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LIF Infant
Member since 8/09 87 total posts
Name: Roberta
IVF Journal - Final Update
Hi everyone,
I'm new here to the LI Families chat although I've been reading your posts for the last week. In 2005 I had my son after several attempts with clomid and IUI's. Since last October I've had 3 IUI's each resulting in a pregnancy and miscarriage. Now we have moved to IVF. I'm hoping that this works!
On Wednesday I started Follistum and tomorrow I go in for BW and Sono.....I have no idea what happens after that as this is all new to me.
I look forward to going on this baby making journey with all of you. Good luck to everyone.
8/9/09 - I went to the doctor yesterday and the sono showed no action so they called me yesterday afternoon and increased my follistum to 200 instead of 175. I return tomorrow morning for more bw and a sono. Hopefully there is some action!
8/10/09 - Had a sono and bw today and they saw 4 small eggs. They increased my Follistum to 250 for the next 2 days. I guess they are trying to figure out how much of the meds its going to take to get my ovaries producing. I go back Wednesday for another sono and bw.
I guess everyone is different when it comes to the meds but I wonder when the retrieval will be.
8/12/09 - Another sono and bw today, they saw a few 10's and 15's so everything is looking good....but now I need to do the Garanex (sp?) shot to keep from surging and continue the follistim at 250. I have another appointment tomorrow.
8/13/09 - I had to take my Garanex at 6 this morning before DH left....I don't really want to give myself the shots. I had a sono and bw this morning and the eggs are growing with the biggest a little over 16, some 15's and some 11's and 10's, I don't know how many there are altogether though. They took my blood pressure this morning it was a little high but that's probably nerves. I asked the NP when she thought I would be going for the retrieval and she said Monday or Tuesday which is better for us since my son will be in camp and I won't have to try and find someone to watch him. Anyway, I have to continue on the follistim at night and the Garanex shots in the am and the NP said I will now be going to the office everyday until retrieval. Until tomorrow.........
8/14/09 - The sono showed follies of various sizes with the biggest at 17, my estrogen was a little low yesterday so they will call me later with the amount of follistim I should take and thankfully my doctors office had a 900cc of follistim for me because of course my meds have to come by mail and they won't get here until tomorrow arhhh insurance companies! Anyway, I'm feeling okay but a little cranky occasionally. The doctor said today that the retrieval will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday....I hope it is sooner rather than later. I'm in the office again tomorrow. Anyone else out there on the same cycle as me?
8/15/09 - Okay, my follies don't seem to be growing so fast so they had to call me this afternoon to tell me how much follistim to take.....of course no change I'm to do another 250 this evening. It seems that once they had me start taking the Ganarlex (sp?) it slowed down my follie growth. I have an appointment tomorrow morning and hopefully there is a bigger change. I don't mind doing any of these shots and driving to the doctor everyday because I know in the end it will be totally worth it!
8/16/09 - The sono showed some growth in the follies but still slow, so it looks like HCG will be tomorrow with retrieval on Wednesday but of course I still have to wait and see until tomorrow......I feel so bloated but its all worth it!!!
8/17/09 - Okay, so they grew a little more....I'm not sure how many follies there are but it looked like a lot! The NP said it looks like Wednesday is the day; they will call me later with the instructions for the HCG.
I was instructed to do 1ml of the norvell at 9:30 tonight so no more follistim or ganarlex for me.
I go in for my retriveal on Wednesday at 7:30 with the transfer most likely being a 5 day so that would be Monday.
8/18/09 - I went in for blood only today and was given my instructions for Wednesday. I'm getting nervous but I'm exicited too! They also told me that I'll be starting the progesterone shots tomorrow night rather than the day of this normal?
My fingers are crossed that they get enough follies and the icsi works!
8/19/09 - After the retriveal I felt pretty good they retrived 16 follies.
8/20/09 - I didn't feel so hot today, I had pains and cramps for most of the day but I still went to work and tried to take it easy. They called me this afternoon and said I had 11 viable follies and 7 fertilized....this sounds pretty good now I just hope they continue to grow!!! They set my transfer for Saturday but that might change to Monday. I'm really excited but I keep thinking about the miscarriages I've had in the past. I really hope this works. I am so glad that I have this Board to come to, to read the questions, responses and well wishes you give me, thank you.
8/21/09 - Felt much better today but the progesterone is making me feel really bloated.
8/22/09 - The transfer was pushed to day 5 which is Monday. Hopefully the embies are doing good :)
8/24/09 - So two were put back and they were both blasts so I don't have any letter grade for them but on day 3 they were both 8A!!!! The transfer went great, a little uncomfortable but no pain no gain! I'm so I just have to pray that they make themselves at home and continue to grow. I have to go for bw on Wednesday and Friday I guess to check my progesterone levels and the official pregnancy test will be on 9/2. The count down begins
9/4/09 - So I tested on Monday and then had my bw done on Tuesday and got a BFP!!!!!!!!! I didn't share this news right away because I wanted to wait for a second HCG number which was today and my numbers doubled

