carpal tunnel and tendinitis (sp?)
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Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
carpal tunnel and tendinitis (sp?)
i saw a hand surgein and was diagnosed with CT and tendenitis.
I have to go next week for an EMG, therapy and ultrasound.
Has any one had these procedures done?? Does an EMG hurt?
I'm in so much pain I feel like that's not going to fix it.
He mentioned surgery as well. Has anyone had the surgery and did it work? how long did it take to heal?
I have a 5 wk old at home and am nervous about recovery time yet I can't go on like this because it hurts to feed her and i'm nervous about dropping her when my hand goes numb.
Posted 9/28/06 9:45 AM |
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Member since 6/06 7219 total posts
Name: Lois Mom Mommy Mama Ma
Re: carpal tunnel and tendinitis (sp?)
I had an EMG just this week, and it didn't hurt. For me, it was a two-pronged tool that send small electric shocks into various points on my wrist and forearm. The most it would do was make my fingers jerk around, kind of like when someone bangs your knee and your leg swings up.
Fortunately for me, the doctor said the preliminary results looked good but he'd have to take a closer look at them to be certain.
I think I had the EMG to rule out nerve damage, not to see how much damage I had though. Your case seems like it's more severe than mine.
Good luck and I hope the therapy works for you!
Posted 9/28/06 9:51 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: carpal tunnel and tendinitis (sp?)
I'm pretty sure that I have one or the other or both but I have yet to see a Dr about it. But the pain gets worse everyday.
Mine started up after I had Jake.
I'm just wondering - did you ask about any alternatives to surgery - like exercises that might help?
I don't have answers to any of your questions but interested to hear how it goes for you.
Posted 9/28/06 9:51 AM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: carpal tunnel and tendinitis (sp?)
yea mine is pretty bad. it started before my pregnancy but they say a lot of women get it when prgnant.
before the surgery option i have to go to occupational hand therapy 2 x week.
its gonna cost me a fortune because its $20 every therapy viist.
As far as the EMG, I am going to a neurologist to look for nerve damage also.
Posted 9/28/06 9:55 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: carpal tunnel and tendinitis (sp?)
So there IS a chance you can get better with therapy before surgery. That's good to know. I hope the therapy works for you!
Feel better!
Posted 9/28/06 9:58 AM |
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