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Borrowing library books on the Nook

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Member since 5/05

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Borrowing library books on the Nook

It's probably similar on the other e-readers but I don't have those so I can't say for sure. Kindles can't borrow from the library.

MikeandJess posted this great explanation from the AP for how to get the books from the library onto your Nook

Obviously you need a current library card to do this. In addition to getting a card from the library system where you live (ie - Nassau or Suffolk) you should look into the library policy in the town you work in if it's a different county than you live in. I know Blazesyth has both Nassau and Suffolk since one from her hometown and one is where she works.

All NYS residents are entitled to library cards from the NY Public Library (serves Manhattan, the Bronx & Staten Island), Brooklyn Public Library and Queens Public Library. You have to go in person to activate the card if you apply online, or you can apply in person and get the card immediately.

The Free Library of Philadelphia has a very large e-book library and offers library cards to out of state residents for $15 per year. Link to their application Be sure to remember your PIN, they don't provide it again when they mail the card. I think it took about a month, maybe a month and a half to get the card in the mail.

Fairfax County VA also offers library cards to non-residents for $27 per year. Link to their application I didn't get a card from them and haven't looked at their e-book holdings yet.

Hope this is helpful, and if anyone else has info to share about other libraries feel free to add to this. Chat Icon

Posted 12/21/10 8:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Borrowing library books on the Nook

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon THANK YOU!!!!

Posted 12/21/10 8:34 PM


Member since 1/10

21015 total posts


Re: Borrowing library books on the Nook


Posted 1/24/11 4:22 PM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

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Re: Borrowing library books on the Nook


Posted 5/26/11 12:45 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: Borrowing library books on the Nook

FYI...the fee for a Philadelphia card is now $35.

Posted 6/2/11 1:21 PM

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