Re: Can You Please Say a Prayer For My Grandmother *UPDATE* 6/22
Update: My parents took Gram for her consultation yesterday. They are going to try a medication to see if the lump shrinks. If it does, then, maybe they will try radiation to shrink it some more. She is 91. They don't want to do chemo. They don't want her to get sick. The lump is inoperable. Now, because Gram has been walking more slowly (and dragging her feet) for quite a while, the dr. wants her to have a brain scan, to make sure the cancer didn't spread to the brain. (Honestly, I feel she's been walking like this way before the lump even appeared) but the Dr.s want to do this as a precaution.
Please continue the prayers. They are greatly appreciated. I'm just still in shock. This sux.
Re: Can You Please Say a Prayer For My Grandmother *UPDATE* 8-3-08
I'll will continue to pray for grandma, Please tell her Bob and I are thinking about her and Tell her to get well!! We love you and you know we are here for you and the family, Grams is a tough cookie and she will get through this!
Re: Can You Please Say a Prayer For My Grandmother *UPDATE* 8-3-08
Thank You everyone!! I saw her tonight for about 2 hours. We are hearing that her pancreas is not working right. Not 100% sure if the cancer spread there or if its something else.
I am drained. I had my cousins funeral today and now this.
Please pray hard. I do appreciate it soooo much!!!