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BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

OK - you are finally home - the baby is home with you... what is life like that 1st week or 2? Is it surreal? Do you feel like yourself at all? Are you bonding with the baby? Are you even human? Do you shower? Eat? Sleep? Get dressed? Do anything that is remotely "you?"

I am beginning to wonder what life will be like once baby comes - I mean, what life will be like when I bring a baby home into this house....

Posted 2/25/07 3:18 PM
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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I really think every new mom is going to have a different experience. Some "take to it" from the start, while others find the adjustment very difficult. So really, it's hard to tell what it might be like for you...especially when you add crazy hormones into the mix.

For me, it was very difficult. If you read my reply to NancyGrace, the feeling of being trapped was overwhelming. Also, my DH went back to work the next day after I came home from the hospital...after c/s no less. I remember thinking "Why did I want a baby??"

Needless to say, I didn't feel like "myself" Chat Icon But as you can see, I can laugh about it now...hopefully, I'll be able to do the same in May when #2 makes his/her appearance.

I did shower, I did dress, I did eat because I *had* to so that I would have a part of myself intact. Sleep? Not so much! Chat Icon

I could write a novel, but I'll end here by saying that although, yes, it is totally surreal (we thought DD would be watching football/baseball with us the day she came home Chat Icon ) it is a time you'll never forget...for the good and the bad and hopefully, you'll be looking forward to doing it I am!!

Posted 2/25/07 3:54 PM

Blessed x 3

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I didn't have any postpartum and I wasn't really stressed out from the baby. I was more stressed out from the parade of visitors for about two weeks until my sister gave birth to her son and they focused on him.

Make sure you set grown rules of who and when and how long people stay. If you plan on nursing, people just don't get it and stay there the entire time you lock yourself in your bedroom as well...

Try and sleep when the baby sleeps, I didn't take that advise but pregnant, I do that now with Jules when she naps. It helps...

Posted 2/25/07 4:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I consider myself one of the lucky ones as I bonded immediately with DD...felt like she was part of me straight away. I came home for hospital on a friday and my DH went back to work the next monday. I have no family nearby so it was just me and baby and it was sheer bliss. honestly I look back on this time as one of the happiest times in my lifeChat Icon

I just fed her, watched her, watched her,watched get the picture..I was completely enraptured....I got time to shower as at that stage it was easy..just put her in the bouncer and took her into the bathroom with she is a year its a totally diffrent storyChat Icon

There was so much excitment surrounding the birth of our daughter and there was lots of phone calls, presents arriving in the mail, emails...generally a really, really happy time.

I would love to go back and do it all again.

As I said its not like this for everyone so I do condiser myself lucky, I enjoyed every second and I hope you do to.Chat Icon

Just go with the flow and do what feels right to you and if that means closing the blinds, pretending you are not home and just bonding with your baby then do so.

Posted 2/25/07 4:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I dont want this thread to scare you... It was really hard for me at the beginning I am almost crying thinking about it.. I had PP really badly and I too felt very trapped. it was really hard for me to RELAX at all,but thats just me and my shortcomings. I was Bf and I didnt feel she was getting enough so I has charts and charts of how often she ate, it was so sad looking back now!! If you do a search on me you can see how crazy I really was.
It is totally different with everyone though. My sister had no problems and probably looked at me like I was nuts..
Youll be fine.. Posititve attitude...

Posted 2/25/07 4:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

It was strange. I told my friend (nancygrace) that it's weird that I have a kid. It's kinda like there's a big elephant in the room.Chat Icon
The biggest thing is getting enough sleep while trying to adjust to your new little one. Try not to have many people over and sleep when the baby sleeps.

Posted 2/25/07 4:56 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I had it easy since my mom was here to help the first week. But it was really hard- we had breastfeeding issues so she was always hungry in the beginning. And the steady stream of vistors slowly got on my nerves. Since my parents and grandma were here everyone thought it was a constant get together. My breaking point was when we all eating dinner and BIL showed up with SIL ( who I don't like) and 2 dogs in tow. I had enough and finally put my foot down about the chaos.

I was also very anxious when the sun went down- I think I was worried about her eating and sleeping patterns and it was hard to relax.

So I think the first week was rough but I did shower every day and put on makeup. It made me feel human even though I was very overwhelmed.

