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Baby girls & beagles rock!

Member since 8/06 10356 total posts
Name: Jen
Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
on diapers and formula for the first year ??
Thanks in advance.
Posted 8/8/08 3:10 PM |
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Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
let's see
1 can of formula per week (mine was $20 bucks a can but next baby will be on generic - $13 a can)
so that is $80-100/ month for formula
Diapers - about 35 a month I would say
Posted 8/8/08 3:12 PM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
Hey Jen...
Hard to say b/c I got so many diapers at my shower..probably got us through till about 3 months.
Can't help you on formula as I bf, but maybe $35-40 a month on diapers or so on average.
Posted 8/8/08 3:13 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
I used generic so I spent about $44 a month on formula. Diapers..I bought Luvs or store brand, so about $30 a month, maybe a little more in the beginning when she was pooping every five minutes. Wipes, I use them like MAD and spend probably $10 a month on those.
Posted 8/8/08 3:15 PM |
Then there was 2

Member since 3/06 5696 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
i bought ALOT of diapers prior to having my DD so that helped... I BF so that helped also.
Diapers I get at BJs or Walmart. I started with the swaddlers and now get the baby dry pampers
Posted 8/8/08 3:18 PM |
So in Love....

Member since 3/07 1622 total posts
Name: A Family of 4
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
HMMM lets see...
We pay about $36 a month for diapers and about $320 in formula!!
Posted 8/8/08 3:39 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
I'm not sure about the diapers bc my mom pics up diapers when she goes to Costco and that skews things.
I use RTF formula and it's about $144-180 a month.
Posted 8/8/08 3:43 PM |
Listen close....

Member since 8/07 3545 total posts
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
Well I'm always using coupons for formula since DD is on Alimentum so I would say in the beginning it was over $350 a month b.c I was buying RTF cans but now it's about $100 since I switched to powder and DD is drinking less.
Diapers I would say about $25 a month. I buy them at BJ's and use BJ's coupons as well as pampers coupons so I get around $5 off. The package usually lasts over a month.
Message edited 8/8/2008 3:59:55 PM.
Posted 8/8/08 3:59 PM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
That's a tough one.
We luckily have our formula (alimentum) covered by our insurance. Otherwise that would be expensive!!! Couple hundred dollars every month i'm sure!
As for diapers, well we're new at this (ds is 6 weeks old) so we go through a lot right now. I buy the big boxes for $30 and then i use coupons. I'm always using coupons!
Posted 8/8/08 4:07 PM |
Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
Formula about $140 a month give or take depending on if I have coupons
Diapers and wipes a month around $40
Posted 8/8/08 4:11 PM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
Diapers: $35 a month but as she gets bigger the packs are getting smaller.
Formula $125 give or take a month depending on sales and coupons.
Posted 8/8/08 4:32 PM |
Big Sister to Be!

Member since 5/05 3644 total posts
Name: Tracey
Re: Budget-- How much on average do you spend per month
I bf so that saved us in the formula department and I also received diapers for my shower and my mom make me a huge diaper cake so I was set on diapers for awhile. I buy diapers at BJ's now and use coupons but I'd guestimate around $35/month on diapers.
Posted 8/8/08 4:47 PM |