oh my, I have not experienced that yet, are you saying I have it easy now Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 9:46 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know how you feel. And, it's not fun when they are not feeling well or teething and waking up at 4:30 am ready to party Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 9:49 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Day 3 back at work and I hear ya too!

Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 9:51 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Posted by pmpkn087

Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know how you feel. And, it's not fun when they are not feeling well or teething and waking up at 4:30 am ready to party Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

oh yeah, that's another thing...I am almost psoitive she is teething so when I do get home at night, lately she has been super cranky and I feel so bad.......Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 9:51 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

It gets easier, I promise. It took me about 3 months to hit my groove and find a routine that really worked for us both (but then, Alex decided to change all that by waking at 5:30am instead of 7am! Chat Icon

Now that we have a consistent routine, it works out great - I'm a much more productive, and happier mommy because of it. Try to remember that it's all about prioritizing - if the house isn't quite as clean or tidy, or if you eat a veggie burger for dinner instead of a home-cooked meal that takes 45mins, it's ok - spending quality time with DD is more important.

I try to think about it this way - it's hard work, and sometimes it's trying, but I'm so happy that I can have the best of all worlds - a fulfilling career, and at the same time, fulfilling, quality, loving time with my family. And the bonus is I'm setting a wonderful example for my daughter, showing her that she CAN do it all Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 9:51 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Posted by stephanief

Chat Icon sick? for weeks on end? oh my, I have not experienced that yet, are you saying I have it easy now Chat Icon Chat Icon

No way - not easy no matter how you slice it!! If you're only 2 weeks in you'll find it gets easier over time in terms of the routine. It's when that routine is then disrupted (and no one is sleeping!) that all hell breaks loose!!

Posted 6/28/07 9:54 AM

Rest in Peace baby Rogan

Member since 6/07

1122 total posts


Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

I agree it's really hard! Chat Icon I can't say it gets easier, but I guess you get used to it. I know I am lucky because usually my DH will cook dinner while I get some time to play with my DD, then we we try to take a walk around the block after dinner if it's nice. I found that is the time I look forward to the most, my DD loves to look for dogs and airplanes, and waves at any kids she sees in the neighborhood, and my DH and I get some uninterrupted time to unwind and talk. Also my DD is older so she eats at the same time as us and usually eats the same thing, so that saves some time.

Posted 6/28/07 9:58 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Yep - this is totally my schedule!!!!

I have to say - it IS very hard at first - especially if you were anything like me, where you sleep til the last minute, jump out of bed, do what you have to do, and run out the door. It took a while to adjust to getting 2 people ready for the day - esp. since I could care less about eating breakfast if it meant extra time for sleep. I can't do that with Cailen!

I am amazed - AMAZED - at how I function waking up anytime between 4-6 AM. But, it is so routine now, that it doesn't even faze me. NOTHING fazes me anymore - you will see - it becomes so routine, you will wonder what you did with all that extra time before baby! I am the one who does everything with Cailen because DH is gone from early morning to evening. I thought it would be overwhelming, but its so amazing how we just adjust so easily!!!

It will get very easy very soon - you will see!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 10:02 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Now that we have a consistent routine, it works out great - I'm a much more productive, and happier mommy because of it. Try to remember that it's all about prioritizing - if the house isn't quite as clean or tidy, or if you eat a veggie burger for dinner instead of a home-cooked meal that takes 45mins, it's ok - spending quality time with DD is more important.

DH cooks - on the nights he isn't home for dinner, you have to see what I eat - sometimes just a few slices of soy turkey and crackers! Or, whatever is in the house that is literally ready to eat!

Posted 6/28/07 10:05 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Now that we have a consistent routine, it works out great - I'm a much more productive, and happier mommy because of it. Try to remember that it's all about prioritizing - if the house isn't quite as clean or tidy, or if you eat a veggie burger for dinner instead of a home-cooked meal that takes 45mins, it's ok - spending quality time with DD is more important.

DH cooks - on the nights he isn't home for dinner, you have to see what I eat - sometimes just a few slices of soy turkey and crackers! Or, whatever is in the house that is literally ready to eat!

Us too - it makes the whole thing much more manageable when DH is involved. My DH wakes up with Alex, gets her dressed and off to school, while I'm at work, and in the evening, he usually cooks dinner while I'm giving her a bath and putting her to sleep. But, after a long day at work, there are many a night when we fall back on veggie burgers - we really should invest in morningstar's stock already Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 10:07 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Now that we have a consistent routine, it works out great - I'm a much more productive, and happier mommy because of it. Try to remember that it's all about prioritizing - if the house isn't quite as clean or tidy, or if you eat a veggie burger for dinner instead of a home-cooked meal that takes 45mins, it's ok - spending quality time with DD is more important.