Posted 2/25/07 4:58 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

Posted by beachgirl

I consider myself one of the lucky ones as I bonded immediately with DD...felt like she was part of me straight away. I came home for hospital on a friday and my DH went back to work the next monday. I have no family nearby so it was just me and baby and it was sheer bliss. honestly I look back on this time as one of the happiest times in my lifeChat Icon

I just fed her, watched her, watched her,watched get the picture..I was completely enraptured....I got time to shower as at that stage it was easy..just put her in the bouncer and took her into the bathroom with she is a year its a totally diffrent storyChat Icon

There was so much excitment surrounding the birth of our daughter and there was lots of phone calls, presents arriving in the mail, emails...generally a really, really happy time.

I would love to go back and do it all again.

As I said its not like this for everyone so I do condiser myself lucky, I enjoyed every second and I hope you do to.Chat Icon

Just go with the flow and do what feels right to you and if that means closing the blinds, pretending you are not home and just bonding with your baby then do so.

NOW that is the way to do it! I think if you curb the vistors it is MUCH better.

Posted 2/25/07 5:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1041 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

The week after my DD was born I had such a mix of emotions. It was the most amazing experience of my entire life..It was very surreal, and exciting. It was also one the most difficult times in my life( In a good way) What I mean by this is that it was very draining..I don't do well with not sleeping and that has been the most difficult part.. I am 8 weeks pp and just now starting to feel more like myself...probably because I just started taking my DD is so hard being cooped up and having a winter baby. You will be fine, and everyone tells me enjoy every moment and even though my DD is only 2 months I see what they were saying. Take a lot of pictures and video..they do change so quickly.. Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/07 5:04 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

Honestly - I dont foresee us having too many visitors... I know my grandmother may be away with my cousins and aunt when I give birth - they had plans to go to disney before I announced I was PG, and my dad is going away a few days after I give borth...

The rest of my family is not that involved - I have a stepmom who may stop by, but I know she wont stay long, and my stepsister called me 2 times this entire pregnancy - the 1st time to make sure I wasnt having twins (she doesnt like to be upstaged) and another time I guess when I was 20 wks to find out the gender, for which I reminded her we werent finding out... So I dont see her dropping by too much...

I really dont have a lot of friends that live locally... and really dont have a lot to do with many people here on LI, even though I've been living here for almost 5 years - I have a lot of great acquaintances and work with some wonderful people that I like a lot, but everyone is so busy, I doubt they will be driving all the way to Northport to visit too often....

I wonder if I'll be lonely? I know DH plans on taking the 1st week off after baby is born to spend with us... that will be nice... but I really see a lot of time alone with the baby... I hope thats a good thing...

ETA: DH's family live in NJ now - they will come and visit, I'm sure, and pop by a lot in the beginning, but I like them a lot...

Message edited 2/25/2007 5:06:23 PM.

Posted 2/25/07 5:04 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

just from my experience...
way too many visitors and it made it pretty stressful. Not relaxing at all. I was swollen, not feeling good, and very tired from the baby being up all night but the visitors didnt stop. Sounds like you may have it better then I did. Taking care of the baby was nothing like having to entertain all day long. Visitors dont let the baby sleep and talk forever.

Posted 2/25/07 5:39 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I had a really rough recovery so I wasn't the happiest camper. Also I was bf and super paranoid that she wasn't getting enough so I made myself nuts with charting every second she ate and counting her diapers. Once the pain of delivering subsided though I finally relaxed and was able to enjoy motherhood.

Posted 2/25/07 6:00 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

My first week with Joseph was schleeping back & forth to the hospital to feed him every few hours. When he was finally released, I was on my own almost immediately since DH had taken off the first week.

I had my mom & sisters over a few times. I felt trapped too and felt like all I did all day was feed the baby (which you do). I had a huge amount of deliveries to the house & felt like the person I saw most was the UPS & Fedex guy. In retrospect, I should have shut off the phone because I was on it non-stop.

I'm sure if you feel lonely - all you need to do is tell your neighbors. I know firsthand that they already adore you & are restraining themselves already for when you have the baby.Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/07 6:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I had a very difficult time adjusting. My DS was colic, with acid reflux, never slept and cried ALL THE TIME!
I have to say I also questioned "why did I ever want a baby?" There were times I wanted to give him away. I felt like all i did was feed him and listen to him cry all day, hour after hour, day in and day out. He was also born in the dead of winter which didnt help. I felt the days melting into one another, and I honestly wasnt enjoying myself. I cried and cried and cried some more. I cried when he cried, I cried when he wasnt crying (which wasnt often).

Everyone kept telling me it "will get better" and slowly, very SLOWLY it did. I wished for him to be older, i know its sad thinking i was rushing away those moments that I'll never get back again. But for me, I really wouldnt ever want them back again. Which is why the thought of having any more really really scares me.

