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Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by itsbabytime
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by whoababy11
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by soontobemommyof2
Posted by Anotherplease
According to creepy uncle joe, the unvaccinated are facing a winter of sickness and death. Once winter passes no more problems since the filthy unvaccinated will be gone. Imagine a world safe with all vaccinated? Since I have limited time left I will try to make the best of my remaining time. Peace out mofos!
Well since I’m not vaccinated, and neither is my husband or kids, we’re long gone. As a matter of fact, I’m not making this’s my ghost doing it.
I honestly should have been dead long ago. I eat indoors! And have since the second King Cuomo allowed it last spring. Dh raced back to the gym the second they opened. Never second guessed a holiday gathering. Both unvaxed. I should send our stories to National Geographic or something.
You can send mine too. Unmasked since the day the mandate was dropped in May. No social distance that first weekend. Parties with friends and family. Only until now when it is mandated again and certain places wore a mask. Have gotten colds and tested 12 times for work.
You guys are cool
And you need to loosen up. It can't be doom and gloom all the time. Serious! Serious! The sky is falling! The world is ending! It's been 2 years. It's not good for your health to be constantly serious and in fear.
I don’t see it this way. I think it’s pretty insensitive to make jokes like this about Covid honestly. Would you joke like that about Cancer? Would you flaunt the fact that “you should have been dead” by now and mock people that worry about it? You are blessed if you can “loosen up” about this. I know two people right now whose parents have been in the hospital since Christmas with Covid. One is pretty serious. Two weeks ago they were fine and now fighting for their life. I can only imagine how they would feel reading this stupidity. How would you feel if it were your mother or father? Would you be joking that you should be dead and how masks are a joke and you live on the edge. Give me a break. Have some social awareness and some class and recognize that the fact that you can joke about covid right now is a blessing. Be careful when you spit in the sky.
Sorry but if you don’t realize the majority of people have this as a cold. I have a friend who just went into the hospital today. She had many issues and while I pray she is ok, and she will be, people will get sick from this and other illnesses.
Posted 1/2/22 6:19 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by LastLightGlow
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by MrsWoods
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by soontobemommyof2
Posted by Anotherplease
According to creepy uncle joe, the unvaccinated are facing a winter of sickness and death. Once winter passes no more problems since the filthy unvaccinated will be gone. Imagine a world safe with all vaccinated? Since I have limited time left I will try to make the best of my remaining time. Peace out mofos!
Well since I’m not vaccinated, and neither is my husband or kids, we’re long gone. As a matter of fact, I’m not making this’s my ghost doing it.
I can’t, these are hilarious.
I have two sets of friends who are married. One are overweight and the other loves their recreational drugs...both had Covid for Christmas week, none of them are vaccinated and both sets of couples were extremely mild. They don't plan on getting vaccinated afterwards either
Omg and they all survived? Phewwww
I can understand to an extent not getting vaccinated, and definitely skepticism and criticism of the decision making by our leaders. We should all respectfully share these different perspectives ...I am not ok with mocking the pathology and possible severity of the illness.
Those that are infected and remain mostly asymptomatic and come through without long term side effects should be able to appreciate how fortunate they are. Have respect for those who lost their lives. Have respect for those that developed post Covid complications and were unable to further financially provide for their families. Have respect for those that gave up time with their own families and fractured their own mental health to take care of yours.
I know we are better than this.
No one ever said they have no respect for people with long term affects. We all know people like this. This variant is so mild that it is a cold in most people. I will stand by, and even more now with these cases that are like the common cold, that these tests detect similarities of symptoms. This all would stop if people would only test if needed and stay home if sick. Just like when you were sick before and contagious, do the same now.
I sat in the nail salon listening to 2 women who would not get together with the rest of their family for the holidays because they worried they might be sick and pass it along. BUT... they had no problem going to get their nails done. No common sense at all with all of this.
