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Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

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Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

My obgyn said she does inductions from 39 weeks on. Obgyn and DH seem to like this idea for scheduling reasons. It would ensure that my actual doctor delivers me and DH can plan his work schedule accordingly. DH is a surgical fellow and is on a very busy service. Sometimes he will be in an operation that can last over 10 hours. It would be difficult to scramble to find coverage depending on when I go into labor. He may or may not be able to get off the day after I deliver either or potentially look bad in front of his peers for not covering an operation that needs more than 1 surgeon.

It is pretty easy for DH to request time off as long as it is a week or so in advance before the operating schedule is up.

Would you get induced at 39 weeks if you were me?

Has anyone else been induced for non-medical reasons?

Posted 2/9/11 2:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

No. But I'm not a big fan of inducing labor unless absolutely necessary. I believe the rate of c-section is much higher when labor is induced as well.

Posted 2/9/11 2:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I don't think I would. I didn't like the idea of induction anyway b/c I was afraid it could end up in a C-section. (not that all do, it was a just a fear of mine)

My SIL was induced at around that far along for scheduling perposes. I think my neice could have stayed put a little longer. She was pretty petite - though totally fine. But I know the labor went on a long time.

Posted 2/9/11 2:28 PM

Girl & boy

Member since 6/09

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I would absolutely if it would guarantee my OB would deliver me. I was induced at 40w6d b/c I was late...but next time I am prego I am begging my OB to schedule an induction so he can definitely deliver again. I had no issues with induction.
Good luck.

Posted 2/9/11 2:30 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/10

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

My Dr. would have induced me a week early (39 weeks), but I chose to wait 1 more week. I was induced 1 day after my due date.....had a really good labor and delivery,,,,only pushed for a half hour!

Posted 2/9/11 2:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

B/c of what happened with DS, yes... I would.
I was 10 days late. At 41 weeks the OB tried to sched me to get induced, but the hospital was so busy so I had to wait till the earliest appt available. Almost 42 weeks prego I went to the hospital to be induced. Never happened b/c DS's heartrate dropped and long story short they had to do a crash C.
In talking with an OB I told him the story and he said he's not surprised. Lots of babies that are late go into distress and wind up being a crash c.
He said he has 3 kids and all 3 were induced around 39 weeks. No issues, all were vag births
If this didn't happen I probably would've said no

Posted 2/9/11 2:33 PM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

for sheer convenience, no -

Posted 2/9/11 2:33 PM


Member since 1/06

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Message edited 3/4/2013 11:25:45 AM.

Posted 2/9/11 2:34 PM

Little Lady

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I didn't but wished I would have since I wound up having to have a c-section anyway <my water broke 4 days after my DD and I never went into labor>.

As long as you have it in the back of your mind that the probabiltiy of a c-section increases and you are ok with that, I would do it to ease you and your DH's mind about it all. It sounds like the chances of him not being there for it all increases if you don't induce and that sounds awful Chat Icon

Posted 2/9/11 2:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

1667 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

umm yes...its so miserable being that huge and just waiting. My dr does this too, i wonder if we have the same one...

Posted 2/9/11 2:39 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I don't think I would do it unless I was already past my due date.

Posted 2/9/11 2:45 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?


Posted 2/9/11 2:46 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I would wait. I heard there is a higher chance of having a c-section if you get induced prior to 40 weeks.

I was induced at 40 weeks 5 days. I asked my Dr. if I was going to be induced, then would i have a higher rate of having a c-section? she said it was 50/50. however my dr. said "if you have been dilated and your cervic is 100% effaced and thinned out, then you shouldn't have any problems delivering vaginaly: (as long as my body reacted to the pitocin well)
I delivered vaginally and had no problems whatsoever but i was overdue!!

Posted 2/9/11 2:48 PM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I was induced at 38 weeks. I was fine and so was baby.

ETA: no C-section for me.

ETA again- I only pushed for 22 minutes.

Message edited 2/9/2011 2:53:19 PM.

Posted 2/9/11 2:52 PM

Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

no, not in your situation. Im surprised your DH would even consider this an option being that inductions have a high failure rate, so if you go through with this you should be prepared to get a c/s.

I was induced at 38 weeks, but for a medical reason. I ended up with a c/s.

ETA: my son came out not breathing. the main reason was because he wasnt really ready to come out and hadnt had the time to get much of the fluid out of him. It was the scariest moment of our lives. He wani the NICU our entire stay.

Message edited 2/9/2011 2:57:02 PM.

Posted 2/9/11 2:52 PM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Posted by JennyPenny

I was induced at 38 weeks. I was fine and so was baby.

ETA: no C-section for me.

Did you have a medical reason?

Posted 2/9/11 2:53 PM

life is a carousel

Member since 7/07

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I was induced with all 3 kids (first 1 he came on his own but I still needed to be induced)..the 2 others were scheduled inductions and I pushed them out under 10 minutes.

was not medically necessary with me.

Posted 2/9/11 2:55 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I wouldn't personally. I starting having contractions with DS2 at 38wks and went to the hospital. I was very fearful I would have a fast and furious delivery like #1.
I was 3CM/80% effaced and they assured me I was having baby that day and offered to break my water or give me pitocin to kick it up all day. I wouldn't let them. It wasn't labor.
I stayed that way for days and at my weekly appt 38w2d my MD said his heartrate was a concern and I should have the baby that night or be closely monitored and go for testing the next day. At that point I did agree to induction - only b/c it was a medical concern.

Posted 2/9/11 2:57 PM

Here we go!

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I was induced at 39w4d. DH was deploying to Iraq and I needed him to be there as I was alone in another state. I did end up with a c-section, but we were all fine and honestly, the c-section was a piece of cake for me. I had barely any pain at all associated with it. DD is a happy, healthy, 2-going on 18-year old little girl!

Posted 2/9/11 3:13 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Before moving OOS I my answer would have been no. Now, I am in the same position as you and am really contemplating it. The fastest I could get my family here to watch my kids is 2 hours. I do have a friend that I can call that will stay with the kids until my mother or SIL gets to me. Except if it happens durning the week my mother works in the city and my SIL works PT. My friend has 4 kids of her own so I can't really have her be with my kids all day.
I go to said friends OBGYN and he induced her for the same reasons I posted and since she was already 3cm dilated all she needed was pitocin and had great deliveries. With my first two kids, I needed pitocin anyway.

My sister is also leaving for the Navy March 29th and I am due April 1st so I really want the baby to be here.

I am also only considering the induction if I am already dilated, if not, then I plan on waiting.

Posted 2/9/11 3:23 PM

I'll love you for always

Member since 2/08

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

100% no. But I also would never be induced unless I was over 2 weeks late. I am also against any medical intervention unless it necessary.

I was just reading the rate of of cerebral palsy is 3 to 4 times higher after induced labor compared to spontaneous labor.

Here is the link link

Posted 2/9/11 3:59 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I was induced at 37 weeks with DD #1 for medical reasons and then for baby #2 my Ob gave me the option of induction. We induced at 39 weeks and all went well.

Posted 2/9/11 4:02 PM

Real Estate Professional

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Posted by MrsA714

No. But I'm not a big fan of inducing labor unless absolutely necessary. I believe the rate of c-section is much higher when labor is induced as well.


Posted 2/9/11 4:05 PM

Sisters :)

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?


Posted 2/9/11 4:07 PM

Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

no, I wouldn't unless for a true medical reason

Posted 2/9/11 4:11 PM
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