I've been on the boards checking up on everyone one but just have been laying low until I could share my news. I am so happy and excited that the last year of TTC has finally brought a BFP. Thank you everyone for all your support these last weeks
9/10/09 - First I want to say thank you to all of you for your well wishes I love coming to this Board it is one of the highlights of my day. Although we haven't met each other in person I feel so comfortable here.
My first ultrasound was supposed to be tomorrow but I went away for the weekend so it had to be pushed to Monday. So until then May God Bless you all.
9/21/09 - Okay so its been 2 weeks since I had my first sono which went great. The sono tech saw 1 sac but it was to early for a heartbeat 5 weeks 5 days. So today was 6 weeks 5 days and another sono tech did my sono and told me there were 2 sacs, however one of the sacs split and there are 3 babies OMG. They saw 3 yolks and heard 2 heartbeats. I return for another sono next Monday. I am in complete shock. I never even thought that 2 eggs put back could turn into 3 babies. I am in total shock. I am very happy to have been blessed with 3 babies but I am sooooo scared.
Thank you to everyone for all your support and prayers! This Board had been everything that I needed while going through the IVF process. I pray that all of your stays here are short! God Bless
Message edited 9/21/2009 8:08:16 PM.
Posted 8/13/09 4:19 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07 17048 total posts
Re: IVF Journal Updated
Sounds like you're moving right along! Good luck
Posted 8/13/09 6:23 PM |
I'm a mommy to a 2 year old!!!
Member since 1/08 1694 total posts
Name: Andrea
Re: IVF Journal Updated
Good luck with everything
Posted 8/13/09 6:51 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/09 87 total posts
Name: Roberta
Re: IVF Journal Updated
Not sure how this happened but I don't have anymore follistim, thankfully I had enough for tonight but I think I have to take it a few more nights and I have to send away for my prescriptions....hopefully it works out. Maybe the doctors office has some that I can take and replace when mine comes in.
Posted 8/13/09 8:53 PM |
Texting king

Member since 10/05 5289 total posts
Name: Suzy
Re: IVF Journal Updated
Good luck!!
Posted 8/13/09 9:22 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/09 87 total posts
Name: Roberta
Re: IVF Journal Updated
Thank you everyone, its so nice to be able to come on these boards and talk about what is going on and everyone knows what you're going through.
Posted 8/14/09 11:31 AM |
Member since 2/08 8081 total posts
Re: IVF Journal Updated
You're well on your way!!!!!!! I wish you the best of luck!!! And yes my cycle is very similar to yours...the doctor already said to be ready for retrieval Tues or Wed of next week
Posted 8/14/09 11:40 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: IVF Journal Updated
yay!! you are on your way!! best of luck!
Posted 8/14/09 11:48 AM |
Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07 5213 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: IVF Journal Updated
Good luck
Posted 8/14/09 11:52 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/09 87 total posts
Name: Roberta
Re: IVF Journal Updated
Lisa good luck with your retrieval hopefully I'll be going Tuesday or Wednesday too! When did you start stimming? I feel like my doctors office is being very cautious and taking it slow with my follistim.
Thank you everyone for the well wishes
Message edited 8/15/2009 10:08:14 PM.
Posted 8/15/09 10:07 PM |
Praying so hard this is it!!!

Member since 4/08 1391 total posts
Name: Undercover Lover
Re: IVF Journal Updated
It most certainly will be worth it. Best of luck to you!
Posted 8/16/09 8:48 AM |
Two under two!

Member since 5/07 3703 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: IVF Journal Updated
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!!!
Posted 8/16/09 5:08 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/09 87 total posts
Name: Roberta
Re: IVF Journal Updated 8/16/09
Thanks everyone!
Posted 8/16/09 9:51 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/09 87 total posts
Name: Roberta
Re: IVF Journal Updated- Retrieval Tomorrow
Bump - update -
Posted 8/18/09 4:32 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 11/08 421 total posts
Name: St Gerard and God, thank you for our blessing
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
good luck for a successful retrieval.
Posted 8/18/09 7:56 PM |
My prayers have been answered

Member since 10/08 3642 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
good luck
Posted 8/18/09 10:19 PM |
Texting king

Member since 10/05 5289 total posts
Name: Suzy
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
I told you thos follies grow when you least expect them to.
Good luck!!!! I'll be praying for you!
Posted 8/19/09 7:24 AM |
3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08 8178 total posts
Name: Momma
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 8/19/09 9:31 AM |
Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07 17048 total posts
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
good luck today!
Posted 8/19/09 10:47 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
best of luck!!
Posted 8/19/09 11:00 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/09 87 total posts
Name: Roberta
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
Thank you all for your support
Everything went well today, they retrieved 16 follies
They will call me tomorrow with the feritilization results.....I hope we get a good phone call!! I'm scheduled for a 3 day transfer but they indicated it will most likely be 5 days. The 5th day is Monday and I have to work so I really hope it is Saturday.
Posted 8/19/09 9:55 PM |
Member since 2/08 8081 total posts
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
Wonderful Roberta!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to hear the fert report!!!!!!!!!
Posted 8/20/09 9:57 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/09 87 total posts
Name: Roberta
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
Thank you....I should hear sometime this afternoon. I can't wait!!!
Posted 8/20/09 10:34 AM |
My Peanut

Member since 2/07 5199 total posts
Name: Ryan 3 boys EDD 11/6!
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 8/20/09 10:40 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: IVF Journal Updated Retrieval Tomorrow
you are on your way!! good luck!!
Posted 8/20/09 11:21 AM |
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