Posted 1/2/22 6:25 PM |
Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by JennP
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by MrsWoods
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by soontobemommyof2
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by mommy2devin
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by luckystar08
Posted by Sash
Posted by luckystar08
Posted by Sash
Posted by ali120206
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by Sash
Posted by CookiePuss
The vaccine helps to minimize the need for hospitalization and death. If the hospital beds are full of CoVid patients - a majority of hospitalizations and death are of the unvaccinated - what happens to those in car crashes, strokes, heart attacks when there are no more beds because of what I stated above? So, while the vaccines have not helped in stopping the transmission - it has been helpful is lowering sickness to avoid death and hospitalization.
This is obviously off topic.. but I don’t know, I went for surgery on Wednesday, one of the biggest well known hospitals in NJ and it wasn’t overwhelmed. My grandfather is in the hospital in FL, no craziness going on in his hospital. I wish people would define the #s when they say overwhelm. And provide facts of these overwhelmed hospitals. When I think overwhelmed, I’m thinking 2020 start of pandemic. I keep hearing this blanket statement of “overwhelmed hosptials”, but don’t see where this is happening.
Now, If we get back on topic, doctor offices and testing sites are overwhelmed because of the hysteria of useless testing.
I believe it's the concern that the trend can overwhelm the hospitals fairly quickly. ETA: I am social with a few doctors and nurses that are in the ER. They are dreading what they feel is coming. One does Urgent Care work as well and she was sharing how overwhelming things have gotten in the last couple of weeks because of increasing CoVid cases and Flu A cases. Now they test first for CoVid and if that is negative - they test for the flu and it's usually one or the other.
Maybe because they have less staff since they fired them also. The ones that were ok to work unvaccinated and praised but now pushed out.
Northwell, the largest health care provider in NY, fired 1400 out of a staff of appx. 76K...less then 2%. I think those sick and in need of quarantining provide more of a risk to the capability of the staff then those that left due to the vaccine requirement.
Again, I don't know what hospitals are claiming they are overwhelmed.
I just saw Englewood in NJ say their ED is overwhelmed as people are going there for Covid testing.
My friend who is a nurse is so sick, she couldn’t go to urgent care around us because all of them are so over booked with people getting tested due to exposure. She had to go to Newark and is still waiting 5 days for her PCR results because they are so backed up. She also had to wait hours to get antibiotics. It’s really ridiculous. She is actually sick and can’t get help or the results she needs because of the hysterics.
She also said her doctors said the flu is horrible this year, crazy bad strain. She thinks she has the flu because the rapid was negative but she wants to confirm.
Sorry but this post makes no sense. Your friend is sick so she needs to get tested but others who are also sick should not get tested? She add already tested negative but wants yet another test to confirm? If the flu is horrible this year perhaps many of those other people were as sick as she was with that flu? She had to wait hours at the pharmacy for antibiotics? Why— because other folks who are also sick needed antibiotics?
And you just said you took your son to be tested because he was exposed. Yet you are criticizing others trying to be tested due to exposure?
Obviously you struggle with reading comprehension. I said I didn’t take my son to get tested because the lines were long and to get an appointment were insane. And since I saw the madness I didn’t bother, therefore not taking the opportunity from someone who is sick. I know how to read the room and the situation unlike many people in this world.
And I also never said people who aren’t sick shouldn’t get tested or treatment at urgent care or the doctors. Please show where I said that. I actually agreed with naturalmama.
Secondly, my friend took a rapid test which is not the same as a regular test. Duh. As a nurse and student she needs a negative test from one that is not rapid. This is not breaking news. No one ever said all the people who were sick were sick with Covid. I know I never did as I don’t believe everything is Covid. I’m not stupid. If anything I think it is the flu. And AGAIN I never said she waited at the pharmacy for antibiotic, she had to wait to be seen at the urgent care because she is sick and needed antibiotics. Further proving my point that morons who aren’t sick and just want to know are taking up resources for those who need to be seen by doctors. Like my friend and anyone else who is sick. I never said she was special, I was giving an example. Learn to read and stop making sh!t up and questioning things I never said.
What the fuq is your point in any of your questions?
