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LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
Being induced at 37 weeks
Has anyone been induced this early with success? My amniotic fluid keeps getting lower (was a 5 today). I have to go back tomorrow morning to recheck it but my doctor wants to induce next week at 37 weeks. I had a successful induction 2 years ago at 39 weeks but I'm so nervous!!! Right now I'm 1 cm dilated but the baby hasn't really dropped yet.
Posted 8/30/17 9:01 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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missing my baby

Member since 1/10 1359 total posts
Name: Brittany
Being induced at 37 weeks
I had low fluid from 34 weeks on and went into labor at 36w6d. DS was delivered via c section (he was breech) just after midnight at 37 weeks and he was perfectly healthy! Bc I went to the hospital at 36w6d they gave me a steroid shot for his lungs to benefit him and bc he was born at 37w he didn't have to do any preemie testing.
Posted 8/31/17 8:28 AM |

Member since 1/14 7997 total posts
Being induced at 37 weeks
sending positive vibes. GL
Posted 8/31/17 9:08 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/05 953 total posts
Name: Jill
Being induced at 37 weeks
I too had low fluid starting at 33w. My doctors goal was to make it to 37 weeks. I went to the hospital at 36w5d and had my son 36w6d via c section. They tried induction but I was not even anywhere near diskfed etc. he was tiny at 4lb 15oz but otherwise healthy and needed no preemie resting or nicu time. We both left the hospital after 3 days
Posted 8/31/17 9:09 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
Being induced at 37 weeks
omg! good luck! you will be fine! whatever is safest for baby <3
Posted 8/31/17 9:13 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
Re: Being induced at 37 weeks
Posted by mrsBLT
I had low fluid from 34 weeks on and went into labor at 36w6d. DS was delivered via c section (he was breech) just after midnight at 37 weeks and he was perfectly healthy! Bc I went to the hospital at 36w6d they gave me a steroid shot for his lungs to benefit him and bc he was born at 37w he didn't have to do any preemie testing.
Thankfully I already had steroid shots in preparation for this baby coming early since my fluid has been low for almost a month. Thanks for sharing really hope everything goes smoothly!!!
Posted 8/31/17 9:17 AM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Being induced at 37 weeks
I had low fluid and my water broke that night after the Drs appt.. Ended up with a Csection and DS was born at exactly 37 weeks.
Posted 8/31/17 9:29 AM |

Member since 12/12 6656 total posts
Re: Being induced at 37 weeks
Crossing my fingers for an easy, successful induction!
Posted 8/31/17 10:19 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/16 625 total posts
Being induced at 37 weeks
Good luck!!! At this point I think whatever is safest for baby is the best!!!
Posted 8/31/17 11:25 AM |
Being induced at 37 weeks
Sending positive vibes! My twins were 36 on the dot! They are happy and healthy! Good luck!
Posted 8/31/17 2:06 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/13 1058 total posts
Re: Being induced at 37 weeks
Yes exactly 37 weeks, was at a routine visit and by blood pressure was high they were concerned so I was induced. She was perfectly healthy, full term is 37 weeks so not to worry. Best of Luck!
Posted 8/31/17 4:44 PM |
Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07 7816 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Being induced at 37 weeks
Posted by BabyHopes2
Yes exactly 37 weeks, was at a routine visit and by blood pressure was high they were concerned so I was induced. She was perfectly healthy, full term is 37 weeks so not to worry. Best of Luck!
This exactly for my DD as well.
Posted 9/5/17 1:11 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
Being induced at 37 weeks
Thanks everyone! I was indeed induced at 37 weeks and my daughter was born 24 hours after it started. She is healthy but a peanut at 5lbs 15oz. So glad it's all over!
Posted 9/18/17 7:59 AM |
Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Being induced at 37 weeks
I was with DD #2. She was born perfectly healthy and came home right away. Best thing for both of us since my BP was high and I had protein in my urine. Good luck
Posted 9/18/17 1:04 PM |

Member since 12/12 6656 total posts
Re: Being induced at 37 weeks
My DD was overdue and only 6 lbs 8 oz! As long as she's here and healthy! Congrats momma!
Posted 9/18/17 1:15 PM |