NK but never got pregnant so they don't feel this is my main issue
Endometriosis Lap in 2010 removed some endo TTC natural for 3 mo-fail Clomid-femara-gonal with and without iui for about a year in and off-fail
Dec 2011: bcp 1/26: Lupron to supress endo 2/13: sono revealed about 6 follies from 9-16 mm. And E2 was 121 whij is elevated but not that elevated for the # and size follies there. Some may be eggs so they are stimming me early 2/14: 300 gonal and 10 Lupron. (was supposed to take gonal last night but I'm dumb and forgot..
2/14: 300 gonal and 10 Lupron
They said I could possibly have an ET this week. They will decide at that apt if the eggs are real or if they need to drain fluid filled follies. Let the fun begin!!!!
Update 2/15/12: intralipids, sono and e2: sono showed 6 potential follies btwn 8 and 13 mm so they hope to get 5-6 eggs. More gonal and menopur tonight them back on fri for another sono.
UPDATE 2/17/2012: I have to go back for another sono on Sunday.
UPDATE 2/19: 7-8 good follies. ER is scheduled for 2/21. Yipeee!!! I hope they are all good ones. Lot's of and needed. It's a lot of work running into the city for appointments all week. this needs to work on the first shot or I'm going to go insane!!!!!
UPDATE 2/21: They just retreived any eggs threy saw and got 15!!! There were 7 or 8 mature follies so they dont know yet how many eggs are mature. I'll get the fert report tomorrow.
UPDATE 2/22: Fert report is in!!! 15 retreived, 9 were mature, 8 Fertilized!! They will call me on Fri with a 3 day update and will transfer on day 5 (sunday).
UPDATE: 2/24- 3 day fert report 2- 8 cell 3- 6 cell They like them to be at least 6 cells by now. There are also 3 at 2 cells that probably won't make it ( poor embies)
Transfer will be on sunday!!!!
They transferred the 2 leads which were both compacted (stage before blast). They want compacted or blast at 5 days. The other 3 were lagging and not yet compacted. If they don't make to to blast by tomorrow evening (not likely) they will not freeze them. Could be egg quality but who knows.
This will be the longest 8 days ever!
3/3: cramping and spotting. Feels like AF is on her way. 3/4 BFP on FRER and digital 3/5: beta 79 3/7: Beta 230 no symptopm except cramping. No more spotting 3/22: 6w1d sono: 2 heartbeats