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Birthing Plans

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Sweet P is here!

Member since 4/11

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Re: Birthing Plans

Even though my plan was not exactly what happened, I was glad I wrote it out, and my nurses and midwife DID look at at and worked towards it.

Mine was basically:

Don't offer an epi, I'll ask if I want one.
If I ask, make me wait 15 minutes.
I had a code word that was like "Get it now." It was pineapple. I told my husband that if I said that, no waiting time, just get it.
I wanted to breastfeed, so I put on it that I wanted skin to skin immediately, and no formula in the nursury without my consent.
I wanted delayed cord clamping.
I also planned on encapsulating my placenta, so the instructions were on it for that.
I was declining Hep B at the hospital was on that.

The most important thing I put on it is that I wanted to consent to all interventions, changes in pitocin, etc. My birth was really hard and I didn't get hardly anything on the plan, but my midwife made sure that she asked me before everything they did or tried, and that was the most important thing that my birth plan accomplished.

Message edited 9/10/2014 2:48:51 PM.

Posted 9/10/14 2:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Just another chapter in life..

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Birthing Plans

This thread made me think of this and I had to go find it because it was hysterical when I first read it.

For your reading pleasure, and a good laugh:

Funny Birth Plan

Posted 9/10/14 2:58 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Re: Birthing Plans

Posted by NervousNell

This thread made me think of this and I had to go find it because it was hysterical when I first read it.

For your reading pleasure, and a good laugh:

Funny Birth Plan

OMG I loved that! It was perfect! My favorite :
"IMPORTANT: if the baby appears to be black, please immediately escort Jeff out of the room and bring in Jeremy Rayburn from the 5th Floor waiting area.

Posted 9/10/14 3:30 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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