ETA: also by the way when I get my son tested it’s at the CVS drove thru. I don’t take him to the urgent care or wait on long lines. I also never have take an opportunity from someone to see a doctor because my son was getting tested.
My reading is fine…your writing just does not always make sense. You contradict yourself in the above so perhaps my questions were based on trying to understand wtf you are trying to say.
They also stemmed from frustration at the nasty, condescending attitude you and some others on here have. People who were exposed but are “not sick” want to know because they may still be positive and spread it to others. And those others may get “get sick” with symptoms and wind up clogging up more urgent cares, doctors offices, etc. They may also get others sick who will also need resources. What will it take to make you people understand this??
This very thing just happened with several people I know. It ran the gamut from asymptomatic, to mild symptoms, to elderly family members who got really sick from the person they live with would not test— despite being exposed- because THEY were “not sick.”
Some of the “morons” you refer to may also be in need of a test to confirm for work or school…just like your friend. So yes it it not always covid (DUH)… but sometimes it IS and some people are trying to do the right thing by testing I if they were exposed—even if they are not visibly sick— so they can let those who were around them know. But keep calling everyone a moron, hysterical, etc.
And with that, I will go back to bed since covid is currently kicking my and DH’s asses!!!
Uggh sorry to hear but aren’t you vaccinated? Maybe even boostered?
How many shots do you think you will have to take before the virus won’t kick your ass?
OMG. A simple “get well soon” too much for you????
Lucky, so sorry to hear you are feeling rough! Hope you feel better soon.
Yes, let’s sweep this all under the rug.
Sounds like she is worse off than the simple cold that we are being told with the vaccine you will get. Only the unvaccinated will get it bad. Hmmmmmm Being vaccinated helps you not die. Being vaccinated helps to not be hospitalized. So having CoVid and being vaccinated and boosted doesn’t mean you aren’t sick- it means you’re not likely to die.
As it is without the vaccine, the percentage for not dying is quite high, 99.8 % I believe. So how much more can a vaccine really help u not to die? I think it has to do more with faith in a product when in reality I don’t really need it to help me get over this virus without dying. Also the majority of cases have been asymptomatic and mild cases and this is without the vaccine and as time progresses it has been less and less, typical course of a virus.
I agree. Everyone keeps saying I'm vaccinated so if I get it I won't die. But the overwhelming majority of unvaccinated people who get Covid won't die either. If the vaccine stopped transmission, therefore ending this whole thing, I'd be much more for it. But it doesn't....
I hate the same old comment. But its not gonna make me die...blah blah blah. How you know that for a fact? Because the science experiment says far. God this sh%t so ridiculous. This world is ridiculous. If this is the end of days like in the bible...i wouldnt be surprised.
Exactly and no one knows how bad you would get it with or without a vaccine. It’s just another way to make people run for it. We can only hope it does lessen symptoms if gotten but someone in here described her symptoms exact to my unvaccinated coworker.
There are statistics for all these questions. Hospitalizations - look at those getting hospitalized for CoVid...;It's the unvaccinated overwhelmingly. Look who is dying from CoVid - it's overwhelming the unvaccinated. The vaccinate/therapeutic does have an significant effect. It is known that being vaccinated lessens the symptoms just by looking at hospitalization and death rates of CoVid. Anyone search and find the same information. Did the vaccine works as was hoped? No, I don't think it did. Does it work on some significant level - yes - it does. Omicrom may be less virulent but it's still only about 59% of the positive cases with Delta making up the rest. Link Link
Thank you for this sensible, fact filled response.
If people don't want to get vaccinated, then they can own that, but denying its efficacy in light of clear numbers reduces their credibility.
I wish it did more to stop the spread, but it is the best we have right now and clearly helps.
I also want to add, since there are still people on this thread who insist on downplaying Covid by quoting the ~98% (or whatever) number, that percentages are only one type of data point. In a country with a population this large, whole numbers need to be considered as well. We have over 824,000 Americans dead in less than two years. That's far too many, and is not to be minimized. At that size, percentages are less important.
