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crazy high electric bill

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1464 total posts


crazy high electric bill

we moved into our place july 1. for the first 3 motnhs, we weren't getting an electric bill- they were sending it to the wrong town- we live literally on the border block. so our first bill, for 3 months was about 600. then last month we got a bill for 330- which was not normal. we called LIPA, they said its probably jsut leftover from the billing screwup, meter read, so on. then ,we just got another elctric bill- which is really only the secodn montly bill- of 230. still WAY too high. we live a 3 bedroom duplex- LR,DR, kitchern downstairs, 3 bedroom upstairs. central gas/electric.
what do we do? we dont leave lights on all day, we are careful, does thsi sound right? coudl this still be a mess up form the summer? they said last moth -the first hgih monthly bill - was a prorate form over hte summer, btu somethign is not right?

Posted 12/25/11 4:27 PM
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LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

920 total posts


Re: crazy high electric bill

Chekck your bill and make sure they are billing you for a HOME and NOT commercial.

It's. Problem that they have.

Also, the house could be very innefiicent. Alsomdo you have 30 foot ceilings? We domand our power is 500 month.

Posted 12/25/11 8:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: crazy high electric bill

are you on balanced billing? I can see what they are doing. They didn't want you to have a super high bill, so they are adding a little over time. But the bill seems pretty normal to me.

Do you have xmas lights up? Those suckers take a lot of juice.

Posted 12/26/11 10:06 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1464 total posts


Re: crazy high electric bill

Posted by Erica

are you on balanced billing? I can see what they are doing. They didn't want you to have a super high bill, so they are adding a little over time. But the bill seems pretty normal to me.

Do you have xmas lights up? Those suckers take a lot of juice.

no xmas lights, not on balanced billing as far as I know. unless they did it without askign us.

Posted 12/26/11 1:48 PM

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