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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07 858 total posts
Name: alias
CF role models
DH and I are the only CFers of our families. I don't have any CF role models to help me see how a CF life could play out over the long run.
Anyone have any older CFers that you consider to be role models? What have you learned from them?
Posted 1/15/10 10:29 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: CF role models
my "aunt" terry and "uncle" frank are the only older cf couple I know
(I put the quotes b/c they are not related to me...but they are my parents close friends and we called them that)
They travel the world- they are not tied down to anything
They are so happy still after 35+ years...he still calls her his bride
Sounds like a nice life
Posted 1/16/10 1:54 PM |
Re: CF role models
I had a Great-Aunt and Uncle that would be my CF idols, LOL. Sadly they are gone now but they traveled all over, every weekend was a party or outtings with friends. Beautiful condo in Fl on the water. AND they LOVED and ADORED all of their nieces and nephews to pieces!
I also have an Aunt and Uncle that are CF (not by choice) Uncle would like to live the foot loose and fancy free CF lifestyle but my Aunt is a bit of a boring pill. And sh'es cheap to boot. But they do have a few properties that they visit and they too adore all of us. I wish for their own sake they traveled more and took advantage of their situation.
Posted 1/16/10 2:41 PM |
Bring on the glitter and bows!

Member since 6/08 15158 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: CF role models
My Aunt Anne and Uncle Jim He has since passed away. But they were always there for ALL family events, treated all the kids in the family with love. They just always were such a big part of the family, and with out kids.
Posted 1/19/10 10:08 AM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: CF role models
My aunt (mom's sister) who spoiled my brother and I terribly all our lives. She adores kids.
My uncles best friend, she is a good family friend but VERY close to my cousin (uncles daughter) and they spend a lot of time together.
Both these woman are such loving, smart, giving people with rich, full lives.
Posted 1/20/10 8:28 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07 858 total posts
Name: alias
Re: CF role models
Bumping this one because I witnessed something awesome today.
Conference call with a few people from a client's company. We were talking about photos our art director selected to show work/life balance in an HR brochure. One photo was a newborn's hand with a hospital bracelet on top of an adult's hand. Two of the clients loved that one. One just didn't like it. The fourth client articulated it so well that I started tearing up during the call because she is so awesome and really could be a great CF role model. She said things like, "This doesn't represent our population -- our average age is mid-40s -- not everyone is a parent -- I'm not a parent and I'm never going to be a grandparent -- this is has no connection for me -- find something else."
She is such a smart, kind, caring and warm person and it was fantastic to hear her speak her mind about the CF perspective and have her colleagues listen and respect her opinions.
Posted 4/20/12 11:13 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: CF role models
DH has an "Aunt & Uncle" who are CF. They are now well into their 60's and just recently have thought maybe they should have had children.
They aren't agonizing over it, but I think watching their friends & families children grow, get married and have have children of their own is getting to them a bit.
But they have said they had a wonderful life together and were able to live freely being CF.
Message edited 4/21/2012 1:09:03 PM.
Posted 4/21/12 1:08 PM |
Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09 6691 total posts
Re: CF role models
Posted by ihilani
Bumping this one because I witnessed something awesome today.
Conference call with a few people from a client's company. We were talking about photos our art director selected to show work/life balance in an HR brochure. One photo was a newborn's hand with a hospital bracelet on top of an adult's hand. Two of the clients loved that one. One just didn't like it. The fourth client articulated it so well that I started tearing up during the call because she is so awesome and really could be a great CF role model. She said things like, "This doesn't represent our population -- our average age is mid-40s -- not everyone is a parent -- I'm not a parent and I'm never going to be a grandparent -- this is has no connection for me -- find something else."
She is such a smart, kind, caring and warm person and it was fantastic to hear her speak her mind about the CF perspective and have her colleagues listen and respect her opinions.
Wow thats awesome. I see a lot of ads i just cant identify with.
I have no married cf role models on either mine or dh's side.
Posted 4/21/12 6:11 PM |

Member since 6/07 8274 total posts
Name: me
Re: CF role models
My aunt & uncle (he passed away about 10 years ago) lived an awesome CF life. They were so involved with everyone in the family, and they traveled so much & had so many friends & hobbies (she still does). Even as a kid, I never questioned why they didn't have children.
I also work with a woman has been married 30 years (she is in her early 50's) and never had children. She told me she has never regretted it & they really enjoy their life. They are always going to events in the city, are involved in their church & community, and just enjoy life.
Posted 4/21/12 8:22 PM |