Could this still be the trigger shot?
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Member since 5/07 5351 total posts
Name: Twin mommy
Could this still be the trigger shot?
I triggered a week ago tonight (10/22), had my IUI Wednesday morning. So I am 7 dpt/5 dpo. My question is, I know it takes a while for the HCG shot to get out of your system, and it can cause side effects until its gone. I did the 250mcg? Ovidrel shot. I've been having LOTS of cramping/bloating/gas (sorry TMI) pretty much all the time for the last 4 days but its gotten progressively worse. I took an HPT on Saturday (obviously not to see if I was pg) but to see if the trigger shot was out of my system and it was negative. Last month after the trigger I felt horrible for about 5 days afterward and then I was fine - that time I had 9 follies and this time only 4. I feel much better this time but the cramping is still there - in my ovaries (probably cysts) but also in my uterus. I'm not on any progesterone support.
Just wondering if you think this could still be the effects of the trigger shot, or maybe I'm getting sick? I feel so uncomfortable. TIA
Posted 10/29/07 2:20 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/07 1226 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Could this still be the trigger shot?
I don't really have an answer, but I took my trigger saturday night and I still have very slight cramping. I do think it is a little long for you to be having side effects still. feel better!
Posted 10/29/07 3:54 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/07 527 total posts
Name: julieann
Re: Could this still be the trigger shot?
i had my trigger shot last tuesday and i still feel like crap from it. it makes me nauseous and now i have some cramping too but that could be from the progesterone. i am bloated too. i also have acne which i didnt have last month ( 3 zits...but thats a lot for me) and my nipples hurt. i dunno, each month brings different symptoms. im not sure about dosage but i know i got all 10000 of the shot. and i know that hormonal shifts can make you feel all those symptoms.
Posted 10/29/07 7:53 PM |
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