It will be ovewhelming, but you will make it thru, hopefully with a baby that likes to sleep alot!! Chat Icon And without sounding like a broken record, "Make sure you sleep when the baby sleeps!" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Best of luck to you and your new bundle of joy!

Posted 2/25/07 11:22 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

1 word. AWFUL

But you will get through it. The thing that kept me sane is to think that EVERYONE goes through it.

Message edited 2/26/2007 4:44:11 AM.

Posted 2/26/07 3:57 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

Posted by CheeChee

I had a very difficult time adjusting. My DS was colic, with acid reflux, never slept and cried ALL THE TIME!
I have to say I also questioned "why did I ever want a baby?" There were times I wanted to give him away. I felt like all i did was feed him and listen to him cry all day, hour after hour, day in and day out. He was also born in the dead of winter which didnt help. I felt the days melting into one another, and I honestly wasnt enjoying myself. I cried and cried and cried some more. I cried when he cried, I cried when he wasnt crying (which wasnt often).

Everyone kept telling me it "will get better" and slowly, very SLOWLY it did. I wished for him to be older, i know its sad thinking i was rushing away those moments that I'll never get back again. But for me, I really wouldnt ever want them back again. Which is why the thought of having any more really really scares me.

It will be ovewhelming, but you will make it thru, hopefully with a baby that likes to sleep alot!! Chat Icon And without sounding like a broken record, "Make sure you sleep when the baby sleeps!" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Best of luck to you and your new bundle of joy!

I could have written this myself.

Posted 2/26/07 6:57 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

The first week my son my son was home with us was wonderful. (the first week was tougher for he was in the NICU and we spent our week runnign back and forth to the hospital to be with him and worrying everytime he phone rang.) I had no issues with pain beyond normal after labor stuff, I had visitors but not too many and my baby was good (well the first 2-3 weeks). DH was home for a couple weeks so of course that helped (well he went into work one day) and really all he did is sleep and eat at first. He had been in the NICU for 5 days and when he came home - I made sure I had no visitors the first day and just spent the first day the three of us bonding. Also, my son was on a perfect 3 hour feeding and sleeping schedule (NICU for 5 days will do that to a formula fed kid!). I do remember it being very surreal and like wow we did this. When we first came home - I remember we put the infant carrier on the floor with him sleeping away and DH and I looked at each other and was like now what?

Once DH went back to work and colic and reflux sunk in and I was by myself - it did get harder but I was able to make due. There were days I had to put him down to just cry myself but for the most part I adjusted and got my routine going and all is well. The hardest part of it all is getting use to not getting as much done as you are use to and knowing feeding, dressing, changing diapers, and all that which you are doing for your child is getting something done!! It has to go on the to do list instead of other stuff. Granted some babies are easier than others - mine wasn't an easy one so I got nothing done the first few months but oh well - life with a child....

PS - I showered everyday and it was really easier than I thought it would be. I needed that shower to function - Now once DH went back to work - I still tried to shower everyday but it wasn't always first thing in the morning!

Message edited 2/26/2007 8:14:25 AM.

Posted 2/26/07 8:12 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I was lonely and loved having visitors. I am so career focused that for the first few weeks I felt worthless sitting on the couch watching crap on TV. Connor slept so much and was such and easy infant that I had a lot of time on my hands (even if I was holding him)

I eventually got into a routine and it was great. This time around I am planning to enjoy the whole experience a lot more since the time goes so fast. Although I will have a 2 year old to chase Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/07 8:25 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

Posted by CheeChee

I had a very difficult time adjusting. My DS was colic, with acid reflux, never slept and cried ALL THE TIME!
I have to say I also questioned "why did I ever want a baby?" There were times I wanted to give him away. I felt like all i did was feed him and listen to him cry all day, hour after hour, day in and day out. He was also born in the dead of winter which didnt help. I felt the days melting into one another, and I honestly wasnt enjoying myself. I cried and cried and cried some more. I cried when he cried, I cried when he wasnt crying (which wasnt often).

Everyone kept telling me it "will get better" and slowly, very SLOWLY it did. I wished for him to be older, i know its sad thinking i was rushing away those moments that I'll never get back again. But for me, I really wouldnt ever want them back again. Which is why the thought of having any more really really scares me.

It will be ovewhelming, but you will make it thru, hopefully with a baby that likes to sleep alot!! Chat Icon And without sounding like a broken record, "Make sure you sleep when the baby sleeps!" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Best of luck to you and your new bundle of joy!

