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BF & Pumping Question

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Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


BF & Pumping Question

First time around I was obsessed with BF. Didn't ever want to pump; never left DS more than 2 hours so that I could nurse. BF him where ever we were...Was always worried about my supply etc. This time around with a 2 year old I need more flexibility.

Am I setting myself up for a low supply if I'm not nursing often? If I need to go out with DS and leave the baby; if I'm away for any reason and can't nurse (or need DH to get up and help with a feeding)?

Just trying to see from those that have BF with toddlers to also care for how they did it? Set up a pumping schedule in between feedings so that i have milk available at all times and am not full from missed feedings?

THANKS!!! Maybe I'll post to the parenting board too?

Posted 9/16/14 9:19 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


Re: BF & Pumping Question

when my second was born, dd was 15 months so i can relate. i was the same way with all the time and very diligent about pumping if i was away from her which was rare until i returned to work.
this time around it was much different because i had to care for DD so i am much more laid back with nursing ds. he is almost 4 months old now and for the first two months i did everything in my power to nurse him instead of bottle feeding him. dd got to watch a lot of television while i was nursing him because it was the only way she wouldnt whine or gotta do what you gotta do. after 2 months ds got bottles more frequently bc i was just too exhausted and needed help from others. at 4 months i only nurse once a day now and my supply is still good. he gets 18ounces of formula while i am at work...and i can pump 16 ounces in that time frame. so id say my supply isnt too terrible...if i needed more i could add in another pump session or pump a few minutes longer, but i am give ds formula while i am out so i am not worried about going ounce for ounce.

you will figure out what works. i was more stressed trying to figure out the logistics before #2 arrived...once he was here we just made it work.

Posted 9/16/14 9:36 AM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


BF & Pumping Question

Thanks!!!! You touched on everything I was thinking!! I was wondering how would I nurse the baby at say 2pm when DS if going to want my attention? We'll just have to make it work!! I got really good at nursing and pumping at the same time so hopefully I can do that again to help have more milk on hand for bottle feeding!

Posted 9/16/14 10:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


BF & Pumping Question

I was the same way at first. DD was slow to gain weight at first so I was always stressed about nursing even though I loved it. I hated missing a feeding and felt like the slightest thing would ruin my supply. I'm determined to be less stressed this time! I do hate pumping so I don't see myself giving more than a bottle once a week or so but I don't want to be so worried when I do. I ended up tossing around 50 ounces after I stopped nursing bc rarely used any of my stash!

Posted 9/16/14 12:24 PM

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