I am for the vax mandates for adults but I can understand the view of those against them. However, the pushback on mask mandates is utterly foolish. The data is clear that they stop the spread and since the vax that some of you rail against is less affective at stopping the spread with the new variants to me that's all the more reason for a temporary mask mandate. If you can't put a piece of cloth over your face for a couple of weeks to protect others in your community you're an asshole.
While I use a mask because I don’t want ANY illness as I have had head colds, let people make their own choice. I see people not wear them and honestly don’t care because again we need to all do the best for ourselves.
Posted 1/2/22 6:36 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by JennP
Thank you for this sensible, fact filled response.
If people don't want to get vaccinated, then they can own that, but denying its efficacy in light of clear numbers reduces their credibility.
I wish it did more to stop the spread, but it is the best we have right now and clearly helps.
I also want to add, since there are still people on this thread who insist on downplaying Covid by quoting the ~98% (or whatever) number, that percentages are only one type of data point. In a country with a population this large, whole numbers need to be considered as well. We have over 824,000 Americans dead in less than two years. That's far too many, and is not to be minimized. At that size, percentages are less important.
I am for the vax mandates for adults but I can understand the view of those against them. However, the pushback on mask mandates is utterly foolish. The data is clear that they stop the spread and since the vax that some of you rail against is less affective at stopping the spread with the new variants to me that's all the more reason for a temporary mask mandate. If you can't put a piece of cloth over your face for a couple of weeks to protect others in your community you're an asshole.
Do you really think the vaccine is clearly helping? How is it helping when schools are going remote, closures are happening and restrictions are trying to be reinforced?
The vaccine has the potential to protect only one person, the person who gets it. It does not help the spread, stopping the pandemic, our kids education, the economy or anyone else. It’s only protects one person at time. So how is this helping in terms of dealing with this pandemic. It clearly is not helping when you talk about the bigger picture and all the components.
I can’t even say it’s helping with our healthcare systems because now the hysteria and scare tactics have overwhelmed urgent cares, ERs and testing center. It’s really stupid we are in this situation and it’s not because of vaccinate vs unvaccinated. This is our own stupidity as a nation. Vaccinated people are getting Covid and now everyone is questioning things and running scared. We need to a stop putting this all on the vaccine. It’s not the solution.
Message edited 1/2/2022 8:24:57 PM.
Posted 1/2/22 8:22 PM |

Member since 5/05 3116 total posts
Name: A
Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by Naturalmama
I will get a booster once a year, like the flu shot, but not more often than that. However, if people want to get a booster once a month, that is none of my business and I really don't care what they do. I don't know why people care so much about how many boosters some people will get, or why they wear a mask, or how sick they are and whether it was with the vaccine or not. Who the F cares?!?!? When I hear someone has covid I never wonder how many shots they've have or whatever. I think that stinks for them and I hope they get better soon. My case was beyond mild and the only other one to get it was my 8 year old, who is also showing very mild symptoms. Test, don't test. Vaccinate, don't vaccinate. Go on a cruise, lock your family in your basement. Wear a mask while sealed off in your car or go unmasked in a mosh pit. It's not for me to wonder or care why they make the choices they make. I only have control over myself and the people I gave birth to. I can't worry about anyone else's choices, and thay includes my husband.
Posted 1/2/22 8:34 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by Sash
Posted by JennP
Thank you for this sensible, fact filled response.
If people don't want to get vaccinated, then they can own that, but denying its efficacy in light of clear numbers reduces their credibility.
I wish it did more to stop the spread, but it is the best we have right now and clearly helps.
I also want to add, since there are still people on this thread who insist on downplaying Covid by quoting the ~98% (or whatever) number, that percentages are only one type of data point. In a country with a population this large, whole numbers need to be considered as well. We have over 824,000 Americans dead in less than two years. That's far too many, and is not to be minimized. At that size, percentages are less important.
I am for the vax mandates for adults but I can understand the view of those against them. However, the pushback on mask mandates is utterly foolish. The data is clear that they stop the spread and since the vax that some of you rail against is less affective at stopping the spread with the new variants to me that's all the more reason for a temporary mask mandate. If you can't put a piece of cloth over your face for a couple of weeks to protect others in your community you're an asshole.
