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BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

151 total posts


BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

For those who have already lost your plug, whether with this baby or the last, do you feel it come out? Were you able to easily spot it? I'm just about 38 weeks and paranoid I'll lose it and not know bc I go to the bathroom numerous times at night with the lights off. I was hoping I would be able to feel it fall out.

Posted 8/16/14 8:09 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

I could feel it when I wiped. It was gooey.
For what it's worth - I lost it last week at 34. The dr laughed and said it means nothing :/ lol.

Posted 8/16/14 8:35 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/10

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Re: BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

If you lose enough of it at once you will not be able to mistake it! For me with dc#1 I lost it when my water broke. With dc#2 I lost some of it ahead of time and the rest when my water broke.

This is disgusting but the most accurate description I've heard's like your vag blew it's nose and had a sinus infection Chat Icon Chat Icon This was from a nurse in my OB's office. I have to say that it was a pretty accurate. I never felt anything coming out and I have started to lose it with this dc already. Lights on or off you will probably know!

Posted 8/16/14 8:36 AM

You are my I love you

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Re: BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

Honestly w DS I thought I lost it at 38w but I am not sure and never SAW it come out lol I didn't go into labor until 40w2d

Posted 8/16/14 9:21 AM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

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Re: BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

For me it was this chunky piece of mucous mixed with blood when I wiped. Then my labor started right after.

Posted 8/16/14 9:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

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Re: BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

It's really not something you need to be aware of. Some women don't even lose it until they are in the hospital in labor. I feel like it's one of those things that's only a big deal LIF. I've never heard of anyone's doctor asking about mucous plugs being lost, lol.

Posted 8/16/14 12:19 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/13

639 total posts


Re: BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

Posted by Lillies

For me it was this chunky piece of mucous mixed with blood when I wiped. Then my labor started right after.


Posted 8/16/14 6:19 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

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Momma <3

BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

I lost mine when I was in labor after they broke my water.

Message edited 8/16/2014 8:08:15 PM.

Posted 8/16/14 8:07 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 9/10

494 total posts


Re: BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

Posted by Lillies

For me it was this chunky piece of mucous mixed with blood when I wiped. Then my labor started right after.

Same description. I lost mine over the course of a few days but never went into labor. There is NO mistaking what it is. It is vile LOL

Posted 8/16/14 9:36 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

151 total posts


BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

Thanks ladies! I know what I need to look out for now!
So I guess it can go either way..labor comes right after I lose it or a few days later! Lol. Pregnancy is like a snowflake...!!!

Posted 8/16/14 10:23 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

89 total posts


Re: BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

Posted by Lillies

For me it was this chunky piece of mucous mixed with blood when I wiped. Then my labor started right after.

Same for me

Posted 8/17/14 12:31 AM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

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BTDT-mucous plug (TMI)

I lost mine right after I took a shower. I didn't hear it or feel it, I just saw it when I was wiping. It was thick yellowy mucous with blood. I went right to the hospital because I had just come out the day before Chat Icon 33Weeks

Posted 8/17/14 1:43 PM

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