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Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

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Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Okay so I must admit, I have not been to a company Xmas party in quite a long time....since I work in a family office. My Xmas party consists of putting a Santa hat on our dog that sleeps next to my desk and my dad and I splitting some Chinese. Chat Icon

I went to DH's precinct's Xmas party at Chateau Briand last was pretty nice. But I was quite surprised at how some of the people were dressed. I mean, probably 90% of the people were dressed appropriately. But there were some ladies who you would think we're heading to their stripper job later....or seemed to not have mirrors at home. Chat Icon There were also some guys who showed up in jeans & sneakers.

Now my thing is--if I'm going to an event where people that my DH works with are going to be there, I'd want to make sure I look good...but tasteful. I wouldn't want to be the butt of jokes or subject of gossip later in the locker room...or around the water cooler, as that could be embarrassing to my DH.

Have their been some winners at your Xmas company parties this year? Chat Icon One girl last nite had on a dress that was so short that when she went to stand up from her hair--well--I got to see EVERYTHING. commandooooooooo

ETA: btw--I swear there were some guys at the party that looked familiar--like I had seen them on LIW or LIF in pics...but I was too chicken to ask them. Chat Icon Anyone else's guys work at the 113?

Message edited 12/15/2008 11:13:03 AM.

Posted 12/15/08 10:57 AM
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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Some of the wives / girlfriends who accompany my DH's coworkers to their company's Christmas party dress very inappropriately, too. It'm actually embarassed for them.

Posted 12/15/08 10:59 AM

MBA at your service!

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by Kara
I'm actually embarassed for them.

Chat Icon that describes it perfectly--thats how I was feeling last nite seeing some of these girls dancing and stuff. One girl was introduced to us, and I kid you not when I say that I thought her breasts were gonna pop out of her top at any moment...and I looked at my DH after and said "Omg, would you ever let me attend a work function looking like THAT?" and he said "Hellllllllllll no....I don't need to hear guys talking 3 lockers down about your t*ts" Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/08 11:10 AM

Happy Family of 4

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

is so funny you brought this up, we where recently invited to one of dh coworkers wedding, so we attended and i think there was 6 or 7 other guys and there wifes there.

so i had the same thinking as you guys, i want to look great since its dh co workers but be very tasteful, well the one guys walks in and he looks all nice in his suit, then we see his wife, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

she had on khaki capris kinda wrinkled and a blue shirt which was to tight and blue flip flops and you could tell her hair had no been washed, it was just pulled back

Posted 12/15/08 11:20 AM

Happy Days!

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Well if you are my friend on facebook, you can see the debauchery that went on at our Christmas party. Our company took us on a Magical Mystery Tour and we had no idea where we were going. In the end we went to a place called the Cotswolds and stayed at a beautiful hotel.

The day was a company wide conference and the night was insane, the booze flowed, the outfits were skimpy, we had an awards ceremony, trivia quiz, and the best surprise of the evening...a casino! Which was fantastic!
One girl in my office not only snogged the barman, but she ALSO snogged a guy from our London office. We all stayed up until the early hours and some people helped themselves to the bar (which was partially locked)

The only downside was that it was held on a Tuesday night, and we had to take a 4 hour bus ride back to Manchester on the Wednesday morning, we only had to stop so one person could be sick. Getting through the rest of the week was very difficult indeed. We are all still paying the price. Bring on Christmas...I have 3 weeks off, I can't wait.

Posted 12/15/08 11:39 AM

I'll be there soon!

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Last week we had DH's xmas party - it was at a bar/restaurant in Williston Park, we had the room upstairs. DH is in a small command in Queens NOrth, not a precinct, so there are usually less than 100 people with SO's.

Some people wore ties/suits/, some wore "business casual", some had jeans and a nice shirt on. Two of the girls who came (who DH works with) had on what can only be described as appropriate clothing for a strip club. And their behavior after dinner on the dance club was pretty much the same. I expected it, I had heard stories regarding these 2 at previous parties, so I was not surprised. Most of the other girls that were cops were dressed nice, dress pants & sweater or blouse.

One guy brought his gf, not his wife, guess he didn't get the memo! Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/08 11:41 AM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by IrishLass

One guy brought his gf, not his wife, guess he didn't get the memo! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon


Posted 12/15/08 11:51 AM

I'll be there soon!

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by MrsPJB2007

Posted by IrishLass

One guy brought his gf, not his wife, guess he didn't get the memo! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon


I know. I don't know him, he's on a different tour than DH, so I've never met him and probably like your DH's command, the different tours don't "hang out". I know there was some gossip going on at the party about why and what was going on, but I don't want to post it on here b/c you never know.