DH cooks - on the nights he isn't home for dinner, you have to see what I eat - sometimes just a few slices of soy turkey and crackers! Or, whatever is in the house that is literally ready to eat!

Us too - it makes the whole thing much more manageable when DH is involved. My DH wakes up with Alex, gets her dressed and off to school, while I'm at work, and in the evening, he usually cooks dinner while I'm giving her a bath and putting her to sleep. But, after a long day at work, there are many a night when we fall back on veggie burgers - we really should invest in morningstar's stock already Chat Icon

Veggie chicken nuggets do the trick as well!!! Also takes less time to cook!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 10:09 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Posted by lipglossjunky73
Us too - it makes the whole thing much more manageable when DH is involved. My DH wakes up with Alex, gets her dressed and off to school, while I'm at work, and in the evening, he usually cooks dinner while I'm giving her a bath and putting her to sleep. But, after a long day at work, there are many a night when we fall back on veggie burgers - we really should invest in morningstar's stock already Chat Icon

Veggie chicken nuggets do the trick as well!!! Also takes less time to cook!!! Chat Icon

Alex's favorite! Yummmmmmmm!

Posted 6/28/07 10:12 AM


Member since 2/07

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

That is the same exact schedule I am on! It only gets worse when they are teething and waking up all night Chat Icon

I feel like I have not time to do laundry, housework etc. I have a cleaning lady already and now I am looking to hire a Nanny hopefully to make things easier.

I guess you never really understand how demanding it all is untill you experience it.

Posted 6/28/07 10:14 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I will get easier as you find a routine that works for you. I find that cooking extra on the weekend helps with leftovers for the week, or freezing food when you can for a quick dinner. Also we do no cleaning aside from obvious messes during the week and use Sat morning as our house cleaning time. This way we get as much quality time with DD as posisble! Also I try to run my errands during lunch so the weekends are more open

Posted 6/28/07 10:15 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

It definitely gets easier, especially when DC becomes a toddler.... I will say that adding a second child to the routine wears you down also. We had a great routine with Nate, but now with Jayden it's a little harder.

Posted 6/28/07 10:18 AM

Rest in Peace baby Rogan

Member since 6/07

1122 total posts


Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Now that we have a consistent routine, it works out great - I'm a much more productive, and happier mommy because of it. Try to remember that it's all about prioritizing - if the house isn't quite as clean or tidy, or if you eat a veggie burger for dinner instead of a home-cooked meal that takes 45mins, it's ok - spending quality time with DD is more important.

DH cooks - on the nights he isn't home for dinner, you have to see what I eat - sometimes just a few slices of soy turkey and crackers! Or, whatever is in the house that is literally ready to eat!

Yeah it definitely helps that my DH usually cooks dinner. Same thing, if my DH is not home or doesn't want to cook, it's definitely something quick like pasta or even mac and cheese! And definitely the house is not as clean as it could be, we have to wash dishes/vacuum after DD is asleep but we need our down time too, so it's only the essentials (if that!)

Posted 6/28/07 10:33 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Posted by steph4777

It definitely gets easier, especially when DC becomes a toddler.... I will say that adding a second child to the routine wears you down also. We had a great routine with Nate, but now with Jayden it's a little harder.

I have to agree... I had a pretty good schedule with Emma... Adding Ellie to it has definetly made things harder, but like anything else, you get used to it.

Posted 6/28/07 10:34 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Im a SAHM, well really a WAHM, but I agree! I don't know how you guys do it. There are ups and downs to both situations but having a full day that starts as 4 or 5 am must be super challenging!

Posted 6/28/07 10:37 AM

Love her so much <3

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 11:28 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

you just described what my life will probably be in 3 monthsChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 11:43 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

Awwwww, Hang in there sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 6/28/07 12:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

It is truly so challenging to try to do it all. Our day begins anywhere from 5am to 6:30am and even though we have a nanny, it is still very difficult trying to get out of the house in the morning. I feel very lucky that my DH really does 50% of the work from giving the kids breakfast, to bath at night to getting up in the middle of the night when they are sick, teething, or just not wanting to sleep!!

Its true that you do get into a groove but I find that it is constantly changing -we have some good weeks when everything seems managebale and just when you have it figured out, BAM!, someone gets sick or our nanny is sick or we both have to work late or the kids start waking up earlier. Just take everything in stride and do the best you can. Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/07 12:17 PM


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Re: Being a Full Time Working Mom is.....

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Posted 6/28/07 12:20 PM
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