City Mini moms - belly bar or snack tray???
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Member since 11/07 12820 total posts
City Mini moms - belly bar or snack tray???
I just unboxed DS's City Mini and started using it. I just bought the parent console, the rain cover, and the car seat adapter for it ( ).
But I just realized it might be nice to something DS can put his feet up on or pull himself forward with, that sort of thing.
Would you recommend the belly bar or the snack tray? Or both? Or neither?
Posted 9/21/10 3:55 PM |
Sisters :)

Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: City Mini moms - belly bar or snack tray???
We have the snack tray but DD is 13 months and we still have never attached it! She likes to just lounge & relax when she's in the stroller.
Posted 9/21/10 3:57 PM |
I love my daughter!

Member since 7/07 3061 total posts
Name: Carlie
Re: City Mini moms - belly bar or snack tray???
Carlie Loves the snack tray... she kicks her feet up... we just put it on last month... and she loves it!
Posted 9/21/10 4:34 PM |
you rang?

Member since 6/08 5573 total posts
Re: City Mini moms - belly bar or snack tray???
Belly bar all the way. DS likes to sit up and lean on it, stick his feet up on it, I can wash the cover for it (it zips off) if it gets dirty. I returned the snack tray because I just give him his snack cup and he holds it and eats out of that. He would never put his sippy up on the tray and just leave it there, that's just him, so to me it was worthless.
Posted 9/21/10 4:37 PM |
You give the best smiles!

Member since 1/09 2398 total posts
Name: M~
Re: City Mini moms - belly bar or snack tray???
we have the belly bar - dd loves resting her feet on it. we also have the snack tray but i don't think i'm going to use that until she's older.
Posted 9/21/10 8:59 PM |
Re: City Mini moms - belly bar or snack tray???
Yesi, thanks for posting this! I was leaning towards the belly bar anyway, but this helped me make my decision! I also figured I can stick some toys on the bar too.
Posted 9/21/10 9:16 PM |
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