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CIO in the middle of the night ??

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

491 total posts


CIO in the middle of the night ??

We're toying with doing CIO with DD and she is usually a good sleeper, except she still wakes for a nighttime feeding/diaper change. I tried the huggies overnites, and even still, she wakes up with a full diaper at about 11:30-midnight.. If you are doing CIO, how do you know if the baby is just waking out of habit vs really needing something (like a clean diaper)?

And I also am guilty of feeding her at this time - which maybe I should try putting her down without feeding her, which may take care of this problem as well, but I was just looking for some guidance with this? DD is almost 8mos.

I figure if we give this a whirl, to try it before we start seeing some teeth (so far we have none coming up yet!)..


Posted 6/19/07 9:33 AM
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Re: CIO in the middle of the night ??

Have you read Ferber's Solve your Child's Sleep Problems? I suggest reading that. At almost the exact age that your dd is, Ava started waking in the middle of the night and the only thing that would help was a bottle. I gave it to her at first, thinking it was a growth spurt, but I noticed it was dragging on and on. So, I bought Ferber's book, and I read about sleep associations and how babies need conditions in the middle of the night to be the same as when they first go to sleep in order to put themselves back to sleep at night. It made sense and we adjusted our bedtime routine. It took two nights for her to get the hang of it, and she's never needed a bottle in the middle of the night again.
I really suggest reading that book because CIO isn't just about letting them cry, it's about teaching them to have the right associations with bedtime. I, personally, think 8 months is old enough for a baby to not need to eat in the middle of the night, so we used Ferber's method and I'm so grateful that we did.

Posted 6/19/07 9:37 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

491 total posts


Re: CIO in the middle of the night ??

Thanks - I'll give it a whirl! I'm still nursing, and while its nice to have that time with Jillian, esp since going back to work, I know she needs to get to sleeping through the night, for everyones sake!

She has had nights when she has slept all the way through (probably on a fluke, or she was just really active at daycare that day or something) - so I know she can do it! I'd just love it to be more times than not!


Posted 6/19/07 9:47 AM

Growing up fast!

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Re: CIO in the middle of the night ??

One of the things that we did to break DD of middle of the night nursing was that I stopped going in to her bedroom. If she was really crying, DH would go in and she knew she was not going to get any booby from Daddy. I'm sure my DD has a fullish diaper in the middle of the night too but it doesn't seem to bother her and the Overnights hold a lot. So even when they seem full-----they can still hold more.

Since your DD has slept through the night before, she is capable of doing it again without night nursing & a diaper change. I'd let her cry a bit and see if she can get herself back to sleep. If not, is it possible for DH to go in and comfort her a little?

Posted 6/19/07 10:10 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

491 total posts


Re: CIO in the middle of the night ??

Posted by Lucky

Since your DD has slept through the night before, she is capable of doing it again without night nursing & a diaper change. I'd let her cry a bit and see if she can get herself back to sleep. If not, is it possible for DH to go in and comfort her a little?

Thanks! I wish he could - but he just changed schedules at work and is working overnites.. So I'm on my own. When he is home, he does go in and tries to rock her back to sleep.. But his self-proclaimed 'daddy magic' (Chat Icon) lasts about an hour, and she is back up again crying. So I don't know if this is habit waking her up (since she expects to see me), or is she really hungry/full diaper. When he goes back to rock her, sometimes this second or third time he can't get her back down, then I get up..
your advice is appreciated! Thanks!

Posted 6/19/07 10:18 AM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

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Re: CIO in the middle of the night ??

Posted by pickle

Thanks - I'll give it a whirl! I'm still nursing, and while its nice to have that time with Jillian, esp since going back to work, I know she needs to get to sleeping through the night, for everyones sake!

She has had nights when she has slept all the way through (probably on a fluke, or she was just really active at daycare that day or something) - so I know she can do it! I'd just love it to be more times than not!


Could it be that the baby is switching to some overnight feeding to catch up with nursing? A lot of babies do this when moms work during the day.

My DS usually wakes once a night but has been 2 the past few days because we moved.

Posted 6/19/07 6:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: CIO in the middle of the night ??

Hey Marie! I used CIO with Molly when she insisted upon waking up at 4am. She didn't really want to eat, she was just in the habit of waking at 4am on the dot. It took about a week of me just going in and putting her music on, patting her back and then leaving.

Posted 6/19/07 8:21 PM

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