Do you really think the vaccine is clearly helping? How is it helping when schools are going remote, closures are happening and restrictions are trying to be reinforced?
The vaccine has the potential to protect only one person, the person who gets it. It does not help the spread, stopping the pandemic, our kids education, the economy or anyone else. It’s only protects one person at time. So how is this helping in terms of dealing with this pandemic. It clearly is not helping when you talk about the bigger picture and all the components.
I can’t even say it’s helping with our healthcare systems because now the hysteria and scare tactics have overwhelmed urgent cares, ERs and testing center. It’s really stupid we are in this situation and it’s not because of vaccinate vs unvaccinated. This is our own stupidity as a nation. Vaccinated people are getting Covid and now everyone is questioning things and running scared. We need to a stop putting this all on the vaccine. It’s not the solution.
Posted 1/2/22 8:51 PM |
Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by Sash
Posted by JennP
Thank you for this sensible, fact filled response.
If people don't want to get vaccinated, then they can own that, but denying its efficacy in light of clear numbers reduces their credibility.
I wish it did more to stop the spread, but it is the best we have right now and clearly helps.
I also want to add, since there are still people on this thread who insist on downplaying Covid by quoting the ~98% (or whatever) number, that percentages are only one type of data point. In a country with a population this large, whole numbers need to be considered as well. We have over 824,000 Americans dead in less than two years. That's far too many, and is not to be minimized. At that size, percentages are less important.
I am for the vax mandates for adults but I can understand the view of those against them. However, the pushback on mask mandates is utterly foolish. The data is clear that they stop the spread and since the vax that some of you rail against is less affective at stopping the spread with the new variants to me that's all the more reason for a temporary mask mandate. If you can't put a piece of cloth over your face for a couple of weeks to protect others in your community you're an asshole.
Do you really think the vaccine is clearly helping? How is it helping when schools are going remote, closures are happening and restrictions are trying to be reinforced?
The vaccine has the potential to protect only one person, the person who gets it. It does not help the spread, stopping the pandemic, our kids education, the economy or anyone else. It’s only protects one person at time. So how is this helping in terms of dealing with this pandemic. It clearly is not helping when you talk about the bigger picture and all the components.
I can’t even say it’s helping with our healthcare systems because now the hysteria and scare tactics have overwhelmed urgent cares, ERs and testing center. It’s really stupid we are in this situation and it’s not because of vaccinate vs unvaccinated. This is our own stupidity as a nation. Vaccinated people are getting Covid and now everyone is questioning things and running scared. We need to a stop putting this all on the vaccine. It’s not the solution.
Posted 1/2/22 9:44 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/08 354 total posts
Name: C
Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by itsbabytime
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by whoababy11
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by soontobemommyof2
Posted by Anotherplease
According to creepy uncle joe, the unvaccinated are facing a winter of sickness and death. Once winter passes no more problems since the filthy unvaccinated will be gone. Imagine a world safe with all vaccinated? Since I have limited time left I will try to make the best of my remaining time. Peace out mofos!
Well since I’m not vaccinated, and neither is my husband or kids, we’re long gone. As a matter of fact, I’m not making this’s my ghost doing it.
I honestly should have been dead long ago. I eat indoors! And have since the second King Cuomo allowed it last spring. Dh raced back to the gym the second they opened. Never second guessed a holiday gathering. Both unvaxed. I should send our stories to National Geographic or something.
You can send mine too. Unmasked since the day the mandate was dropped in May. No social distance that first weekend. Parties with friends and family. Only until now when it is mandated again and certain places wore a mask. Have gotten colds and tested 12 times for work.
You guys are cool
And you need to loosen up. It can't be doom and gloom all the time. Serious! Serious! The sky is falling! The world is ending! It's been 2 years. It's not good for your health to be constantly serious and in fear.
