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Big brother to be!
Member since 9/06 6314 total posts
breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
do you have one of those "covers"?
do you excuse yourself and go to another room?
do you just whip out the boob?
i definitely want to breastfeed, but i'm a little concerned about these logistical issues...
thanks for your input!!
Posted 8/31/07 12:21 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 3/06 699 total posts
Name: Latrice
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
when i am in public I use my wrap/cover.
when i am at a friends house, I use the wrap as well but depending how many people and who are present (men especially) I will ask to go into another room.
at home, i just whip out the boob.
Posted 8/31/07 12:24 PM |
I'm getting old

Member since 5/05 8688 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
Public - blanket Friends/family - whip it out but less concerned about being covered. rare, very rare ocassion will I leave the room. usually only if the kid is distracted and constantly pulling away. At home - no worries
Message edited 8/31/2007 12:28:46 PM.
Posted 8/31/07 12:27 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
I've been BFing for 2 months now and have never used a cover. I am usually w/ family or friends when I BF, so I just "whip it out" - but discreetly. I find most people don't want to make you uncomfortable, so it's not like they're staring or anything! Also, in the very beginning, I just went to a room by myself to feed, but that was only in the first few weeks. I quickly learned that that made for a lonely mommy! Also, I have never BFed in real public (e.g. the mall) - I will bring a bottle or just make sure I am home in time (DD eats every 4 hrs now, so that's never a problem - I've never actually had to use the bottle, it's there "just in case"!).
Don't worry, the logisitics work themselves out. I am a REALLY modest person and was concerned about this, too, but in the end it's really not so bad. 
Posted 8/31/07 12:31 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
I just feed him, I don't bothering covering he'll just rip it right off.
Posted 8/31/07 12:31 PM |
Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05 3830 total posts
Name: Thia (Cynthia)
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
do you have one of those "covers"? No. There are better ways to be discreet. Many women nurse in their slings and baby carriers.
do you excuse yourself and go to another room? do you just whip out the boob? In the beginning- it depended where I was. At my home, my parents or my ILs, I did it where I was. (Both families are comfortable with BFing) However, at other people's homes, I have gone into an other room. However, now my baby is entering a detractable age so if anyone is in the room and talks to me, he gets more interested in that and doesn't want to nurse. So now I seek privacy so that my baby will nurse well. (He's 4 months old) In public- I haven't mastered NIPing (nursing in public) yet. But I have nursed many times in the car, in the women's lounge at Nordstroms and in the mother's room in BRU. (Oh, and once at Jones Beach because he was screaming and at that point you just do wants necessary to make the baby happy.)
As you get more comfortable with BFing, you'll work these issues out.
Posted 8/31/07 12:33 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
I remebered one tip I could give you to practice for nursing in public. Nurse the baby in front of a mirror. Try and see if there are any completely visible parts when you are nursing. I think once you realize how little you can actually see you'll feel more comfortable
Posted 8/31/07 12:35 PM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
When I was BFing I usually went in another room if that was possible. But we live far away from friends & family so it wasn't an issue that much. I tried to time outings around DD's feedings, but if I had to feed her while out (there were only a few times) once I fed her in the car, once in Bloomingdales in the Baby room they had - it was great.
Posted 8/31/07 12:35 PM |
Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
If i was home I would go into the other room if it was certain people. I would BF in front of some close friends that didn't mind or my mom.
I have BF in the bathroom at restaurants and in the back of the car.
Posted 8/31/07 12:42 PM |
Say Cheese!

Member since 1/06 8033 total posts
Name: A (formerly WhatNow?)
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
Blanket works great in piblic! At home I just take it out, nobody cares!
Posted 8/31/07 12:47 PM |
My girls

Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Re: breastfeeding moms: what do you do when people are around?
Unless there was someone present that made me feel incomfortable (like 12 year old boys) I'd just nurse where I was. I always wore glamourmom tanks so nothing showed except for the second before she latched (the hole in the bra is just bigger than your nipple).
Posted 8/31/07 1:31 PM |