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Cake im Making...

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Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07

5191 total posts


Re: Cake im Making...

Posted by CrankyPants

Posted by nbc188

Posted by CrankyPants

Very cool-can I ask if you are doing a dog "theme" for this party and if so, what other things are going with it?


Chat Icon are you finding out info for anyone in particular? Chat Icon

To the OP-- I LOVE that, it looks awesome!!!

Oh no, of course not!Chat Icon

To OP-if you get to go to the party (and you should considering it is such a fabulous cake), can you share the details of it for others who may want to do something similar?

I really love the cake!

No im not going but Ill def. post pics once im done on Saturday moring....

Posted 3/24/09 8:57 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/06

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Re: Cake im Making...

Posted by Palebride

Posted by shellybean

I should try making it but for the cost theres no work...I love the wilton. i want to try satin ice, i beleive its made form chocolate or somehting like that...let me know if you have any questions....what cake are you doing

I've made the marshmallow fondant that was posted above and it tastes much better than the Wilton, but isn't as easy to work with. I found when I added too much color, it lost some of it's functionality. It is cheaper, but it is a little annoying to make and you have to make sure you make it in advance so it can rest overnight.
I'm going to try Satin Ice next....I hear that tastes better than Wilton,but is just as easy to use.

Adorable dogs by the way! I've just started making fondant much fun!Chat Icon

I didn't let it rest. I made it while I was baking a cake, let the cake cool, frosted then rolled it out and put it on. Had no issues at all. I even tested out sticking pieces to the sides (with water) and it worked great. I was surprised how easy it was.

Posted 3/24/09 9:04 PM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

13673 total posts


Re: Cake im Making...

Posted by EmmaNick

Posted by Palebride

Posted by shellybean

I should try making it but for the cost theres no work...I love the wilton. i want to try satin ice, i beleive its made form chocolate or somehting like that...let me know if you have any questions....what cake are you doing

I've made the marshmallow fondant that was posted above and it tastes much better than the Wilton, but isn't as easy to work with. I found when I added too much color, it lost some of it's functionality. It is cheaper, but it is a little annoying to make and you have to make sure you make it in advance so it can rest overnight.
I'm going to try Satin Ice next....I hear that tastes better than Wilton,but is just as easy to use.

Adorable dogs by the way! I've just started making fondant much fun!Chat Icon

I didn't let it rest. I made it while I was baking a cake, let the cake cool, frosted then rolled it out and put it on. Had no issues at all. I even tested out sticking pieces to the sides (with water) and it worked great. I was surprised how easy it was.

See, when I was done making the fondant, it definitely wasn't ready to go on the cake yet. Still too mushy.
After I let it rest overnight, it was perfect.

Posted 3/24/09 9:06 PM

Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07

5191 total posts


Re: Cake im Making...

Posted by EmmaNick

Posted by Palebride

Posted by shellybean

I should try making it but for the cost theres no work...I love the wilton. i want to try satin ice, i beleive its made form chocolate or somehting like that...let me know if you have any questions....what cake are you doing

I've made the marshmallow fondant that was posted above and it tastes much better than the Wilton, but isn't as easy to work with. I found when I added too much color, it lost some of it's functionality. It is cheaper, but it is a little annoying to make and you have to make sure you make it in advance so it can rest overnight.
I'm going to try Satin Ice next....I hear that tastes better than Wilton,but is just as easy to use.

Adorable dogs by the way! I've just started making fondant much fun!Chat Icon

I didn't let it rest. I made it while I was baking a cake, let the cake cool, frosted then rolled it out and put it on. Had no issues at all. I even tested out sticking pieces to the sides (with water) and it worked great. I was surprised how easy it was.

I know its very easy to use...
the cake im making is blue with brown paw prints, the dogs on top, i also made a buttercream smash cake...did u get the fondant on without any seams? I cant wait to make my cake sat. I wish yo could freeze them after fondant, im nervous since im making for someones party...scared ill have a you think it will be ok if i do it friday nt, the party is sat at 2....just in case of a mistake i can work through the night...LOL

Posted 3/24/09 9:21 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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