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bottle/sippy and milk

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1464 total posts


bottle/sippy and milk

ok, i Have two questions here.
first, i tried milk in sippy today with my 12 month odl for the first time. it did not go well. she kept on takign a swallow and spitting out cup, handing it to me and saying ba, ba (bottle) and looking at me with these sad eyes. so i gave in and gave her a bottle. this happened 3 timtes today.
shes 12 months- would you force the issue, or wait a few months? i jsut weaned 2 weeks ago, and she was not thrilled by that, so not sure if i should take away her comfort jsut yet. ped is ok with me keeping her on bottle until 18 months

#2- i need some scheduel help with her. right now, this is our day-
7 AM wake, 6 ounce bottle
7:30-8 - bkfst
9:30-11 nap
11:30 or so- 6 ounce bottle, then lunch
2:30- bottle
3-4 nap
5- dinner,
6:15- 6 ouncee bottle and bed
so- three meals, and still 4 bottles Chat Icon i think i need ot cut out a bottle. not sure what to do- how often are your 12 month old getting milk? ped said 16-24 ounces of milk, and she usually drinks 22-24. i jsut feel like shes constantly on the bottle
the other thing is- i think she may be going to 1 nap, which i'd like to do around 11, ithink. would you do milk/lunch before or after?

sorry so long. really.

Posted 8/6/08 8:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: bottle/sippy and milk

I do milk when he wakes up and milk before bedtime (we are still doing a bottle at nighttime).
Is this the first time introducing a sippy? I would start with water first to get her used to the sippy them transition to the milk.

Posted 8/6/08 8:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1464 total posts


Re: bottle/sippy and milk

Posted by FelAndJon

I do milk when he wakes up and milk before bedtime (we are still doing a bottle at nighttime).
Is this the first time introducing a sippy? I would start with water first to get her used to the sippy them transition to the milk.

nope, she drinks water out of a sippy and a straw, has been for about 3 months already. likes the sippy better than the straw.
do you do milk during the day at all?

Posted 8/6/08 9:00 PM

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: bottle/sippy and milk

Posted by sal79

nope, she drinks water out of a sippy and a straw, has been for about 3 months already. likes the sippy better than the straw.
do you do milk during the day at all?

No, just in the morning and at night. When my ped told me to cut down the milk intake, the middle of the day "bottles" were the easiest to reduce.
I would just keep giving her the milk in the sippy. if she wants it bad enough, she will drink it out of anything!

Posted 8/6/08 9:35 PM

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Member since 6/05

10212 total posts

Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: bottle/sippy and milk

Oh, also, I would reduce one bottle at a time, not completely cold turkey Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/08 9:36 PM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: bottle/sippy and milk

DS gets three sippy cups of milk a day, when he first gets up he gets 6oz, at lunch he gets 4 oz, and before bed he gets 8 oz of milk. I also give him water in the sippy cup throughout the day

Posted 8/6/08 10:24 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: bottle/sippy and milk

I would cut out one of the middle bottles, or water it down someone suggested.

Ale is 14 months and still on the bottle. I don't plan to push the issue for a few months, I figure she will give it up when she is ready.

Posted 8/6/08 11:01 PM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: bottle/sippy and milk

i agree to do the middle of the day ones first as they will be easier.

I'm having a hard time getting him to drink as much out of the sippy cup as he would from the bottle. As long as he gets our target of 15-20oz i'm ok. So what I do is that he gets two bottles (one in morning and one at night for 6 oz each). He prefers water in the cup over milk but i am consistanly offering it to him. At first he'd take a sip, make a face at me like "what are you kidding" and then not take anymore. After two weeks now he will take about 2 to 3 ounces at certain points in the day. So we're probably at the low end of the expected input but I do also give him yogurt and cheese to meet the requirement. He just prefers water during the day so i constanly offer that to him too.

Posted 8/6/08 11:08 PM

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