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Class size- first grade

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My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09

7395 total posts


Class size- first grade

In your experience, what has typical class size been for first grade in public school? Also, has there been only one teacher? Any support staff like TA or student teacher?

Posted 3/30/16 9:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

And then there were 4

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Class size- first grade

Each district will vary based on their teaching contracts.

As for support staff, it depends on the make up of the class, but they could have support. Student teachers aren't considered support staff though.

Posted 3/30/16 10:06 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

2741 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

My son is in first grade now.. He is 1 of 19. Another 1st grade class has 16. 18-20 seems to be average now.. No TA's in his class.

Posted 3/30/16 10:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

918 total posts


Class size- first grade

It depends on the school. In our district some classes have 19 and others have 24.

Posted 3/30/16 10:16 AM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

7816 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

DS is in first grade and he is 1 of 20. Only 1 teacher, no aide in his class.

Posted 3/30/16 10:44 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2743 total posts


Class size- first grade

My son's 1st grade class has 23 kids.

ETA: he does have a teacher come in and help often

Message edited 3/30/2016 10:54:32 AM.

Posted 3/30/16 10:53 AM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Class size- first grade

We started with 24 no aides.
Our area is growing fast and sought after so schools fill up super quick.

They didn't like it. And just like in Kinder when it go to 20 they hired more teachers. So her class shrunk to 18 then with regular add ons got back up to 21 by the end of the year.

Since it's a military town we have a lot of ins and outs in a year. I'd say we average 20-22 in any class so far from Kinder to 2nd. She has 21 right now.

There was an aide in Kinder but none since.

But to say she only as one teacher isn't entirely true. She goes to art, music, Spanish and PE classes. PE of course is daily. Those are all with other teachers. But yes only one Main teacher for the basic. Reading, math, science, social studies and computers.

Posted 3/30/16 10:54 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


Class size- first grade

Our district's average class size is 20.

Our school has a first grade co-teach classroom. There are also teaching assistants but, they are not in the first grade classrooms all day (they are in K).

Posted 3/30/16 12:08 PM

Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07

1718 total posts


Class size- first grade

My son's 1st grade class was 23 with no assistant.

Posted 3/30/16 12:19 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

Ds#1 - I think had 18 (peanut free class)
DS#2 - 20 maybe

No TA's though

Posted 3/30/16 3:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

4580 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

I teach 1st. We have 16-18 kids and a TA for 2 periods a day.

Posted 3/30/16 4:07 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

19 kids one teacher.
Edit there is a teacher who comes in to help some of the kids with math while the teacher teaches to the class. Should a child who is not assigned to her need assistance she will offer support. This is sop for every grade.

Message edited 3/30/2016 10:19:35 PM.

Posted 3/30/16 10:17 PM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

Public school in VA. DS started out with 24 kids in his class. He now has 27 kids in his first grade class. No designated TA. However, there is lots of pull out and push in support - ESL, special needs, reading specialist, math specialist, advanced academics, etc.

I am not happy with our large class size. Last yr, DS had ~22 kids in his kindergarten class and there was a full time aide. They also had the push in and push out support.

Posted 3/30/16 10:22 PM

My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09

7395 total posts


Class size- first grade

Thanks for the replies. My son is in Kindergarten now and one of the moms from another K class started a petition to open an additional first grade class for next year due to large class size. As it is now, it would be about 25/26 kids per class for next year, with just one teacher. I was trying to figure out what the general size tends to be. Thanks for the input!

Posted 3/30/16 10:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

2741 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

Posted by wingsofsong

Thanks for the replies. My son is in Kindergarten now and one of the moms from another K class started a petition to open an additional first grade class for next year due to large class size. As it is now, it would be about 25/26 kids per class for next year, with just one teacher. I was trying to figure out what the general size tends to be. Thanks for the input!

That is a lot.... I hope they can work something out...

Posted 3/30/16 10:45 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

Depends on the district. My DD's 1st grade class had 21 kids. and 1 aide. When I taught in the city schools, I NEVER had a class with that low of a student count.

Posted 3/31/16 8:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Class size- first grade

My son's class has 21. I'm not sure about a dedicated aide. I know there's a boy in the class that has his own aide and I think she helps out some with the class when it's appropriate.

Posted 3/31/16 9:30 AM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

7390 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

only one teacher day a week a teacher comes in to help 16 kids in class. Its Catholic school, there are only 2 classes.

Posted 3/31/16 7:28 PM


Member since 1/06

3508 total posts


Class size- first grade

16 kids but the norm is 20-22. We got very lucky and the growth has been amazing. I am so happy w my DDs progress

Posted 3/31/16 9:24 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/11

547 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

Wow, it's so nice that so many have small class sizes. I taught first grade in the city and had 32 kids in my class one year.

Posted 3/31/16 10:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

3797 total posts


Re: Class size- first grade

The first grade classes in my school (I'm a teacher) have anywhere from 26-28, only 1 teacher, no aide. My DD isn't school age yet but hope her classes are like the numbers I'm seeing on this board!

ETA: When I taught kindergarten, I had 29 kids and only a half day aide that was there for lunch, recess, and part of centers Chat Icon

Message edited 4/4/2016 5:33:42 PM.

Posted 4/4/16 5:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15659 total posts


Class size- first grade

27 is the norm in our district for most grades. They only have 5 sections for each grade, and should have 6 IMO. We lucked out in 1st that we had 6 sections, so went from 27 in K, to 21 in 1st, back to 27 in 2nd, and I think we have 26 now in 3rd. Way too many kids IMO!

Posted 4/4/16 6:46 PM

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