I don’t see it this way. I think it’s pretty insensitive to make jokes like this about Covid honestly. Would you joke like that about Cancer? Would you flaunt the fact that “you should have been dead” by now and mock people that worry about it? You are blessed if you can “loosen up” about this. I know two people right now whose parents have been in the hospital since Christmas with Covid. One is pretty serious. Two weeks ago they were fine and now fighting for their life. I can only imagine how they would feel reading this stupidity. How would you feel if it were your mother or father? Would you be joking that you should be dead and how masks are a joke and you live on the edge. Give me a break. Have some social awareness and some class and recognize that the fact that you can joke about covid right now is a blessing. Be careful when you spit in the sky.
Posted 1/2/22 9:52 PM |
My everything <3

Member since 4/15 3635 total posts
Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by JennP
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by MrsWoods
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by soontobemommyof2
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by mommy2devin
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by luckystar08
Posted by Sash
Posted by luckystar08
Posted by Sash
Posted by ali120206
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by Sash
Posted by CookiePuss
The vaccine helps to minimize the need for hospitalization and death. If the hospital beds are full of CoVid patients - a majority of hospitalizations and death are of the unvaccinated - what happens to those in car crashes, strokes, heart attacks when there are no more beds because of what I stated above? So, while the vaccines have not helped in stopping the transmission - it has been helpful is lowering sickness to avoid death and hospitalization.
This is obviously off topic.. but I don’t know, I went for surgery on Wednesday, one of the biggest well known hospitals in NJ and it wasn’t overwhelmed. My grandfather is in the hospital in FL, no craziness going on in his hospital. I wish people would define the #s when they say overwhelm. And provide facts of these overwhelmed hospitals. When I think overwhelmed, I’m thinking 2020 start of pandemic. I keep hearing this blanket statement of “overwhelmed hosptials”, but don’t see where this is happening.
Now, If we get back on topic, doctor offices and testing sites are overwhelmed because of the hysteria of useless testing.
I believe it's the concern that the trend can overwhelm the hospitals fairly quickly. ETA: I am social with a few doctors and nurses that are in the ER. They are dreading what they feel is coming. One does Urgent Care work as well and she was sharing how overwhelming things have gotten in the last couple of weeks because of increasing CoVid cases and Flu A cases. Now they test first for CoVid and if that is negative - they test for the flu and it's usually one or the other.
Maybe because they have less staff since they fired them also. The ones that were ok to work unvaccinated and praised but now pushed out.
Northwell, the largest health care provider in NY, fired 1400 out of a staff of appx. 76K...less then 2%. I think those sick and in need of quarantining provide more of a risk to the capability of the staff then those that left due to the vaccine requirement.
Again, I don't know what hospitals are claiming they are overwhelmed.
I just saw Englewood in NJ say their ED is overwhelmed as people are going there for Covid testing.
My friend who is a nurse is so sick, she couldn’t go to urgent care around us because all of them are so over booked with people getting tested due to exposure. She had to go to Newark and is still waiting 5 days for her PCR results because they are so backed up. She also had to wait hours to get antibiotics. It’s really ridiculous. She is actually sick and can’t get help or the results she needs because of the hysterics.
She also said her doctors said the flu is horrible this year, crazy bad strain. She thinks she has the flu because the rapid was negative but she wants to confirm.
Sorry but this post makes no sense. Your friend is sick so she needs to get tested but others who are also sick should not get tested? She add already tested negative but wants yet another test to confirm? If the flu is horrible this year perhaps many of those other people were as sick as she was with that flu? She had to wait hours at the pharmacy for antibiotics? Why— because other folks who are also sick needed antibiotics?
And you just said you took your son to be tested because he was exposed. Yet you are criticizing others trying to be tested due to exposure?
Obviously you struggle with reading comprehension. I said I didn’t take my son to get tested because the lines were long and to get an appointment were insane. And since I saw the madness I didn’t bother, therefore not taking the opportunity from someone who is sick. I know how to read the room and the situation unlike many people in this world.
And I also never said people who aren’t sick shouldn’t get tested or treatment at urgent care or the doctors. Please show where I said that. I actually agreed with naturalmama.