Posted 12/15/08 12:04 PM

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

As an HR person, I had to stop going to the Christmas parties because after the behavior I would see at some of them I couldn't look at people the same way and I'm supposed to be neutral.

The worst one was where one of our senior officers was having girls sit on his lap to see if they were "naughty" or "nice".

Naughty = no underwear.

Nice = they'd let him check for the underwear himself.

Then there were married people making out with co-workers who were NOT their spouses (it was an ee only party) and the amount drunk driving that occurred was awful.

After that year I was done.

Posted 12/15/08 12:05 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by leighla

As an HR person, I had to stop going to the Christmas parties because after the behavior I would see at some of them I couldn't look at people the same way and I'm supposed to be neutral.

The worst one was where one of our senior officers was having girls sit on his lap to see if they were "naughty" or "nice".

Naughty = no underwear.

Nice = they'd let him check for the underwear himself.

Then there were married people making out with co-workers who were NOT their spouses (it was an ee only party) and the amount drunk driving that occurred was awful.

After that year I was done.

Wow - that's frightening Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/08 12:42 PM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by leighla

As an HR person, I had to stop going to the Christmas parties because after the behavior I would see at some of them I couldn't look at people the same way and I'm supposed to be neutral.

The worst one was where one of our senior officers was having girls sit on his lap to see if they were "naughty" or "nice".

Naughty = no underwear.

Nice = they'd let him check for the underwear himself.

Then there were married people making out with co-workers who were NOT their spouses (it was an ee only party) and the amount drunk driving that occurred was awful.

After that year I was done.

Good lord. Chat Icon its really amazing what happens when you mix coworkers and alcohol! i don't blame you for not wanting to attend. people were a bit drunk at the party i was at last nite--but mostly it stayed pretty tame. probably because there were a lot of Bosses around too.

Posted 12/15/08 12:47 PM

BOOOO for fall!

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by leighla

As an HR person, I had to stop going to the Christmas parties because after the behavior I would see at some of them I couldn't look at people the same way and I'm supposed to be neutral.

The worst one was where one of our senior officers was having girls sit on his lap to see if they were "naughty" or "nice".

Naughty = no underwear.

Nice = they'd let him check for the underwear himself.

Then there were married people making out with co-workers who were NOT their spouses (it was an ee only party) and the amount drunk driving that occurred was awful.

After that year I was done.

Wow! That sounds like an HR nightmare no matter HOW you stack it.
DAMN!! Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/08 12:49 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

DH used to be a waiter when we were dating and he would call me from the company parties ESPECIALLY the teacher parties - and he was horrified at what went on.

Some of the waiters ( 16/17/18 year olds ) were propositioned by MUCH older women. They would give huge tips to try to take them home. Some of them would even come out and try to score some. . .umm. . . substances for after the party!

I work for the government so we dont have anything like that here!

Posted 12/15/08 12:52 PM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

i learned a long time ago to always take the day after the company xmas party off - that way i can stay out and drink as much as i want without having to worry about being hungover the next day at work.

I work in advertising, so nothing i see surprises me anymore. The owner of one of my former agencies used to regularly hook up with the younger girls in the agency, and it was such a pathetic sight to see. The older man trying to stay hip and buff, hitting on 22 year olds. They would go with him just to further their careers (ha).
People randomly hooking up in corners, doing all sorts of drugs in the bathrooms etc.
Most of my parties were when i was dating DH (we worked together) so i was lucky that we had each other at the parties.

my first party at my new agency is Wed. - interesting to see what happens!

Posted 12/15/08 1:11 PM

BOOOO for fall!

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Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by Otherme

i learned a long time ago to always take the day after the company xmas party off - that way i can stay out and drink as much as i want without having to worry about being hungover the next day at work.

I work in advertising, so nothing i see surprises me anymore. The owner of one of my former agencies used to regularly hook up with the younger girls in the agency, and it was such a pathetic sight to see. The older man trying to stay hip and buff, hitting on 22 year olds. They would go with him just to further their careers (ha).
People randomly hooking up in corners, doing all sorts of drugs in the bathrooms etc.
Most of my parties were when i was dating DH (we worked together) so i was lucky that we had each other at the parties.

my first party at my new agency is Wed. - interesting to see what happens!

Wow- Advertising seems a LOT like the field I am in... Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/08 1:13 PM


Member since 5/08

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

I've never been to a scandalous holiday party... Scandalous work happy hour - yes.

Reminds me of Arrow Electronics and their auditors.. weren't they having orgy parties when they were traveling?? Anyone remember that?

