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boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today UPDATE
yes thats right 6 bite marks on his arms today when I picked him up. And this isnt the first time either He is 2 so he told me which kid bit him. Im besides myself with grief. The teacher wasnt there at the time the floater was and she said all she noticed was that everytime the child that bit Bryan came near Bryan he started to hysterically cry but she didnt see anything happen 3 marks were visalble on his forearm and later that night when I tood off his shirt there were four more marks clearly tooth marks. Im soooo besides myself. I called the director and she said that she will talk to the teachers and parents of the other child and devise a plan as to what to do. I feel horrible even sending him to daycare in the first place and now I feel horrible that Im sending him to a place that he is unsafe from torment at the mere age of 2. I dont know what to do. 
UPDATE: they spoke with human resources and the other parents. They removed the child from my sons class and they wont be interacting anymore. If the child has another incident he will be removed Im satisfied for now, hopefully things will get better if not Im moving him to a new place.
Message edited 9/18/2007 8:41:16 AM.
Posted 9/14/07 8:38 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05 6905 total posts
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Posted 9/14/07 8:52 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Posted 9/14/07 8:55 PM |
Member since 5/06 1462 total posts
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
I would be livid. Six times is wayyyy too many for the teacher to NOT see it happening.
Posted 9/14/07 8:55 PM |
My Girl

Member since 7/06 3395 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Once, twice is forgivable. Six way. I would look for a different center asap.
Posted 9/14/07 9:25 PM |
Life is good!

Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Posted 9/14/07 9:40 PM |

Member since 5/05 2730 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Posted by ~Melissa~
I would be livid. Six times is wayyyy too many for the teacher to NOT see it happening.
I totally agree....Poor Bryan...I hope he is feeling better!
Posted 9/14/07 9:47 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05 573 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
OMG! That is ridiculous. I am so very sorry.
Posted 9/14/07 9:49 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
I hate commenting on daycare situations since I have no knowledge of them, so my answers are very uneducated. I would think though that at this point, they are not providing Bryan with a safe atmosphere. I would move on...or have that kid kicked out.
Posted 9/14/07 9:49 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
poor baby. I would be furious and would probably confront the parents myself
Posted 9/14/07 9:51 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/06 3071 total posts
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
I would want to know what specifically the center planned on doing about it????? What their policy was regarding "biters"? My understanding is that most centers have a policy. If it's a franchised center, I'm sure there is a written policy. I would also threaten to call the state and would probably do so depending on their response to the above.
ETA I have a co-worker whose daughter was a biter. She had to attend a workshop with the child's teacher. Luckily her daughter stopped, but the center told her that if it happened one more time, she would be asked to leave. Now that sounds like a reasonable policy to me.
Posted 9/14/07 9:54 PM |
Say Cheese!

Member since 1/06 8033 total posts
Name: A (formerly WhatNow?)
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
HOnestly, I would raise he11!!
You already spoke to the director but I would speak to the teaches as well when you drop him off and tell them that you expect this to stop ASAP. He got bitten SIX times and body noticed?? How is that possible??
I would keep following up on this TO NO END with the director and teachers and asking over and over again what actions are being taken against the boy who did it and what is being done to prevent it from ever happening again to your son and to other kids on the group.
In the mean time start looking into other centers. I know it is not so easy but may be exploring other options is not a bad idea!
Posted 9/14/07 9:56 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
IMO- there is obviously no structure going on in your child's classroom.
Is biting common at this age- YES, but 6 times in one day is beyond extreme. I'm a firm believer in: if children are actively engaged in activity, if there is structure, and proper supervision then biting is kept at a minimum (if biting is to occur at all)
Before I became a director, I taught in the classroom- mostly preschool, however during college I taught in toddler classrooms. 7 yrs in the classroom, and I'm proud to say I never EVER had a child bite another child. I truly believe it was because the children were always kept stimulated in other ways and were always engaged in activity surrounding curriculum.
I think its time to find a new center, and fast!
ETA- I dont think the answer here is having the biter kicked out- this isnt an issue with the child, this is an issue w/in the center, its management, and its teachers!
I know there are children who are "biters" but there are MANY ways to prevent incidents like this from happening.
Message edited 9/14/2007 10:10:37 PM.
Posted 9/14/07 10:08 PM |

Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Posted 9/14/07 10:16 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Six times?? OMGosh! That is 100% unacceptable!!! Has this child bit any other child in the past? If so, the child should be "Shadowed". Teachers HAVE to be paying attention. I woud be fuming. I worked in day care for 10 years. Yes, Ive had my share of biters in the room but, I MADE SURE Either My assistant, floater, whoever was in the room with me, was right with the biter, doing something with them, keeping them busy, if I was busy with something and had to leave the area.
The children need to be busy the whole time and WATCHED!!!!
Sorry this is so long. I really do think it's time to move on to a safer environment. I really hope the director calls in EVERYONE (teacher, assistant, etc) that was in the room and sets them straight!
Message edited 9/14/2007 10:49:03 PM.
Posted 9/14/07 10:48 PM |
Sitting on a tree bench!

Member since 5/05 2429 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
that is aweful!
Posted 9/14/07 11:23 PM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
I besdies myself sick right now, I dont know how they didnt see this happen. Bryan is not a complainer so I dont think he may have made a fuss the first few times. But by the time I saw him there he was crying and was frightened of the kid. I literally dont know what to do anymore. We just swtiched him from another center to this one because my nephew goes here. I havent had a good feeling about this place at all and this just tops it all off. Im ready to quit my job
Message edited 9/14/2007 11:35:36 PM.
Posted 9/14/07 11:33 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Posted 9/14/07 11:35 PM |
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Posted by WhatNow
HOnestly, I would raise he11!!
You already spoke to the director but I would speak to the teaches as well when you drop him off and tell them that you expect this to stop ASAP. He got bitten SIX times and body noticed?? How is that possible??
I would keep following up on this TO NO END with the director and teachers and asking over and over again what actions are being taken against the boy who did it and what is being done to prevent it from ever happening again to your son and to other kids on the group.
In the mean time start looking into other centers. I know it is not so easy but may be exploring other options is not a bad idea!
This is NOT OK...
First of all - I forgot the ratio that is madated by NY state for adults to children that are 2 (in the baby room is 1 to 4), but there should be enough to see whats going on.
If the floater is the only one in the room, then my guess is there couldnt be more than 4 kids in the room. If she cannot keep track of 4 kids, which is possible, then there needs to be another teacher in the room.
Thats the 1st thing
But the director should be observing this kid. If he's a biter she should be checking out whats going on.
For your kid to be bitten one time, ok - kids are quick, things happen - but SIX times? That is terrible. What if he broke skin????
Get on this like nobody's business!!!! And dont stop. Tell them if you have to, you will file a complaint to the Nassau/Suffolk children's council or whatever tha place is called. I know you dont want to be a pain, but the truth is, if things dont change, you'll have to pull your baby out anyway....
good luck - keep us updated!!!
Posted 9/15/07 8:09 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Biting is perfectly normal at this age but 6 bites & the teacher not seeing is completely unacceptable.
Message edited 9/15/2007 8:12:38 AM.
Posted 9/15/07 8:11 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Bryan got BIT 6 times at daycare today
Wow. Like Barb said, biting at this age is normal. Everytime Alex gets bitten, they call me or send a note home and tell me EXACTLY how they handled the situation for BOTH babies.
6 bites and the teacher didn't see a thing? That's a SERIOUS problem. I would be livid.
Posted 9/15/07 8:32 AM |