Secondly, my friend took a rapid test which is not the same as a regular test. Duh. As a nurse and student she needs a negative test from one that is not rapid. This is not breaking news. No one ever said all the people who were sick were sick with Covid. I know I never did as I don’t believe everything is Covid. I’m not stupid. If anything I think it is the flu. And AGAIN I never said she waited at the pharmacy for antibiotic, she had to wait to be seen at the urgent care because she is sick and needed antibiotics. Further proving my point that morons who aren’t sick and just want to know are taking up resources for those who need to be seen by doctors. Like my friend and anyone else who is sick. I never said she was special, I was giving an example. Learn to read and stop making sh!t up and questioning things I never said.
What the fuq is your point in any of your questions?
ETA: also by the way when I get my son tested it’s at the CVS drove thru. I don’t take him to the urgent care or wait on long lines. I also never have take an opportunity from someone to see a doctor because my son was getting tested.
My reading is fine…your writing just does not always make sense. You contradict yourself in the above so perhaps my questions were based on trying to understand wtf you are trying to say.
They also stemmed from frustration at the nasty, condescending attitude you and some others on here have. People who were exposed but are “not sick” want to know because they may still be positive and spread it to others. And those others may get “get sick” with symptoms and wind up clogging up more urgent cares, doctors offices, etc. They may also get others sick who will also need resources. What will it take to make you people understand this??
This very thing just happened with several people I know. It ran the gamut from asymptomatic, to mild symptoms, to elderly family members who got really sick from the person they live with would not test— despite being exposed- because THEY were “not sick.”
Some of the “morons” you refer to may also be in need of a test to confirm for work or school…just like your friend. So yes it it not always covid (DUH)… but sometimes it IS and some people are trying to do the right thing by testing I if they were exposed—even if they are not visibly sick— so they can let those who were around them know. But keep calling everyone a moron, hysterical, etc.
And with that, I will go back to bed since covid is currently kicking my and DH’s asses!!!
Uggh sorry to hear but aren’t you vaccinated? Maybe even boostered?
How many shots do you think you will have to take before the virus won’t kick your ass?
OMG. A simple “get well soon” too much for you????
Lucky, so sorry to hear you are feeling rough! Hope you feel better soon.
Yes, let’s sweep this all under the rug.
Sounds like she is worse off than the simple cold that we are being told with the vaccine you will get. Only the unvaccinated will get it bad. Hmmmmmm Being vaccinated helps you not die. Being vaccinated helps to not be hospitalized. So having CoVid and being vaccinated and boosted doesn’t mean you aren’t sick- it means you’re not likely to die.
As it is without the vaccine, the percentage for not dying is quite high, 99.8 % I believe. So how much more can a vaccine really help u not to die? I think it has to do more with faith in a product when in reality I don’t really need it to help me get over this virus without dying. Also the majority of cases have been asymptomatic and mild cases and this is without the vaccine and as time progresses it has been less and less, typical course of a virus.
I agree. Everyone keeps saying I'm vaccinated so if I get it I won't die. But the overwhelming majority of unvaccinated people who get Covid won't die either. If the vaccine stopped transmission, therefore ending this whole thing, I'd be much more for it. But it doesn't....
I hate the same old comment. But its not gonna make me die...blah blah blah. How you know that for a fact? Because the science experiment says far. God this sh%t so ridiculous. This world is ridiculous. If this is the end of days like in the bible...i wouldnt be surprised.
Exactly and no one knows how bad you would get it with or without a vaccine. It’s just another way to make people run for it. We can only hope it does lessen symptoms if gotten but someone in here described her symptoms exact to my unvaccinated coworker.
There are statistics for all these questions. Hospitalizations - look at those getting hospitalized for CoVid...;It's the unvaccinated overwhelmingly. Look who is dying from CoVid - it's overwhelming the unvaccinated. The vaccinate/therapeutic does have an significant effect. It is known that being vaccinated lessens the symptoms just by looking at hospitalization and death rates of CoVid. Anyone search and find the same information. Did the vaccine works as was hoped? No, I don't think it did. Does it work on some significant level - yes - it does. Omicrom may be less virulent but it's still only about 59% of the positive cases with Delta making up the rest. Link Link
Thank you for this sensible, fact filled response.
