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Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Crying ALL DAY.....
Posted by curliegirl
We have an appointment tomorrow, I will tell them then. He definitely has a big gas problem and a bit of reflux (thanks to our ER visit we found out), but not enough to warrant actually doing anything but Maalox........
Michelle, what did you do for the reflux?
Awww, poor you guys
HOw are his bms?
For the acid reflux, we elevated the mattress, kept them sitting up for at least 20 min after eating and both my girls were/are on prevacid. My oldest was weaned at 15 months, my youngest is still on it. Made a world of difference, and I HATE giving/taking meds, but they needed it.
My youngest has reflux and milk protein allergy and she was just unsootheable, cried all day long for hours at a time. I cried along with her when my oldest wasn't around. It's so trying on you and you feel so helpless that your instinct is telling you somethings wrong but you don't know what. She had blood in her stool and was put on neocate as well as the prevacid.
I Personally don't believe in Colic, to me that was just a name docs gave babies who they couldn't figure out was wrong with them. All babies have a reflux, it's just a matter of the level and severity of it. The good news is-babies grow out of it :)
If you think somethings wrong, don't suffer, keep calling ped. Listen to that mommy gut.
Posted 12/5/07 1:13 PM |
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Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: Crying ALL DAY.....
Posted by curliegirl
Do you own a carrier yet? It may help you through this time.
I'll have to try it, he falls asleep in my arms and when I put him in the papasan, he wakes and cries.......
I'm thinking a growth spurt.....I'll see what happens tomorrow before our appointment...
maybe he just hates the papasan? DS is actually quite a calm baby but wouldnt last more than 10 minutes in that. I just got the infant toddler rocker and he seems to LOVE it. I'm not sure if it's the shape of the seat, like maybe not deep enough for some kids to be comfy?
Posted 12/5/07 1:55 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Crying ALL DAY.....
There was a point very early on where I thought all Jack wanted was to be held. Oh - and if we sat down he would freak out. This went on for a good two weeks. Non stop crying. Right around when he was 5 weeks.
I went out and bought every sleeping book out there. Turns out, I was missing his cues for wanting to nap. I thought he always wanted to be held - but really, he just wanted to nap - and by me constantly holding him - he was missing out on good naptime.
It would take a few times - of rocking him and then laying him in his crib before he wouldn't wake up. Somedays I would do it about 10 times - but finally he would take a nap.
ETA: Do you have the soothing motions glider? Jack didn't like his swing until he was about 3 months old.
Message edited 12/5/2007 2:32:54 PM.
Posted 12/5/07 2:32 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Crying ALL DAY.....
This was DD. She hated to be put down - if I was talking to her, singing to her, holding her, walking with her, etc she was happy - she refused to nap anywhere but in my arms etc. Over time she started to like her swing and bouncer seat for short periods of time. She would not sleep in her bassinet or pack n play during the day at all until about 3 or 4 months.
I found the ultimate baby carrier worked well, and just holding her - as much of a pain as it was then. We would try to take a nap together in the afternoon and she would get better. DD has reflux and was colicky she could cry for 4 hours or more straight every day and again at night.
Try swaddling - happiest baby on the block worked for many mommies.
Posted 12/5/07 3:06 PM |
Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06 2527 total posts
Name: D
Re: Crying ALL DAY.....
DD was like this as well. She would only sleep w/ DH and me in our bed; I had to buy a co-sleeper that got us through 3 tough weeks.
I started gas drops at about 2 weeks and then figured out she has a milk protein allergy (there was blood in her stool) We've finally gotten that "under control" with prescription EleCare formula but now she has acid reflux.
Friday she was started on Axid but I haven't seen a difference.
Anyway, what helped me was the book "The Happiest Baby on The Block". The techniques worked the first time I tried them.
She loves white noise (the shower running, me shhh'ing in her ear. I have radio that plays the sound of waves all night in her crib.)
I never thought it would get better but it really did. She still has her moments and spends a lot of time in her swing. I tried the carrier but she's not a fan yet. (P.S DD is 8 weeks on Friday)
Message edited 12/5/2007 3:25:00 PM.
Posted 12/5/07 3:22 PM |
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