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Bridal shower gift ideas

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I believe in miracles!

Member since 8/07

2462 total posts


Bridal shower gift ideas

Hi girls, not a newlywed, but figured I'd ask you anyway. My aunt is looking for some unique gifts for her daughters shower... what are the poems that go along with the different kinds of candles, wines or pajamas (I remember receiving pajamas that said something like: Pink pajamas are for when you are feeling in love, blue when you're feeling sad.... etc.... )
Can anyone help me out? Thanks so much! Chat Icon

Posted 1/28/11 9:24 PM

Fly high little one

Member since 6/10

2662 total posts


Re: Bridal shower gift ideas

Bridal Shower Household Poem 1

Dear (Bride),
As you prepare for marriage,
I thought I’d let you in on a little SECRET.
Although, in physique, (Groom) might be BRAWNY
and have a really CHARMIN personality,
you may soon find out that he is no MR. CLEAN.
But don’t let that make you SHOUT.
Remember that he will always be there to SNUGGLE -
a best friend to fill your life with extra ZEST.
So please, continue to give (Groom) your ALL,
and your home never will be short on JOY!

Bridal Shower Household Poem 2

Dear (Bride),
Marriage is an exciting ride,
but that’s not to say it’s always a CINCH.
When (Groom) offers to make dinner,
you may discover PUFFS of smoke billowing from the oven,
or he might wake you at DAWN just to CARESS.
But before you go and DIAL your mother,
remember that (Groom) thinks of you as his VENUS
and chose to PLEDGE all of his love to you.
Be GLAD for your blessings,
and you two will have a blissful LIFE!

A Basket of Candles For (Bride's name)

A basket of candles that come in a pair
in all different colors, for you two to share.
The white ones burn first;
they are wrapped in white lace
to celebrate your first married night
in your new chosen place.
The green pair is taller, and also much thinner;
burn with the first company you have over for dinner.
The dark blue candles are for after your first fight;
use them to burn while making up all night.
Pink candles set the mood and pave the way
for your first married Valentine’s Day.
Now, when your first year of marriage is through,
the cream anniversary pair, will light for you two.
Red candles aflame, both your futures are bright;
celebrate promotions you’ve worked toward with all of your might.
By this time we hope, maybe, just maybe
you can light the purple ones, on the birth of your baby.
And just when you thought you’d put these away,
take the light blue ones out for your fifth anniversary day.
Now just one more pair left - for the big "two five" -
the anniversary pair that will keep your love alive.
Congratulations (Bride and Groom)
on the start of your forever.
May the two of you always be happy together.
And burn these candles just the way we said,
but please don’t forget: blow them out before bed!

-- Candle Poem Bridal Shower --

For this gift, you will need two of each color candle:

Navy blue
Light blue
Silver - although the bridal shower candle poem doesn't mention this color directly, silver symbolizes twenty-five years of marriage.

There are poems that are attached to each bottle, that the bridesmaids read as they present the gift to the bride.

Wedding Night
The night you have dreamed of is finally here
The future surrounds you with hope and yet fear
You’ve wanted so long to find your perfect mate
Sip this wine and toast this perfect date
The night is meant for you to share
Enjoy each other – a perfect pair!!

First Fight
When fights occur and tempers get hot
Pour a glass and be thankful for what you’ve got
If you always agreed it would certainly be a bore
And by asking for Krissy’s hand Bernie is surely
in for more!

First Anniversary
Been married a year, where did the time go?
No longer newlyweds, now you are pros
Hope the days found you in good health and
good spirit
Keep saying I love you –
one always needs to hear it!
Now toast this first date, it’s certainly not the last
And as you build your future don’t ever forget
the past!

First Dinner Party
Open your home to entertain and eat
Catch up with old friends and new ones to meet
When the night is over share this bottle of wine
But don’t sit down yet – it’s clean up time!!

Christmas Eve
A wise man said wine is better than beer
And now is the season for lots of holiday cheer
So pop the cork and relax a bit,
And when the night is through,
Kiss goodnight, close your eyes
And Santa will be good to you!

First Baby
The news that a baby will soon share your life
will make you a mother, not only a wife
You’ll see it through good times and sometimes
through bad
______ the loving mother
and _____ the dearest dad
Sadly _____ (groom) must drink this one alone, and _____(bride) with an empty glass
Sit back and relax – nine months will quickly pass!

Posted 1/30/11 8:19 AM

I believe in miracles!

Member since 8/07

2462 total posts


Re: Bridal shower gift ideas

thank you so much!!

Posted 1/30/11 10:32 AM

Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11

5043 total posts


Re: Bridal shower gift ideas

i did this for my sister at her bridal shower. you can just type in what you are looking for on google and a million will pop up if you don't like the ones listed in this post

Posted 2/8/11 5:41 PM

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