If people don't want to get vaccinated, then they can own that, but denying its efficacy in light of clear numbers reduces their credibility.
I wish it did more to stop the spread, but it is the best we have right now and clearly helps.
I also want to add, since there are still people on this thread who insist on downplaying Covid by quoting the ~98% (or whatever) number, that percentages are only one type of data point. In a country with a population this large, whole numbers need to be considered as well. We have over 824,000 Americans dead in less than two years. That's far too many, and is not to be minimized. At that size, percentages are less important.
I am for the vax mandates for adults but I can understand the view of those against them. However, the pushback on mask mandates is utterly foolish. The data is clear that they stop the spread and since the vax that some of you rail against is less affective at stopping the spread with the new variants to me that's all the more reason for a temporary mask mandate. If you can't put a piece of cloth over your face for a couple of weeks to protect others in your community you're an asshole.
Every death is unfortunate, every single one. It doesn’t matter if it’s because of a virus, or a car accident. But we have to have in consideration percentages to contemplate what chances for survival we all have. With a population of more than 300 millions, the number of people that unfortunately have died makes a difference in the sense that it’s an indicative of survival percentages. I’m surprised that u don’t realize that. Of course 800,000 sounds a lot but when u have in consideration the total population of this country, that amount is not great.
Message edited 1/2/2022 10:57:06 PM.
Posted 1/2/22 10:55 PM |
Re: Covid at home test kits
Funny as my husband was just listening to a podcast and these people were discussing covid. The girl that came on the phone started saying how she has covid now as someone came to Christmas with it and told no one and how she also believes it is really bad because her friend, who is healthy, died of covid. Then it went to her friend who had diabetes BUT was healthy died of covid. THEN to he actually went to school with her BUT she didn't know him and he had diabetes but was healthy.
1. Telephone is a very bad game to play and it seems this world plays WAY too much of it.
2.Do people NOT understand what HEALTHY means? Having any type of issue is NOT healthy no matter if they look healthy or can run a mile or whatever.
This world is getting more educated and have less common sense. Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
Posted 1/3/22 2:21 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/12 1461 total posts
Re: Covid at home test kits
Posted by LastLightGlow
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by MrsWoods
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by soontobemommyof2
Posted by Anotherplease
According to creepy uncle joe, the unvaccinated are facing a winter of sickness and death. Once winter passes no more problems since the filthy unvaccinated will be gone. Imagine a world safe with all vaccinated? Since I have limited time left I will try to make the best of my remaining time. Peace out mofos!
Well since I’m not vaccinated, and neither is my husband or kids, we’re long gone. As a matter of fact, I’m not making this’s my ghost doing it.
I can’t, these are hilarious.
I have two sets of friends who are married. One are overweight and the other loves their recreational drugs...both had Covid for Christmas week, none of them are vaccinated and both sets of couples were extremely mild. They don't plan on getting vaccinated afterwards either
Omg and they all survived? Phewwww
I can understand to an extent not getting vaccinated, and definitely skepticism and criticism of the decision making by our leaders. We should all respectfully share these different perspectives ...I am not ok with mocking the pathology and possible severity of the illness.
Those that are infected and remain mostly asymptomatic and come through without long term side effects should be able to appreciate how fortunate they are. Have respect for those who lost their lives. Have respect for those that developed post Covid complications and were unable to further financially provide for their families. Have respect for those that gave up time with their own families and fractured their own mental health to take care of yours.
I know we are better than this.
No one is mocking the people who did suffer from it. However, like the Flu, everyone will most likely get Covid. Like the Flu, a small amount of the population will get very sick from it and like the flu, a small amount will not make it. And that goes for people who are vaccinated too because the vaccine does not work 100 percent to prevent any of that.
A majority of the population whether vaccinated or not will be perfectly fine just like with the Flu.
Posted 1/3/22 4:57 PM |
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