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Cpse to kinder question

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Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06

5804 total posts


Cpse to kinder question

If your child is getting services in pre-k and has an IEP, what is the process for when they start kindergarten? Do they get re-evaluated again?

Posted 8/10/17 11:41 PM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: Cpse to kinder question

Yes, my kids (twins(=) were reevaluated again. Our zoned school, the psychologist from the school, came to their school and observed them and she met with their teachers. My husband and I went to the school (elementary school) to look at the kindergarten classes and then met with her and she conference called their teachers and we came up with a plan for them (one went into 12:1:1 and one went into ICT). We are in Queens so not sure if LI is different.

Posted 8/11/17 9:59 AM

Mommy of two!

Member since 5/10

2202 total posts


Re: Cpse to kinder question

no my child was not, but he had a diagnosis if that made a difference. My son is getting reevaluated in 1st, jsut signed the consent.

Posted 8/11/17 2:15 PM

Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06

5804 total posts


Re: Cpse to kinder question

Posted by MrsW2010

no my child was not, but he had a diagnosis if that made a difference. My son is getting reevaluated in 1st, jsut signed the consent.

My daughter has a diagnosis as well, but I want her evaluated again. Don't think it's an accurate diagnosis. Her teachers and school psych agree it's not an accurate diagnosis. Do I get her evaluated privately before kinder?

Posted 8/11/17 4:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts


Cpse to kinder question

Evaluations are every 3 years. If it has not been 3 years since the last one, they will not need to be eval for K. If you question the child's diagnosis, you may be best to see a private Dr for a 2nd opinion. Keep in mind a diagnosis is just a word. You have the final say for all services provided for your child. If you feel that the services are too much, pull some of them. You can ask to have them reinstated at a later date. But with an official diagnosis you will be able to receive services with less of a fight than if you did not have one.

Posted 8/15/17 8:04 AM

Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06

5804 total posts


Re: Cpse to kinder question

Posted by jamnmore

Evaluations are every 3 years. If it has not been 3 years since the last one, they will not need to be eval for K. If you question the child's diagnosis, you may be best to see a private Dr for a 2nd opinion. Keep in mind a diagnosis is just a word. You have the final say for all services provided for your child. If you feel that the services are too much, pull some of them. You can ask to have them reinstated at a later date. But with an official diagnosis you will be able to receive services with less of a fight than if you did not have one.

My concern is because of her diagnosis she might be placed in a class not suitable for her.

Posted 8/15/17 8:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts


Re: Cpse to kinder question

Posted by islandersgirl74

Posted by jamnmore

Evaluations are every 3 years. If it has not been 3 years since the last one, they will not need to be eval for K. If you question the child's diagnosis, you may be best to see a private Dr for a 2nd opinion. Keep in mind a diagnosis is just a word. You have the final say for all services provided for your child. If you feel that the services are too much, pull some of them. You can ask to have them reinstated at a later date. But with an official diagnosis you will be able to receive services with less of a fight than if you did not have one.

My concern is because of her diagnosis she might be placed in a class not suitable for her.

Then I would talk to the school. The diagnosis should not dictate what her classroom placement is. The child should be placed in the Least Restrictive Environment. If you do not feel the classroom placement is proper then call a CSE meeting and discuss it with the team to determine why she is being placed in that class. Remember you have the final say for all placements. You must agree to the placement. If you are not sure what would be appropriate, table the meeting. That way all current services stay in effect. You can come back after you did some fact finding. Do not agree to anything you are not comfortable with. Always table the meeting.

Posted 8/15/17 8:46 AM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Cpse to kinder question

Children get formally evaluation every three years - sooner if requested by the parents but your preschool should have given your school district an "informal" evaluation prior to CSE with recommendations of placement. School districts also often visit the preschools to observe the children coming into district with IEPs to monitor the progress.

A diagnosis does not place a student in a class the need of the student does.

Posted 8/15/17 9:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Cpse to kinder question

Like others said, it's every 3 years. My son was evaluated before going into Pre-K, and will probably be evaluated again this upcoming year (he is starting K in the fall).

ETA before determining K placement the CPSE director should be observing your child.

Message edited 8/15/2017 11:14:09 AM.

Posted 8/15/17 11:13 AM

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