Posted 12/15/08 1:16 PM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

6899 total posts


Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by anonttcer

Posted by Otherme

i learned a long time ago to always take the day after the company xmas party off - that way i can stay out and drink as much as i want without having to worry about being hungover the next day at work.

I work in advertising, so nothing i see surprises me anymore. The owner of one of my former agencies used to regularly hook up with the younger girls in the agency, and it was such a pathetic sight to see. The older man trying to stay hip and buff, hitting on 22 year olds. They would go with him just to further their careers (ha).
People randomly hooking up in corners, doing all sorts of drugs in the bathrooms etc.
Most of my parties were when i was dating DH (we worked together) so i was lucky that we had each other at the parties.

my first party at my new agency is Wed. - interesting to see what happens!

Wow- Advertising seems a LOT like the field I am in... Chat Icon

Chat Icon i always say its like working in a romper room!

Posted 12/15/08 1:20 PM

Now Zagat Rated!

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They call me "Tater Salad"

Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by Otherme

i learned a long time ago to always take the day after the company xmas party off - that way i can stay out and drink as much as i want without having to worry about being hungover the next day at work.

See, and I learned a long time ago to never have more than 1 or 2 drinks MAX at work functions. I never have to worry about a hangover the next day OR being part of the office gossip.

People at my firm drink A LOT... and I generally find a lot of entertainment in watching them. Chat Icon

BTW - I'm NOT insinuating that you get wasted or are part of the office gossip AT ALL. This just reminded me of what goes on at MY work parties... and how I do not want to be a part of it. Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/08 1:30 PM

live laugh love

Member since 8/06

5082 total posts


Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

A friend of mine told me some REALLY crazy stories about her work party this weekend. Made me Chat Icon and Chat Icon and be glad I'm not the one who works with some of those people and has to be professional with them in the office today!

Posted 12/15/08 2:14 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

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Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

the parties in my office are pretty tamed. we have judges and special agents from every OIG there people are just trying to get cases brought our way usually. Chat Icon

there IS alcohol and a dj...and there have been some scandelous dancing "incidents" but nothing like what I've heard from other places.

I didn't think it was possible, but my husbands party is even more tame than mine.

it's at a restaurant...people bring their spouses and have dinner. they hired a musician.

the most scandelous thing that I am aware of happened to me Chat Icon

Partner to dh (re me): are you sleeping with her?

(dh laughs)

Partner: If you're not, i'll sleep with her!

Me: that's ok...i'm good Chat Icon

he always makes some kind of comment like that. it doesn't bother me.

as far as how I dress at dh's parties...I DO tone it down..but I am not and never will be mistook for a haus frau...Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/08 2:27 PM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

6899 total posts


Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by Kara

Posted by Otherme

i learned a long time ago to always take the day after the company xmas party off - that way i can stay out and drink as much as i want without having to worry about being hungover the next day at work.

See, and I learned a long time ago to never have more than 1 or 2 drinks MAX at work functions. I never have to worry about a hangover the next day OR being part of the office gossip.

People at my firm drink A LOT... and I generally find a lot of entertainment in watching them. Chat Icon

BTW - I'm NOT insinuating that you get wasted or are part of the office gossip AT ALL. This just reminded me of what goes on at MY work parties... and how I do not want to be a part of it. Chat Icon

oh, i know Chat Icon i also prefer to sit and watch the debauchery go on around me, but i like to do it while drinking as well Chat Icon i like to think my common sense still reigns amid the fuzziness, and watching over my fellow co-workers who can't control themselves. Seems like at most of the xmas parties i'm always taking care of a friend who had a bit too much to drink, or holding back a guy co-worker from getting into a fight.. you know, the usual Chat Icon
The office gossip usually passes me by, and i'm fine with that! Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/08 4:35 PM

BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06

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Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: Company Xmas Parties and work gossip!

Posted by Otherme

Posted by anonttcer

Posted by Otherme

i learned a long time ago to always take the day after the company xmas party off - that way i can stay out and drink as much as i want without having to worry about being hungover the next day at work.

I work in advertising, so nothing i see surprises me anymore. The owner of one of my former agencies used to regularly hook up with the younger girls in the agency, and it was such a pathetic sight to see. The older man trying to stay hip and buff, hitting on 22 year olds. They would go with him just to further their careers (ha).
People randomly hooking up in corners, doing all sorts of drugs in the bathrooms etc.
Most of my parties were when i was dating DH (we worked together) so i was lucky that we had each other at the parties.

my first party at my new agency is Wed. - interesting to see what happens!

Wow- Advertising seems a LOT like the field I am in... Chat Icon

Chat Icon i always say its like working in a romper room!

I call it Sodom and Gomorrah Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/08 4:38 PM

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