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Class Rules for first grade?

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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Class Rules for first grade?

Please let me know if you have class rules for first grade or a similar grade. I am going to be teaching a first grade CCD class and I want to have class rules because the main thing I'm concerned about is class management and discipline. Rather than starting from scratch, I figure I'd better ask the experts!


Posted 9/18/07 9:18 PM

The Lazy Days of Summer

Member since 10/06

1413 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

You are going to be teaching in a newly opened clasS? I teach in a CTT class and will be more than happy to email you my first/second day plans.

Posted 9/18/07 9:43 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

Posted by happytobreathe

You are going to be teaching in a newly opened clasS? I teach in a CTT class and will be more than happy to email you my first/second day plans.

It's an after-school religious education program. It hasn't started yet. I want to run it as much like a normal classroom as posisble so there is structure. I know when it's after school kids have a tendency to act up and not take it seriously, so I want to set a serious tone from the beginning, even though they're 1st grade and so cute and I really want to have fun> Chat Icon

Posted 9/18/07 9:54 PM


Member since 8/05

12296 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

Our basics are:

Listen to the speaker

Respect all people, their things and our school

Hands & feet to yourself

Help others do their best (don't distract)

Posted 9/18/07 10:16 PM

live laugh love

Member since 8/06

5082 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

Always follow directions

One person talks at a time

Keep your hands and feet to yourself

Be kind to others


Posted 9/19/07 12:19 AM

Little drummer boy

Member since 5/05

2377 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

Posted by cj7305

Our basics are:

Listen to the speaker

Respect all people, their things and our school

Hands & feet to yourself

Help others do their best (don't distract)

I used those rules and "use polite language" with my first graders Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/07 6:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/07

868 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

Always raise your hand
Keep you hands, feet, and objects to yourselves.
Stay in your seat
Respect your classmates

Posted 9/19/07 7:27 PM

Hoping, wishing, waiting....

Member since 8/06

1418 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

I have all of the same rules as mentioned above. We really have been focusing on keeping hands feet and objects to ourselves, my kids can't keep their hands off each other!!!

Posted 9/19/07 11:06 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/07

339 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

I teach first grade. The best way to create rules is to creat 3 very general rules.. this way anything they do wrong will fall into any category and they are easy to refer to. These are my rules...

Keep your voice and body in control
Be kind to others
Take care of your classroom

So for example.. a child keeps calling out..That's two rules that are broken... he's not being kind to others because he keeps interrupting and hes not keeping his voice in control. A child leaves books out.. he's not taking care of his classroom. A child can't sit still.. he's not keeping his body in control..I can go on all day.. hehe

But make sure there are consequences for the rules... or they will be nothing. Hope this helps.

Posted 9/20/07 7:41 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

One simple rule (we used w/ 3rd) interfering w/ the teaching/learning of others (but that doesn't truly spell it out for them)

In my Pre-K I use:

Work & play safely
Treat others kindly
Listen to your teachers
Use our inside voices

Posted 9/20/07 10:55 PM

Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06

2579 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

I have a large piece of chart paper and go over rules that would be good for the class.
I do it with them and give each child a post it..I tell them to write or DRAW the rule if they cannot spell. it comes out so cute and we do it as a class. I hang it all year. Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/07 9:10 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

we always use positive rules in our class (i teach kindergarten)

ie - we will use soft voices vs. no yelling, etc....

Posted 9/23/07 11:32 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

oh and make sure you tell them the consequences...and stick to them!

Posted 9/23/07 11:38 PM

I love this boy!

Member since 4/07

3372 total posts


Re: Class Rules for first grade?

my kindergarten class has positive rules in a poem

we raise our hands to speak
we sit quietly at our seats
we use voices soft and sweet
we keep our places tidy and neat
we are helpful, friendly and fair
we take our turns and willingly share.


Posted 9/24/07 6:05 AM

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