I could have written this word for word, except the dead of winter part Chat Icon I remember when DH went back to work the next week, I was SO mad at him. Mad because at the heart of it, I was just so jealous of him that he had his time in the car driving to and from work when he could just zone out. Or he could go out and get lunch with friends, or just sit in front of the PC with a cup of coffee and relax, when I was up all day, all night, tending to a fussy, collicky, gassy, screaming baby. I felt like my whole world was crashing in and everything had changed so drastically for me, and yet, nothing had really changed for him, so I was really resentful for the first few weeks. I remember feeling lonely and trapped, and it finally dawning on me, that's it, life as I know it is never the same. Forget about just running out the door to go shopping or meet friends for lunch. I dreaded going out with Alex because it took SUCH preparation, and it was just too stressful, especially with BFing. I really do remember counting down the rest of the days of my maternity leave, just DYING to go back to work.

Some women have it easy and that time is one of the most beautiful in all their life. Others, the adjustment can be harder. I think it helps to come into it realistic, and to be easy on yourself in case your one of the ones that has a hard time. It's ok to be sad, lonely, depressed, it's nothing to be ashamed of, and it's totally and completely normal.

All I can say is that if it is rough for you, you'll get through it, and it WILL get easier, I promise. Rely on your family and friends, and whatever else you need to do, even if it means putting a crying baby in his/her crib for 5 minutes while you take a much needed hot shower. And, you have a whole bunch of experienced ladies on here to turn to if all else fails Chat Icon

Message edited 2/26/2007 8:55:11 AM.

Posted 2/26/07 8:53 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

Posted by sunny

Posted by CheeChee

I had a very difficult time adjusting. My DS was colic, with acid reflux, never slept and cried ALL THE TIME!
I have to say I also questioned "why did I ever want a baby?" There were times I wanted to give him away. I felt like all i did was feed him and listen to him cry all day, hour after hour, day in and day out. He was also born in the dead of winter which didnt help. I felt the days melting into one another, and I honestly wasnt enjoying myself. I cried and cried and cried some more. I cried when he cried, I cried when he wasnt crying (which wasnt often).

Everyone kept telling me it "will get better" and slowly, very SLOWLY it did. I wished for him to be older, i know its sad thinking i was rushing away those moments that I'll never get back again. But for me, I really wouldnt ever want them back again. Which is why the thought of having any more really really scares me.

It will be ovewhelming, but you will make it thru, hopefully with a baby that likes to sleep alot!! Chat Icon And without sounding like a broken record, "Make sure you sleep when the baby sleeps!" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Best of luck to you and your new bundle of joy!

I could have written this myself.

I could have written this was the exact same thing for me

Posted 2/26/07 9:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I found it to be pretty easy even with #2 and having a wild two year old to chase after. The worst part is the getting up at all hours, but somehow you make it work.

Oh and when Molly was born the only horrible thing was that my inlaws came, had no sense of boundaries and stayed for 5 days! AND MY MIL DID NOTHING! Never once lifted a finger, made a meal or anything. I will be bitter about that for a very long time and my invitiations are few and far between to them these days. So, don't invite people to stay and if you do, make sure they know when they are expected to leave!

Posted 2/26/07 9:41 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

Wow - thanks ladies... I think Chat Icon (Just kidding) - I wanted to hear real answers from real people - I can see myself going thru a lot of these emotions.... I guess you will see me on here asking a billion questions in April!!!

Posted 2/26/07 9:42 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

My first week was great - we had a lot of company to help and my dh was home with me and UPS was coming everyday with packages and she was sleeping okay - it got harder for me after two weeks- she became colicky and was diagnosed with reflux and decided that sleeping was over rated.

Posted 2/26/07 9:50 AM


Member since 7/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

Wow, reading this has me worried. I feel like I'm gonna be bombarded with visitors and its gonna be VERY annoying after awhile.

I guess you just have to set ground rules for people regardless of what they think.

Posted 2/26/07 9:54 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms: What is it like the 1st week with your newborn?

I don't know if this is something you can put into words- but how I felt was like this:

every aspect of my life- what it was- WHO i was- how i defined myself as well as the little day-to-day things- my routine- this was all put into a canon and then shot all over the place- it's like my life was shot out of a canon and the contents went everywhere and i had to figure out how to pick up the pieces.... and in picking up the pieces I rearranged some things and changed other things ... so that my life is different now...

the 1st week is hard- hormonaly- very tough... but also getting used to the baby & the baby getting used to you... it is a huge adjustment period.

Posted 2/26/07 9:55 AM
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